Chapter 10: I Just Needed You To Realize It Too

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January 7, 2018

Mina wasn't in bed when Sana woke up the next morning. If Sana hadn't been lying naked under the sheets in Mina's room with the smell of sex still in the air, Sana would've wondered if last night was just a dream. There was a bit of a hangover hammering in Sana's head. It wasn't surprising given how much alcohol Sana drank last night. She sat up and took a sip of water from the glass on Mina's nightstand.

Last night... It was good. The drinking part: not so much. But seeing Mina after so long: good. The sex: even better. Waking up without Mina was a huge disappointment though. Sana was used to waking up in the mornings at Mina's place with Mina in her arms. Mina watching her. Mina teasing her. Mina greeting her with a morning kiss. Where was Mina now? Sana rolled to Mina's side of the bed. It smelled like Mina. It smelled like Mina's honey sweet nectar laced with Sana's dominating scent. It smelled like sex. Like lust and love. It smelled like THEM.

Sana buried her nose into Mina's bedsheets and breathed deeply. Her body grew hot. Her dick swelled with morning desire and alpha hormones that had not yet been suppressed for the day. Sana suddenly needed to find Mina right away. Without bothering to put on clothes that would likely be taken back off soon, Sana opened the bedroom door and went to the living room. "Mina?"

Mina was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. She looked surprised to see Sana walk out of her bedroom naked with a morning erection but she looked happy all the same. Mina was not alone though. Jihyo was at the table too.

"Yowza!" Jihyo commented when Sana appeared. Her eyes went wide and zeroed in on Sana's very large and very hard dick. Sana went from aroused to embarrassed in an instant. "Good morning Ms. Minatozaki!"

Sana yelped and leapt back into the bedroom. She slammed the door behind her. Fuck! How embarrassing! How was Sana supposed to know that Mina had a guest over so early in the morning? And what was Sana supposed to do now? Put on some clothes and go back out? Stay here and wait out Jihyo's visit? Fucking alpha hormones. Sana grumpily went to Mina's nightstand where a new box of alpha suppressants was sitting and drank one as she thought about her next move. A few moments later Mina entered the room. Her smile was cheeky while Sana still looked upset by the encounter with Jihyo.

"That was a nice morning greeting," Mina laughed.

"Stop teasing. How was I supposed to know Jihyo was over?"

Mina laughed again. "Don't worry. She thought it was funny too. She just left by the way."

"I'm glad my penis was so amusing," Sana grumbled. "When did you get up this morning?"

"About an hour ago. I took a shower and Jihyo called and asked to come over. She needed a hand in planning for her birthday. Anyway, do you need a hand too this morning?" Mina joked, gesturing at Sana's still hard erection. "Maybe a mouth..." Sana covered her penis in embarrassment using her hands. "Hey, don't be shy," Mina said gently. "Not after last night." She motioned Sana to come closer.

Sana shook her head. "Hold it. We agreed to talk this morning."

Mina nodded. "Agreed, we need to talk. But that doesn't mean I can't give you a blow job first. Your dick looks lonely and neglected." Mina went over to Sana and kneeled to the ground. Sana protested but Mina took Sana into her mouth anyway. Ah... It was hard for Sana to fight back when Mina's mouth was so wet and soft and hot... But no! They had to talk! Sana pulled back and hastily stepped away from Mina who looked confused.

"No really, let's talk first."

"Life is too short to talk, don't you think?" Mina countered. She tried to approach Sana again with a coy smile but Sana backed away too.

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