Chapter 25: Somehow Making Things Worse

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March 29, 2018 (Evening)

Momo never thought it was scary to be in love with Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Moreso than either of them, Momo was very much "go with the flow" when it came to love. This was how Momo accepted being in love with two people at the same time so quickly, unlike Nayeon who had quietly contemplated the concept for years on her own, or Jeongyeon who had constantly run away from her feelings for just as long. Loving Nayeon and Jeongyeon wasn't scary to Momo at all. But this--telling her girlfriends that she was pregnant--this was by far the scariest thing Momo had ever done in her life.

Momo knew she needed to get this over with. She had already talked for hours with Mina and Sana last night to try to gain courage from their reassurance. Momo knew what she wanted to do regarding the baby she now carried inside her. She was going to keep it no matter what, even if Nayeon and Jeongyeon wanted nothing to do with the baby. Momo had Sana and Mina's support, and she knew Jihyo would support her too once she let Jihyo in on the news. And in her heart, Momo knew that Nayeon and Jeongyeon wouldn't abandon her or their baby even though this was a totally unplanned twist in their relationship. But somehow it felt impossible for Momo to get the words out. She had ended up staying very quiet and fidgety all evening. Nayeon and Jeongyeon had come over to her place with takeout for dinner. Momo knew that her girlfriends could sense something was amiss, but they were both also being considerate and not pressuring her to talk. So for the most part Momo just stayed silent, nervously trying to eat her fried rice while figuring out how to casually announce that she was pregnant.

"Momo-ya, can you pass me the soy sauce?" Nayeon asked.

"I'm pregnant!" Momo blurted out in response. She instantly shrank down into her seat. Oops...this was totally NOT the way she had wanted to reveal the news. Momo's heart was racing as Nayeon and Jeongyeon stared back at her dumbfoundedly. All of the confidence she had built up after talking to Mina and Sana last night was gone. Suddenly Momo was anxious and scared. She couldn't have this baby without Nayeon and Jeongyeon--she just couldn't. Momo looked down, unable to stomach the shock on their faces. She heard the sharp gasp from Jeongyeon, the sounds of two pairs of chopsticks being dropped onto the table in surprise, the sound of her own pulse racing in her ears.

"Holy shit..." Nayeon breathed shakily. Momo wanted to shrink even further upon herself. And as for Jeongyeon--

"Is it mine?" Jeongyeon asked, sounding completely serious with her question.

Momo finally looked up and blinked in surprise. She was unable to mask the confusion on her face. Was Jeongyeon seriously asking? But... Jeongyeon was a beta. There was a zero percent chance of Jeongyeon being the one who got her pregnant given that Jeongyeon was not "equipped" to impregnate her. "Er..." Momo replied nervously, somehow embarrassed to explain the logistics to Jeongyeon. "H-how can the baby be yours? Aren't you a beta...?"

Jeongyeon held her serious expression for a moment longer, and then burst out with laughter. Hysterical laughter. The kind of laughter that released the tension in Momo's chest and suddenly made Momo want to lean forward and punch Jeongyeon playfully on the arm. Nayeon and Momo stared at Jeongyeon in surprise before slowly joining the laughter too. Typical Jeongyeon. She was still a clown even in serious circumstances.

"Ha ha," Nayeon deadpanned at Jeongyeon. "Real funny." She took a deep and shuddered breath and turned to Momo. "Is it... Is the baby mine?"

The nervous tension was back. Momo shakily nodded at Nayeon. "Yeah."

"Was it the night you were in heat? The first time the three of us were together?" Jeongyeon wondered.

Momo nodded again. "Yeah."

Jeongyeon couldn't help but groan. "Fuck. I had a feeling. It's all my fault. I never should've called Nayeon over that night."

Nayeon stood up quickly. "No! It was MY fault. I should've worn a condom. It didn't even cross my mind since I was so excited to see you two. And I thought Momo was on birth control, but that's no excuse. I should've--"

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