Chapter 24: Home Is Wherever We Are

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"W-wait... W-wait a minute. You're WHAT??" Mina basically shouted at Momo. Mina hadn't meant for her question to come out with so much disbelief behind it, but she didn't know how else to respond. Momo was pregnant? PREGNANT?? As in carrying someone's child??? Momo had only been an omega for four months. How could she already be pregnant!? Mina was definitely shocked by the news, but Mina could tell that Momo was even more shocked about it. From across the table she watched as Momo broke down and started to cry. Mina quickly moved her chair closer to Momo and pulled her in for a hug. She let Momo cry on her shoulder, rubbing Momo's back reassuringly.

"Is it Nayeon's?" Mina asked. Momo nodded between sobs and Mina sighed with relief. At least this made things a tiny bit less complicated. "But how did this happen?" Mina wondered softly. "I thought you were taking a combination birth control/omega suppressant since you transitioned."

"I WAS taking a birth control suppressant. At least in the beginning," Momo tearfully confirmed. "But do you remember how my hormones were out of whack at first? Well the doctor had me try out all kinds of omega suppressants. Some of them didn't have birth control. It wasn't a problem because I wasn't dating an alpha at the time, but then Sana and I accidentally triggered each other and then Jeongyeon called Nayeon out of the blue to help me and then..." Momo didn't have to finish the story. Mina already knew how things turned out after that.

"So you got pregnant the first time Nayeon knotted you?"

Momo nodded and started to cry again. "The doctor said I'm 6 weeks along. That first night was the only time I was with Nayeon where I wasn't on birth control. I started using a combo birth control suppressant again the day after, but it was already too late..." Momo buried her face in her hands. "God Mina. I really fucked this up."

Mina hugged Momo tightly. "You didn't fuck up anything," Mina tried to reassure her. "That heat came out of nowhere. You didn't know it was gonna happen. You didn't know Jeongyeon was gonna call Nayeon to help you. Did either of THEM even ask you if you were on birth control or suggest using a condom? This isn't all on you Momo."

"But it IS!" Momo insisted. "I'm the idiot omega who had to go and get pregnant less than a month after we all started dating. We're not ready for this. I'M not ready for this. And Jeongyeon--" Momo let out a strangled sob. "She already feels SO left out as a beta. How can she stand the thought of me carrying Nayeon's baby??"

Momo cried into Mina's shoulder and Mina didn't know what else to say. Honestly, Mina would probably be reacting the same way if she were in Momo's place. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo only started dating at the beginning of March. And before they could reach the end of the month, Momo was pregnant. How could a new relationship handle such a difficult challenge? But if there was ANY relationship that could endure this, Mina knew it was Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo's.

"It's gonna be ok," Mina murmured softly.

"How can it be ok?? Nayeon and Jeongyeon and I have never even talked about having kids!" Momo cried back. "What if they don't want this baby? What if everything falls apart now? I can't have a baby on my own!!"

"Momo-ya... Whatever happens, you WON'T be alone," Mina said firmly. "Sana and I are here for you. Jihyo is here for you. And as scared as you are right now that this baby will change everything, I know Nayeon and Jeongyeon are gonna be here for you too. You three are not strangers who just started dating. You three are BEST friends. You're FAMILY. We're all gonna be here for you, Momo-ya. For you AND the baby."

Momo sniffled tearfully. "But... but I don't even know if I want this baby... What if I don't want to keep it?"

Mina wrapped Momo up into another hug. "It's ok whether you keep it or you don't. The important thing is that you do what's right for you. Try to take a deep breath ok?" Mina tried her best to keep Momo calm. As overwhelming as the situation was, nothing good would come from thinking that everything was hopeless. "You're allowed to not know how you feel right now. I just want you to know that you have options. You can keep the baby or abort it or give it up for adoption if that's what you want. Just remember that no matter what, your friends are gonna be there for you."

The End of Everything [Misana | 2na | Mina x Sana]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora