Chapter 8: This Is How I'll Love You As An Alpha

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December 30, 2017 (evening) 

"Mina... Mina?" Sana called her name gently, sleepily.

"Shhh... I'm here baby," Mina instantly replied. There was so much Mina wanted to talk to Sana about but she could tell that Sana was beyond exhausted, too tired from dealing with the alpha transition and the endorphins of post-sex to keep her eyes opened any longer.

"Go to sleep. Everything's ok." Mina whispered reassuringly. She gently tucked Sana under the covers and rubbed her back gently until Sana fell asleep. Sana looked so much more relaxed and peaceful as she slept. It made Mina feel pity for Sana who was nothing but a pain-filled ball of stress since last night. The unexpected alpha transition had been hard on Sana and it was to be expected. Mina imagined that she also wouldn't take it well if she was told she was an omega and suddenly became an alpha or vice versa. It wasn't easy to accept and look forward to becoming one classification only to learn that you were actually a different one.

With a heavy sigh, Mina carefully stood up from the bed without disturbing Sana. She noticed bloodstains on the sheet from where she was sitting. Her own blood. Proof that Sana took her virginity. Mina looked down and saw smears of blood on her thighs too and she winced. That first penetration was admittedly rough. This much was true for any virgin, but the alpha in Sana had been far too eager. Mina felt sore all over from the experience. But Mina also remembered how sweetly Sana had immediately tried to make things right. Soft, gently. Even with unsupressed alpha hormones coursing through her body, even while penetrating Mina and dealing with transitioning pains, Sana had managed to be patient and kind. Despite stories that alphas had nothing in mind but their dicks and orgasm and omega and knots, Sana had regained control of herself and thought only of Mina.

She looked back down and Sana's sleeping form. Her heart swelled with affection for Sana even as it weeped with sorrow over the memory of Sana insisting that they break up. Sana likely wasn't thinking clearly right now. Sana was likely too overwhelmed with her alpha transition to remember that she and Mina had made a promise to each other that they would try to make things work even if they ended up being incompatible after Maturity.

"Sana you idiot," Mina whispered bitterly. But she understood. Sana wasn't thinking clearly, so Mina would have to be more calm and rational right now for the both of them. She leaned down and kissed Sana gently and Sana didn't even move. She had always been a deep sleeper.

Then Mina got to work. There were so many things that needed to be taken care of right now. Mina called the front desk to request a box of alpha suppressants and to order room service. Even though it was nighttime, she ordered light breakfast food (fruits and pastries) that could be refrigerated for Sana to eat in the morning. She hooped into the shower for a quick cleansing and then cleaned up the room to make it easier for Sana to check out in the morning. Once the room service order arrived, Mina put away the food and scribbled a quick note for Sana. She hesitated when it came to signing the note though. "Love Mina." The usual signature seemed hard to write given that Sana was asking for a breakup. Mina sighed and simply wrote her name.

She wondered if Sana would even try to call her tomorrow. Maybe Sana really wanted this to be their end and this was the last time Sana ever planned to see her again. The thought made Mina want to cry. But Mina wasn't allowed to cry while there were still things to be done. She left the box on the pillow next to Sana and was on her way to the clinic a moment later.


December 31, 2017 (morning)

Mina didn't sleep at all that night. How could she possibly sleep when she couldn't stop thinking about the Maturity Prediction re-test results that would be ready in the morning? Alpha or omega? Alpha or omega? Hell, maybe she could even end up getting a beta result this time. Mina spent the night restlessly waiting for the clinic to open again, the whole time thinking about Sana, herself, and their relationship.

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