Chapter 14: Let Me Take You Home

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February 14, 2018

How to deal with these complicated feelings, Mina wondered to herself. On the one hand, Mina knew it wasn't Sana's fault that she got triggered into a rut by someone else. Sana honestly couldn't have helped it. On the other hand, Mina was fucking mad. Or more like she felt hurt. Or felt just plain defeated. Since the day Mina left Sana's apartment, Sana had sent her a single text every morning and a single text every night.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I want to see you so I can apologize properly but I'm respecting your space. I love you and that I'm always here for you. Please call me when you're ready to talk."

It was always a short and simple message like this because Sana didn't want to overwhelm her. Sana didn't bombard her with calls and texts and voicemails even though Sana was probably dying to do so. Mina knew the simple texts were sincere and Sana was feeling bad, but Mina still felt really blah about the whole situation. Mina was a useless non-omega who would never be good enough for an alpha like Sana. Maybe it was something stupid to be upset about, but Mina hadn't left her apartment in three days because she was so upset about it. And now it was Valentine's day. She and Sana had planned to spend the day together before the whole Momo thing happened, but right now Mina planned to spend it alone instead.

Was Mina supposed to just get over her feelings and go back to normal with Sana? Or was it better to just give up on Sana entirely and get on with her life? The uncertainty made Mina feel even more crappy about herself and the situation.

The phone rang and Mina picked it up expecting it to be Jihyo. Jihyo had already called to check in a few times. It wasn't Jihyo though. It wasn't even Sana, who would've been Mina's second guess after Jihyo. It was actually Momo. Mina hesitated to pick it up because it wasn't like she was feeling happy with Momo at the moment either, but she decided to answer anyway.


"H...hey Mina," Momo replied hesitantly. "Are you... are you doing ok?"

"No," Mina answered flatly. She didn't feel particularly chatty.

"I get it," Momo sighed. "And I'm sorry about what happened. Can we talk about it?"

"I don't really feel like talking about that. Or talking about anything right now."

"Then... Will you please listen to my explanation? Or at least listen to my story? I just really need to talk to someone right now. It's about what happened after we left the restaurant. Me and Jeongyeon and--"

Mina was very much ready to refuse to listen to Momo's story. But then Momo uttered one more name, and suddenly Mina felt intrigued enough to listen.


October 20, 2017

Momo felt like she had lost track of time for months now. All the days and weeks were blending together. All the time that had passed after Jeongyeon broke up with her in August was a big messy blur. Honestly, Momo wished her and Jeongyeon's 21st birthdays would never ever come.

"Omega suits you perfectly!" People told Momo after she got her maturation prediction results. "It's nice to be an omega because your partner will take care of you," she heard repeatedly. But everyone was wrong. They didn't know what they were talking about because Jeongyeon didn't want anything to do with her anymore after it was predicted that Momo was an omega.

Yoo Jeongyeon... Why did their relationship have to end just like that? Why were they happy and madly in love one moment, and then sad and lonely the next? Momo really believed that Jeongyeon was just scared about their relationship even outside of the whole Maturity thing and she was just using it as an excuse to break up, but Momo also really believed Jeongyeon would eventually realize that they belonged together. The closer their birthdays came and the longer their breakup become though... Momo started to realize that things between her and Jeongyeon were really over.

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