Chapter 16: No Matter What It Is, We'll Face It Together

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February 14, 2018

Mina gasped at the finale of Momo's story. It was a wild ride between Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo, and Mina couldn't believe how abruptly it ended. "Jeongyeon really just walked away while you and Nayeon were knotted? After everything that happened?" Mina asked incredulously.

Momo sighed heavily. "Yep..."

"Where is she now?" Mina asked, realizing the story happened 5 days ago. "Is she ok??"

"Don't worry, she's back at her apartment. As for what happened afterwards, it's a mess for another day," Momo laughed bitterly. "But... do you get what I'm trying to tell you? Sana's rut was ALL my fault. She couldn't have helped it. Jeongyeon was the one who I wanted at the restaurant and Sana was a victim because of my unexpected heat. Please, you have to believe me Mina..." Momo begged. "Sana and I don't have feelings for each other."

Mina sighed softly. "I believe you Momo. I think I knew all along Sana didn't have feelings for you. I just..." Another heavy sigh. "Me not being an omega just makes everything harder, you know?"

"I know what you mean," Momo agreed sympathetically. "It's not easy to have a partner that's not a compatible classification. But I think what you and Sana have is something special, even before Sana Matured into an alpha and especially after. I see the way you guys look at each other and how you care for one another. And I'm not saying that Sana tells me anything about your sex lives, but it sounds like Sana is ridiculously happy being with you. Like RIDICULOUSLY happy."

Mina managed a sincere laugh. "Exactly how much detail is Sana giving you?"

"Er... I'm not sure what kind of answer will keep Sana out of trouble so I'll just end the conversation with this: did you know that Sana has spent the last 2 days camped out in front of your apartment?"

"What?" Mina exclaimed in surprise. "She did WHAT?"

"She's been worried about you. And she misses you. She said wanted to stay close by in case you finally called her and you wanted to see her." Mina felt the insecure feelings from the last few days start to melt away a bit as Momo explained the situation. "Sana's actually sitting in front of your apartment right now," Momo added gently.

"That idiot..." Mina murmured. She was more concerned than upset though. Quickly, Mina went over to the intercom and checked the video feed. She saw Sana sitting on a folding chair a short distance away from the door, bundled up in winter gear and huddled under a blanket for warmth. Mina felt her heart ache when she thought of how cold it had been the last few days. How many hours a day did Sana sit there patiently giving Mina space while also hoping Mina would call her?

"Momo..." Mina said softly into the phone. "Thanks for telling me your story and for telling me about Sana. I need to hang up on you now though."

"Will you call her?" Momo asked hopefully. "You don't have make up with Sana if you're not ready yet, but please don't let her spend the night outside again," she pleaded.

"Don't worry Momo-ya," Mina replied sincerely. "I promise I'll take good care of Sana. I talk to you soon."

Mina hung up on Momo and started to pull up Sana's number. She watched the intercom screen as she made the call. Sana jumped in surprise when her phone started ringing and Mina couldn't help but smile when Sana frantically shook off both gloves so she could pick up her phone to answer Mina's call.

"Hello? Mitang?? Are you ok???" Sana hurriedly greeted and questioned the moment she had the phone to her ear.

"I'm ok," Mina replied softly. She smiled fondly as Sana jumped up and down in excitement through the intercom video feed. Sana likely didn't even know that Mina was watching her. "It's probably really cold outside, huh? Why don't you come up to my apartment and we can talk? I'll buzz you in."

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