Chapter 17: Pretend Like I Didn't Just Say That

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February 16, 2018

Jihyo sat at the counter of a bar and sipped on her drink. She was hanging out by herself in public for the first time ever, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as she imagined it would be. Actually, it was a very welcome feeling to be alone and free from drama tonight. This past week had been packed with drama for Jihyo even though none of the drama was her own. On the night of the 9th, Jeongyeon had showed up at her apartment late at night in tears. Jihyo heard all about the surprising threesome between Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo along with the surprising way Jeongyeon had run away from it. She comforted Jeongyeon all night until Jeongyeon fell asleep at her place and then went back to her own apartment the next morning.

Then Momo had called Jihyo to talk about Jeongyeon. And Nayeon showed up later that night wanting to go drinking to stop thinking about Jeongyeon. Then it was the 11th and Mina called in tears after days of dealing with Sana's rut and her own insecurities. And then there were a couple of days of Sana deciding to be a huge helpless romantic and camped out in front of Mina's apartment for hours on end. Jihyo was worriedly stopping by to check on Sana with meals and hot drinks to make sure she didn't freeze to death. If Momo hadn't told Mina what Sana was secretly (and stupidly) doing, Jihyo was ready to tell Mina herself to end the madness.

But things with her friends had finally quieted down now. She heard Sana and Mina made up from their fight (was this the second or third time they had fought and made up this year?). Apparently Jeongyeon had NOT yet resolved things with Nayeon and Momo, but the three of them seemed a lot calmer now than right after their threesome so Jihyo didn't see any reason to push them into talking. All of this to say that Jihyo finally had a drama-free night to herself for the first time in ages, and she was enjoying having a peaceful drink by herself.

"Ready for another?" the pretty bartender asked Jihyo. The tall woman, Tzuyu, stood in front of Jihyo with another bottle of soju in hand. It was a rather tempting offer.

"I dunno... it's pretty late," Jihyo said with a smile. She wasn't drunk yet, far from it actually, but it was almost closing time and too late to start a new bottle. "You're gonna have to kick me outta here soon, aren't you?"

"You haven't given me any trouble tonight. I wouldn't mind letting you stay while I close," Tzuyu said with a wink. She placed the bottle down next to Jihyo. "Take it. I'll join you after the last stragglers leave."

Jihyo grinned and opened up the bottle. She didn't want to get ahead of herself, but Tzuyu seemed to be flirting with her a bit all night. Maybe Tzuyu was just a really friendly and social bartender who just happened to throw a lot of smiles her way tonight. Or maybe Jihyo was about to get really lucky for the first time ever as an alpha. She poured herself a fresh glass and watched Tzuyu ring up the last few customers and clean up their tables. After the last person was gone, Tzuyu locked the door and came over to Jihyo with a fresh shot glass in hand.

"Poor me a big one Jihyo-ya," Tzuyu said with a smile. She slid her empty glass towards Jihyo. It was bold of Tzuyu to call her name so affectionately after only one night of talking, not that Jihyo minded. She happily filled Tzuyu's glass to the brim. "Baby alpha?" Tzuyu guessed with a confident nod at Jihyo. She took the glass of soju and chugged it in a gulp.

"You can tell?"

"From a mile away," Tzuyu laughed. "You get good at reading people when you work at a bar for a few years. Have you figured out what I am?"

Jihyo shook her head. Sana seemed to have a good nose for sniffing out people's classifications from a distance, but Jihyo's nose was not nearly as talented. Tzuyu smiled mischievously and leaned in closer, inviting Jihyo into her personal space. Jihyo didn't even hesitate. Without touching Tzuyu, Jihyo moved in close enough that she could feel Tzuyu's warmth of her cheek when she took a breath from the crook of Tzuyu's neck.

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