Chapter 21: At The End of Everything

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March 23, 2018

Mina carefully tried not to think about what would happen tomorrow. It actually wasn't too hard to avoid the negative and worried thoughts since Sana spent the whole day with her. Mina and Sana had both cleared their calendars so that they had today, Mina's last day as a 20 year old, all to themselves. They never left Mina's apartment. It wasn't like they had planned to be naked all day and basically have sex all day, but was what ended up happening more or less.

Sana came over on the night of the 22nd and slept over so that they could wake up together on the 23rd. There was sex in the morning when they were warm and cuddled in bed. More sex during the very long and hot shower that followed. As they went to put on clothes after drying off, they decided that they didn't need clothes today, which inevitably led to them having even more sex after a very late lunch. (Sana just couldn't stand how beautiful Mina had looked wearing nothing but an apron).

Mina was leading the orgasm parade by a ratio of about 5 to 1, but Sana wasn't complaining. She hadn't experienced this much sex in a single day since her rut during Valentine's day, and this time she was lucid enough to enjoy it. Mina was definitely enjoying herself as well. She also hadn't experienced this much sex in a day since Sana's rut, but today was infinitely more enjoyable since Mina didn't have to wonder whether or not she was good enough for Sana. Even as a future alpha, Mina now knew with all her heart that yes, she and Sana were more than good enough for each other.

As nighttime arrived though, the happiness faded away a bit and the anxious feelings started to invade. It wasn't a fear of not being good enough for Sana, but a feeling of dread that the end was approaching. The end of the day. The end of her pre-adult life. The end of her last time with Sana in this body.

This was their fourth round of sex for the day. More than enough for both of them in a 24 hour period. Mina's birth hour wasn't until early afternoon tomorrow, which would give Mina and Sana plenty of time to have sex one last time in the morning if they wanted to. But Mina wanted their last time to be on the 23rd. Once midnight struck, Mina wanted to say goodbye to her old body and her old life. She felt like it would give her closure and make it easier for her to accept the changes instead of clinging desperately to her old body until the last second.

Mina rode out her final orgasms with Sana coming inside her. Sana held her close and started intently at Mina's face. "I always get so turned on when I look at you during sex," Sana had groaned on the brink of their orgasms. "I love the pretty faces you make. God you're so pretty Mitang. Come for me Mitang," Sana moaned and begged and demanded all at once. Sana had slowly built Mina up to her peak during this last session, and Mina was struggling not to come too quickly because she wanted this final time to be EXPLOSIVE. Sana was going slowly too because she wanted to make this last. Wanted Mina to remember every last touch. Every last kiss.

By the time Sana was ready to come and telling Mina to do the same, Mina was already BEYOND her limit. She was writhing in ecstacy with each of Sana's agonizingly slow thrusts and was just waiting for Sana to give her the green light to finally come. When Sana's hips picked up speed and she told Mina to come, Mina felt her body just SNAP around Sana's hard dick. Felt the familiar waves of pleasure crash through her body so intensely this time. Mina clung to Sana tightly and felt Sana coming inside her too, groaning as Mina groaned, losing control of herself as Mina lost herself too. They began kissing as the orgasms started to fade away, as they released the tension in their bodies. Sana's gentle kisses were comforting and accompanied the aftershocks Sana's throbbing dick were creating against Mina's sensitive g spot. It was just such an amazingly gentle end to an amazingly passionate night. Everything felt so intense and wonderful when Mina was with Sana. Fuck, Mina loved being with Sana like this SO MUCH. And fuck, she was really gonna miss this when it was all gone starting tomorrow.

The End of Everything [Misana | 2na | Mina x Sana]Where stories live. Discover now