A Visit

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Previously on The stepbrother:
I finished beating her. I had covered her mouth to make sure that no one would hear her and I beat her.I also had unplugged the machines to ensure that her heart rate monitor wouldn't go off. I didn't regret it.
" Your getting married on your Eighteen birthday."
Her birthday was a few months away. I fixed my belt and walked out of the room leaving her sobbing on the bed as she fixed the leads and plugged the machines.
Side note (Before I put her birthday a few days away but actually it's a few months away).
I was afraid. Appa just beat the hell out of me and no one knew. I sat down on the beat crying very hard but very quietly. I was afraid that he would come back to give me another beating.
How could a father do this to his own daughter? Appa had no problems when he was drunk even though he barley drank. He had never beat me before. For the first time in a very long time I was afraid of my father. If he did this once wouldn't he do it again?
I cried myself to sleep and did everything I could to hide the redness of my body. I covered myself with sheets and a sweater/ sweat pants and I quietly went to sleep.
Time skip- The next day
I woke up the next day to see that the doctors in my room were making their rounds. I stayed quiet to make sure they didn't see me. Luckily they didn't and they left the room.
I slowly got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I was done I went outside and he was there.
"Here's some makeup to cover the bruises and some clothes. Hurry up and cover up until we get home to plan your marriage." He said as he looked at me disgustedly and walked out the room. I waited a few minutes to make sure he was gone and then I went to get the makeup. I put on the clothes and then I finished with my makeup.
As soon as I was done a doctor came in and checked my heart rate blood pressure and everything else. When she was done she left the room and Appa came in. I swallowed hard and I was a bit shaky from being afraid.
"Let's go." He motioned as be pointed to the door. I slowly got up and got my phone/headphones/watch and slowly walked out if the room. I thanked all of the doctors and nurses and walked out of the hospital and into the passengers seat of Sebastian's car. He greeted me back and waited for my father to get into the car. He finally came in and told Sebastian to drive straight home.
"When we get home you will go straight into your room. You will not have any contact with anyone especially one of your stepbrothers. Is that understood?" He said as he look straight into the mirror seriously.
"Yes father." I said as I looked into the mirror real quick and then looked away.
30 Minutes later
We finally arrived home and appa went inside first and I got out of the car really slowly as the bruises on my body were really hurting.
"Ma'am, let me help you out of the car." He said as he rushed to my side of the car and helped me out.
"Thank you Sebby. Your very helpful." I said as I slowly stepped out as I held his hand. I felt the need to look up at a certain window and when I did he was there.
It was seokjin. We started at each other for what felt like 1 minute before I was brought back to attention by Sebastian.
"Ma'am. Sometimes love is worth it. My wife was my stepsister and we got married with a kid. Our parents didn't accept us so we ran away together. Our parents still don't know where we are to this day. In the end you should do what you believe is correct." He explained as he closed the car door behind me.
"Lee Y/N get inside right now." My father suddenly yelled outside the door. I gave Sebastian a sad smile and walked inside as quickly as possible.
"I thought I told you no contact with anyone." He yelled as he grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. When We were inside he dragged me up to my room while we passed Miranda as she looked at me sadly.
Once we go into my room he throw me on the bed and started to speak.
"Welcome to hell. This is where you will stay until your wedding day. The only time you are allowed to leave your room is when you are going to school and when you meet your future husband. Once you are married you will live with your husband. When you go to school you will be guarded by a female bodyguard. When school is over you are to come straight home, if not there will be consequences and after last night you don't know what will happen next. It may be worse. When you come home you are to come straight to your room. You aren't allowed to have any electronic except for a strictly controlled tv and a camera which will be live 24/7 and monitored by me. Your windows are locked shut even the ones in your bathroom. Welcome to Lee Jungmin jail. Welcome to Jungmin's hell." He said as he shut the door and locked it.
I got up and walked into the bathroom and stared to undress. I got the bath ready as tears started to flow out of my eyes. I got in the bath and just cried and cried for hours.

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