Chapter 1: I'll Be Someone Who Loves You

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December 24, 2017 

Sana felt insanely nervous. She finally received her Maturation Prediction results from the clinic less than a week before her 21st birthday. She opened the thick envelope nervously, hardly breathing. Mina's arm was intertwined with hers and Mina also trembled as she opened her own matching report. The medical assessment would tell them whether they would be classified as alpha, beta, or omega when they turned 21. The report was most accurate when taken within 3 months of your 21st birthday. Sana was dying to take the test for the last 3 months to see what fate had in store for her, but her girlfriend Mina was 3 months younger so Sana decided to wait until Mina could take the test too.

"On the count of 3?" Mina whispered. She looked anxiously at Sana who was a mirror of her expression. Sana almost wanted to laugh at how serious Mina looked but Sana understood her girlfriend's feelings because it would be terrible if they ended up getting incompatible results. An alpha/omega combination would be the ultimate compatible result for them. It didn't matter who had each role as long as it meant they could happily enjoy the full experience of their mating bonds.

Mina and Sana agreed to try to make their relationship work even if they ended up with incompatible results like alpha/alpha or omega/omega. Beta/beta wouldn't be too bad of a result. Betas were known to have less raging hormones compared to alphas and omegas, so they would still be able to manage their feelings for each other well in that case. Alpha/alpha and omega/omega would be troublesome though. There was a natural attraction between alphas and omegas that was hard to fight. It seemed inevitable that alphas and omegas would end up with each other in the end, so both Mina and Sana worried what would happen to them if fate was not on their side.

Sana took Mina's hand and then kissed her nervous smile. "It's going to be ok Mitang," Sana said confidently. "We'll get good results. I guarantee it!" Sana honestly felt the unbearable anxiety in her chest but she wanted to be brave for her girlfriend.

Mina smiled a little and nodded. "1 2 3!"

They each opened their envelopes and held the papers side by side...


August 26, 2017

Sana and Mina have known each other for over half a year now but they only dated for about 2 months. They met at 20 in college and it felt a bit like love at first sight. It was easy for them to become friends. It was easy one lazy summer day for Sana to lean in and kiss Mina. Mina didn't run from the surge of heat from the person who should've just been a friend. Instead she chased it. They became a couple and none of their friends were surprised because of how compatible their opposite personalities seemed to be. Sana loved to give Mina affection and Mina loved the attention Sana gives her. It was a perfect match.

"Be careful," Nayeon warned. "You may not be compatible when you reach Maturity." She reminded them.

Sana and Mina looked up curiously at Nayeon. Nayeon looked back down at the couple who were twisted in a pretzel on the sofa in a hug. Nayeon knew Mina and Sana were very fond of each other, but sometimes feelings didn't win over fate.

"You know Jeongyeon and Momo, right? They got their Maturation Prediction results already."

"And??" Sana and Mina asked in unison. But Nayeon shook her head with a frown.

"They aren't a match. Jeongyeon is beta. Momo is omega."

"But they can still be together right?" Mina wondered. "The Maturity outcome isn't so important when they're in love."

"Momo won't be able to escape the urges of being omega," Nayeon explained with a sigh. " Jeongyeon knows it so she broke up with Momo already even though they don't reach Maturity for another 3 months. They were both devastated the last time I talked to them." Nayeon said.

The End of Everything [Misana | 2na | Mina x Sana]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora