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Looking out of the car window and remembering what happened yesterday.

Small Flash back

I was in the hospital after having an allergic reaction. I will never forget the look on Jimin and taehyung's face. It was like they didn't care.

Dad and Miranda came to the hospital to check on me and went home a few hours later. They took home the boys but Jin and Namjoon insisted on staying with me. I didn't protest because I didn't want to be alone. I spent the night at the hospital and we got picked up the next day.

We got dropped off straight at home and I took a shower and got cleaned up because I needed to go with Miranda to go get the things for the wedding because it was this weekend on Saturday and it is Monday.

Flash forward
I sighed as we pulled up to to the wedding place. Miranda noticed but didn't say anything. I got out of the car and went into the shop.
"Hi may I help you?" A lady with blonde hair and blue eyes asked walking up to us.
"Yea hi I need to find a Maid of honor dress and I need it before Saturday." Miranda said making me surprised.
'Maid of honor'
Was she trying to bribe me?
"If this is your way of bribing me, its not going to work." I said as I walked away to find a dress.

The theme of the wedding is vintage and modern. I picked out 2 dresses. One short red one and one plaid with green and red. They were beautiful and they were too good for this wedding but I guess they will do.
I went to the dressing room and put the dresses on and they fit me perfectly. They hugged my body well. I loved it.
I went too the cashier and put the dresses down the counter.
" $98.31 is your total. Would you like a a bag?" The cashier asked folding the dresses.
"Yes please." I said taking out my wallet.
As the cashier was putting the dresses in the bag Miranda came and handed the cashier a $100 bill.
"Look her women I don't need you to pay for my things." I said putting $110 on the counter as I took the bag and walked out.
"Keep the change." Closing the door behind me as I walked to the car. I had to wait till this lady came back outside and into the car.
She finally came back and we went to David's Bridal shop to make sure that the wedding dress was ready for the wedding. It was about a 1/2 an hour drive from where we were.
"So are you hungry?" Michelle asked causally. I glared at her and looked out of the window.
"No I'm not." I said coldly. She sighed and left me alone.
Small time skip

We finally got to the shop and Michelle went inside. I started to get hungry so I asked Sebastian to stop at a pizza place.
I waited for about 5 10 minutes before my number was called. I took the pizza and went to the  front of the car.
"Sebastian would you like a slice of pizza?" I asked waving the box of pizza in his face.
"No thank you ma'am." He said looking straight.
"If someone told you that you can't eat on the job,screw them you'd should eat. I'll deal with them. ans call me y/n." I said opening the box and grabbing some tissues.
"Here take one you know you want." I said him the napkin and pulling the box closer so he came take a slice.
He sighed.
"Thank you ma'am I mean y/n your really kind." He said with a small tear in his eye as he took the slice. I smiled and went to the back of the car.
" So Sebby tell me about yourself and your family.¨ I said getting comfortable with eating my pizza.
"Uh-h my daughter and wife called me Sebby but my daughter passed away a few years ago in an accident. The Sewol ferry incident. My wife couldn't take the pain and she committed suicide a few days later." He said.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I said quietly.
"No. It's not your fault. It was the captains fault in the first place. When you called me Sebby you reminded me of my wife. She called me that'll the time. Don't apologize." He said wiping his tears with the napkin.
"I honestly don't know what to say." I said quietly.
"You don't need to say anything . If you'd like you can keep calling me Sebby." He said wiping his hands with hand sanitizer and he passed it back to me.
"Of course Sebby." I said smiling wiping my hands with the sanitizer.
Michelle can back ruining the moment.
"Oh look you brought food. The dress is almost ready they just need to add final touches." She said excitedly. I looked at her like she was stupid and ignored her.
"Anyway Sebby can you take me home. I'm sleepy." I said turning back to face him. He looked kinda worried. I figured that because he wasn't worried before so Miranda's presence has to do with it.
"Uh yes ma'am." He said Boeing in the mirror and started the car.
"No need to call me ma'am. Just call me y/n" I said smiling.
"Yea ma- I mean y/n." He said driving off.
Miranda looked pissed.
I mean I warmed up to a driver over her who will marry my father.
I looked at her and and rolled my eyes.
Another mini time skip - 1 hour later
We finally got home after an hour of driving and all of that shopping. I went straight to my room and took a shower.
When I was finished I went I got he kitchen to warm up my food. I had 5 slices of pizza left cause Miranda took one.
I warmed a slice up in the oven and as I waited I made an iced coffee with caramel and whipped cream. By the time I was done the pizza was halfway done so I went to set everything in the meanwhile.
"Hey." Namjoon said as he walked into the kitchen.
"Hi. Are you hungry?" I asked as I finished setting the table.
"Yea. I'm more than hungry, starving if you ask me." He said opening the fridge.
"And theirs nothing good." He said disappointingly
"There's pizza. Here I'll put in a few slices for you." I said taking the box off the table.
(He only didn't see it at first cause I blocked the view and when he went into the refrigerator the counter blocked it.)
"Yea sure. Thanks." He said smiling as he walked over to take the box.

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