Chapter 7: This Is How I Would've Loved You As An Omega

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December 31, 2017 (morning)

Sana woke up the next morning and found herself neatly tucked into bed in a room that was not hers. It was the hotel room. She sat up slowly, not quite remembering what happened last night. Sana felt so agitated and restless and she couldn't recall why. The one thing that she did remember was falling asleep next to Mina.

"Mitang? What happened--" Sana turned to Mina's side of the bed but Mina wasn't there. Instead there was a box of alpha suppressants on the pillow. Sana picked it up slowly and tried to remember what happened since the night of her birthday. The memories came back slowly... Sana was an alpha now. She remembered that much at least. Mina... She slept with Mina for the first time yesterday. Sana couldn't forget that part either. But where was Mina now? Why did Sana feel so restless?

Sana looked closer at the box of alpha suppressants in her hand and then realized that there was a note tucked under the box.

"The front desk had alpha suppressants. Take one every morning with food. I ordered room service and left it in the fridge. Call me later... if you want to talk...


Sana stared at the note in mild confusion. "IF you want to talk?" The note seemed to imply that it was possible Sana didn't want to talk to Mina. But why wouldn't she want to talk to Mina? And Mina had simply signed the note as "Mina". Sana had received plenty of notes from Mina in the past and her girlfriend ALWAYS signed the note cutely. "Love Mitang", "Love your Minari", at the very least "Love Mina". The only times Sana could think of getting a note from Mina that was simply signed "Mina" was from the period of time where they weren't dating yet.

Weren't... dating... yet...

Weren't... dating...

Fuck. Sana remembered the last two days perfectly now.

She jumped out of bed and grabbed her cell phone and frantically called Mina. Sana wasn't really sure what she was going to say when Mina picked up. "Sorry" made the most sense because Sana definitely felt sorry. She was sorry for being such a jerk yesterday and she was also very worried if Mina was doing ok. But as far as taking back the break up... Sana wasn't sure if she could do that... Not until the clinic could check if their results were switched or not. The most important part was to get in contact with Mina and apologize. Sana desperately needed to hear Mina's voice.

Mina didn't pick up the call though. She didn't pick up the next ten calls either. Sana brushed her teeth with her phone in her ear and ate breakfast (along with an alpha suppressant) while calling Mina over and over. It was really late in the morning. Where could Mina be? Sana sent Mina an apologetic text and begged for her to call her back before jumping into the shower. Mina still hadn't called when Sana got out of the shower though. Sana wasn't sure what to do. Was Mina ok? Was Mina avoiding her? Was she drowning in tears or pissed off beyond belief? Anything seemed possible at this point.

Sana couldn't stay at the hotel all day and wait for Mina to return her call though. She needed to get to the clinic for a check up now that her alpha transition seemed complete. Sana began to gather her things so that she could go check out of the hotel, and she noticed that all her stuff was already neatly packed in her luggage or sitting on the table. Mina must have cleaned up for her before she left... It made Sana feel hopeful that Mina didn't hate her. It also made Sana want to cry.

It was hard for Sana to take her first step outside of the hotel room. Yesterday Sana felt like she was a ball of raging hormones. Everything in her body screamed for sex, particularly with an omega. Today, especially after taking an alpha suppressant, Sana's head felt a lot clearer. The urge for sex wasn't strong at all and she felt more or less like herself. Some things were different though. The unfamiliar weight between her legs was the most obvious change. Her sense of smell had gotten better too. As Sana went down to the front desk and passed other guests at the hotel, Sana could smell their alpha, omega, or beta pheromones.

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