Chapter 6: You Can't Hurt Me Any More Than Right Now

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The thing Mina loved most about Sana was Sana's kindness. Ever since they first met and became friends and then girlfriends, first and foremost Sana was kind. Sana always thought of Mina first. Sana always made sure Mina was comfortable and happy and Sana never pressured her into doing something she didn't want to do.

The Sana who currently had Mina pinned to the bed did not resemble her Sana.

"Wait Sana. Stop!"

Sana did not seem to be listening. She had her face buried in Mina's neck. Her hands ripped open Mina's top and exposed her lacy black lingerie bra again. Sana's cock pressed roughly into her thigh. Mina could feel the rigid heat even through her pants and she flinched at the touch. This was not her kind Sana. This was the alpha hormones that Sana had not yet learned to control.

"Sana get off me. Sana!" Mina pushed her hands against Sana's chest to create distance between them but Sana didn't move from her position on top. Mina sighed in frustration. She didn't want to do this but... SLAP! She whipped her hand as hard as she could across Sana's face. The sound cracked crisply across the hotel room. Sana pulled back momentarily and Mina escaped from beneath her. Mina took a shaky breath and backed away several steps from the bed. Sana looked stunned and touched her stinging face gently.

"Are you... Are you ok?" Mina asked nervously. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to slap you but--"

"No," Sana said quickly. "I needed that. I wasn't thinking correctly. I'm sorry I pushed you down like that. The hormones..." Sana took a shaky breath. "That porn triggered a lot of hormones all at once. I feel like I need to fuck something before I die." Mina could see the seriousness in Sana's eyes. There was sweat beading across her brow.

"Sana... We can't..."

"I know. We're not going to. I just... This is how my body feels right now." Sana sighed heavily and threw the blanket back over herself. "Thanks for helping me through the night but you need to go now."

"Y-yeah..." Mina agreed. "Can you call me later when you get home? We can--"

"No. I don't mean just now. I mean we should break up," Sana explained.

Mina's heart sank. It shattered into a million pieces and each one seemed to stab her in the chest. Sana couldn't be serious... "What? Why?" Mina asked.

"We should end things before one of us gets hurt. An alpha/alpha relationship would never work out," Sana replied coldly.

"You don't know that," Mina said weakly. Mina started to approach the bed but Sana held up both hands like telling her to stay back.

"Just go Mina. I'm begging you."

There was no warmth in Sana's eyes. No kindness or smiles. Mina hardly recognized her. "Becoming an alpha made you fall out of love for me so quickly, huh," Mina mumbled in disbelief. The tears fell quickly now. "If you want me to leave, then I'll leave."

Mina turned to leave without another word and this broke Sana's heart too. "It's not like that Mina. I still love you. But right now my brain is screaming at me to mate with an omega. Even if I take suppressants, my brain will still beg for an omega. You know it too. Nayeon's told us so many times how she can't escape the desire for an omega. How can we do this for the rest of our lives? But... But..." Sana held her hands in tight fists. Her breathing came heavily.

"But I just wanna fuck you SO BAD even though I know I shouldn't and I don't have the willpower to stop myself if you stay here any longer. So just do us both a favor and get the fuck out of here," Sana yelled angrily. The pain between her legs flared again. This time likely from her erection going without attention for so long. She would likely need to masturbate before it got worse, but she didn't want to do it with Mina watching. "GET OUT!" Sana yelled. Then she groaned in pain and doubled over.

The End of Everything [Misana | 2na | Mina x Sana]Where stories live. Discover now