Chapter 13: Stop Pretending Like Everything's Ok

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February 9, 2021 (Evening)

Mina crashed through Sana's front door with Sana in tow. She tiredly helped a very shaky Sana onto the couch and collapsed next to her. It had been an interesting taxi ride from the cafe to Sana's apartment. With Sana's rut kicking in and making her hornier by the minute, Mina didn't think Sana would be able to handle taking the cheaper but longer trip home via the subway and Mina was right. Immediately after they got into the cab, Sana started to discreetly touch herself in the back seat. The cab driver probably hadn't noticed Sana jerking off under her coat, but Mina was next to Sana in the back seat and Mina definitely noticed. The rut had only just started but Sana was already extremely horny. The erection from the cafe was still going strong and it wouldn't be disappearing until Sana finally came.

"Thanks for taking me home," Sana said awkwardly after Mina got up and closed and locked the apartment door. Mina and Sana hadn't said a word since leaving the cafe. Sana got up shakily and tried to smile. "You don't have to stick around... I'll be ok."

Argh. Sana was so infuriating. Mina was annoyed for many reasons right now.and Sana's behavior was just making it worse. Mina pushed Sana back on the sofa (maybe a little too hard) and started unzipping her pants.

"Wha--??" Sana exclaimed.

"I'm not an idiot," Mina breathed deeply. She tried not to take her frustration out on Sana right now. "I know you're going through a rut and I know what ruts do to an alpha. I know you need to come right now and it's only gonna get worse if you don't. So stop pretending like everything's ok."

"Yeah but..." Sana paused uncertainly. "This isn't what it looks like Mitang. I'm not attracted to Momo. I don't know what happened."

Mina felt her stomach twist. Alpha and omega biology happened, Mina thought bitterly. But what was the point in talking about it? Mina pulled Sana's jeans down, unleashed her rock solid dick from the confines of Sana's underwear. Mina wasn't sure how it was possible, but Sana had never looked as hard as she did right now, had never looked as large as this very moment. It was because of the omega pheromones that were driving Sana into this rut. And it wasn't fair. Momo and every other omega in the world would always have this amazing control over Sana, and Mina would never be to do the same. It wasn't fucking fair.

"Hey," Sana said gently. Sana reached out for Mina's hand and fought to keep control of her thoughts even though the rut was growing stronger. "I don't have feelings for Momo. Mitang... You believe me... right?"

Mina looked at Sana for a moment. Sana who loved her and who only ever had eyes for her. Sana who was struggling and shaking as the rut triggered by Momo started to take over. She felt Sana's hand squeeze hers. Mina could only feel bitterness right now though. She looked away from Sana. Pulled down her skirt and panties so that she was bare from the waist down. Sat on Sana's feverishly hot lap and sank herself down onto Sana's painfully erect dick. Sana pierced Mina in half and buried inside her. With a feral growl Sana threw her head back, her mind already lost to the rut. Sana's hips thrusted up into Mina and Sana was chasing her first orgasm with her mind already focused on the next. For the next two days as Sana dealt with her rut, Sana wouldn't even remember that Mina hadn't answered her question.


February 11, 2018

A "rut" was the term used to describe an alpha becoming overwhelmed by the desire to breed an omega. It was the alpha equivalent of a "heat" (the term used to describe an omega becoming overwhelmed by the desire to be bred by an alpha). But omega heats happened on a somewhat predictable schedule (usually every 4 months) while alpha ruts were rare. There was no schedule for them and some alphas could go their whole lives without ever going into a rut thanks to suppressants. When an alpha did go into a rut though, it could occur at any time. Usually it was triggered when the alpha hadn't had sex in a while or sometimes when an alpha was around an omega in heat.

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