Chapter 2: I'll Be With You Wherever You Go

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November 9, 2017 

When someone turned 21, there were many different ways to handle the transition. The most traditional way to handle it was at home in private with only your very close relatives who have also gone through Maturity nearby to help you if needed, but otherwise it was supposed to be a very solo and private experience. The beta transition was over in an instant (if anything even happened). The female omega and male alpha transitions were finished in about a day or two with main change being learning to control the mating urges brought on by new hormones. It could be even quicker if using suppressants to help.

The female alpha and male omega transitions were the most intense and could take anywhere from a day or two to up to a week. Sometimes female alphas and male omegas made plans to stay at a hospital in case they needed medical support during that time. In the old days, it just made sense to stay at home in private or with medical specialists until the transition was over and the person was feeling stable enough to go out into the world again without trying to mate with the first person they saw.

These days the helpful suppressant drugs were more easily available, so kids no longer handled transitions traditionally. Some make plans to gather with friends and undergo their transitions during a party. Others (especially alphas and omegas) make plans for a partner of the opposite classification to be there so that they could immediately mate once transitioned. And even more recently, YouTubers and vloggers began to Livestream their transition for others to watch. It was wild times these days.

Momo opted to celebrate with friends, only her closest girls friends. She rented a hotel room for herself, Sana, Mina, and Jihyo to hang out in. As Momo was becoming an omega, it was too dangerous for Nayeon as an alpha to be around. Even with Momo taking omega suppressants to prepare for the transition, the omega hormones could be overwhelming to control at first. And Jeongyeon said she couldn't bear to see Momo transition even though Momo had come up her beta transition party the week before.

"My relationship with Momo is truly over after her transition. I can't watch it," Jeongyeon said. So she and Nayeon were hanging out separately from Momo's party.

At the hotel room they passed around drinks and snacks. The TV was on in the background but no one paid attention as they were too busy chatting. Jihyo was surprised when she asked Sana about her Maturity Prediction results but Sana said she hadn't taken it yet.

"Your birthday is so soon though! Aren't you curious about your results?" Jihyo asked.

Sana shook her head no. "Mina can't find out until closer to the end of the year anyway, so I'll wait until the week of my birthday to find out. How about you?

Jihyo puffed up her chest proudly. "I'm going to be an alpha!"

"Wow, congratulations!" The girls celebrated. "It suits your personality perfectly!"

"Are you nervous for the transition?" Mina asked.

Jihyo admitted yes, but said Nayeon was planning to help her through it. They made plans to celebrate Jihyo's birthday together.

"I guess I won't be able to celebrate with you," Momo laughed since she was an omega. "Have you told Jeongie too?

Jihyo nodded. "I could tell she wasn't very happy. I think she was envious that I could be an alpha when she couldn't. She's still upset that she became a beta while you became an omega."

Momo sighed. "She's creating her heartache on her own. I told her I still love her and want to be with her. I told her that these hormones wouldn't come between us. But she doesn't believe me."

"Do you feel anything yet?" Mina asked Momo, wondering if the transition had started yet. Momo shook her head.

"I wasn't born until 6pm so I have another hour before it starts. Let's see how powerful these hormones are."

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