Chapter 5: You Said You'd Be Someone Who Loves Me

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December 30, 2017 

"How could this happen??" Sana cried. "The report said I would be an omega! If we're both alphas, we won't be able to be together!" Sana hid her face in her hands and tried to make sense of the situation. The reports were so clear. Sana had over a 95% chance of being an omega. And Mina had a 95% chance of being an alpha. It was Mina who should have become the alpha. It didn't make sense otherwise.

"Could the results have been switched for us?" Sana asked desperately. She turned to look at Mina. "Maybe I should have had the alpha result and you should have had the Omega result all along. It's possible right??"

Sana was grasping at anything that would help her deny the reality. Sana was desperate with panic but Mina seemed shocked with despair. Mina shook her head slowly at Sana with the saddest look in her eyes.

"I'm not sure," Mina said shakily. "But I don't think so. I read through both reports thoroughly and they had all of our information correctly. Our heights and weights and ages... our blood types." Sana was blood type B and Mina was A. Mina shook her head again slowly. "We can check with the clinic to be sure, but I don't think they mixed is up."

"No... No no no no no!" Sana buried her head into the bed sheets and wailed. It was too much. All her desires and wishes to be with Mina meant nothing now. Fate had cursed them in the end. Alphas were destined to be with omegas. It was almost inevitable. Once Mina transitioned, they would both be alphas destined to mate with other omegas instead of being together. It was too cruel of a reality.

Mina came close and wrapped her arms around Sana's shoulders. "It's ok Satang. This changes nothing between us!" Mina said resolutely. "You and I will stay together. I'm still your alpha and I'll take care of you like I promised."

"But I am NOT your omega," Sana sobbed. "Didn't you dream to be with me? To bond with me and mate with me? This is all I've thought about since we got our results. I thought about it even before the results." Sana pointed at the pain between her legs. "THIS isn't how it was supposed to be!"

"I know," Mina agreed with tears in her eyes. "But you said you would still be someone who loves me after Maturity right? Sana LOOK AT ME."

Mina never spoke loudly but her loud voice drew Sana's attention amid her despair. Sana abruptly stopped crying and finally looked up.

"Just breathe," Mina said soothingly. She rubbed Sana's back until Sana complied. "I still love you. I still want to be with you. So don't cry tonight ok? First let's endure your transition even if it was not the transition you were expecting. I'm worried about your health first. Do you think you can sleep?"

"How can I sleep?" Sana sobbed. It felt too painful to breathe or to even exist. "I can't do it."

Mina wrapped her arms around Sana's sobbing form more tightly. "You can't lie in my arms in bed? I think you're actually an expert at this."

Sana knows that Mina is simply trying to cheer her up, but Sana felt unconsolable right now. She buried her face deeper into the bed sheets and cried harder. Her body was curled into a tight ball of frustration and despair. She cried non stop for an hour and Mina stayed by her side throughout all the tears. As Sana's cries grew weaker and more tired Mina slowly nudged Sana to lie down on her side. She slowly urged Sana to release her balled up fists and relax her tired body. Sana still hiccuped with distraught tears but at least now her exhausted body laid in Mina's arms.

"It's ok my baby," Mina whispered soothingly into Sana's ears. "Everything will be ok. We just need to sleep."

Sana shook her head. Even though she was still mourning the broken parts of her relationship with Mina, the ache and pain in between her legs had not subsided. "I can't sleep... It still hurts," Sana whined pitifully.

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