Chapter 23: I'll Protect You From Everything Bad In This World

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March 24, 2018

Nayeon didn't think it was possible for two people to leave a party any faster than the way she and Jihyo had straight up run out of Mina's apartment just now. There was no way for them to make a more graceful exit though. Those unsuppressed omega pheromones... They had come out of nowhere and Nayeon was still feeling the effects of them even though she and Jihyo had made it down to the street and far away from Mina.

"I can't believe Mina's an omega," Jihyo murmured as they started walking side by side. "She said she took the test twice and it was like a 98% chance of her being an alpha both times. This is just insane..."

Jihyo seemed very much surprised and shocked by the unexpected reveal of Mina as an omega. Nayeon was definitely shocked too. There was no way that anyone had seen this coming. But Nayeon was also feeling... er... well... riled up. Those damn unsuppressed pheromones. It wasn't like Nayeon had no self control around other omegas. There were plenty of omegas at work and Nayeon was perfectly fine around them. But Mina had been completely unsuppressed and in close proximity. Mina had smelled more intense than when Momo was in heat just before Valentine's day (Momo had been on suppressants at the time). Nayeon definitely wasn't attracted to Mina, but Nayeon felt like it was in her best interests to find Jeongyeon and Momo. And fast.

"I bet Mina and Sana will be pretty happy about this outcome though. After the shock wears off," Jihyo laughed.

"Are you... Are you not affected by Mina?" Nayeon asked Jihyo through gritted teeth.

Jihyo turned to look at Nayeon in mild confusion and then her eyes widened in understanding when she realized what Nayeon meant by affected. "Oh, yeah I guess I'm not as affected as you are. Probably because Tzuyu and I are bonded? Other omega pheromones don't seem to affect me much anymore."

"Cute," Nayeon replied half sincerely and half sarcastically. Jihyo just laughed in response. "Look... I need to get going..."

"Say no more," Jihyo grinned knowingly. "Tell Jeongyeon and Momo I said hi!"

Then the two alphas parted ways and Nayeon called a cab to take her to Momo's place. It was only a short drive to Nayeon's destination, but it felt like forever. Nayeon definitely wasn't in a rut. It wasn't like she NEEDED sex immediately or anything, but she really wanted some intimacy with her girlfriends if possible.

The significance of Nayeon having two girlfriends right now even though she had been single all her life wasn't lost on Nayeon. This newfound relationship with Jeongyeon and Momo was EVERYTHING Nayeon had wanted ever since she kissed Jeongyeon at 14. No--this relationship was MORE than what Nayeon had wanted back then, because Nayeon hadn't even met Momo yet when she was 14, and now Nayeon wanted Momo every bit as much as she wanted Jeongyeon too. Nayeon was super lucky to have the two women she wanted with all her heart, and she knew it.

The cab dropped Nayeon off at her stop and she paid for the ride. She pulled her newly cut set of keys out of her purse and quickly let herself into Momo's building and then into Momo's apartment. Nayeon found Jeongyeon sitting on the sofa in the living room. The familiar scent of Jeongyeon and Momo mixed together in this living space felt like home. Nayeon breathed in deeply and slowly felt the chaos in her body ease up a bit.

"Nayeon? What are you doing here?" Jeongyeon wondered. She got up to greet Nayeon at the doorway. "Did Mina's party end really early or something?"

Nayeon heard the questions but didn't really care to explain everything that had happened at the end of Mina's party. Kissing Jeongyeon felt a lot more important right now. She leaned in and kissed Jeongyeon roughly, messily, passionately. Pushed Jeongyeon backwards until they both fell onto the sofa heavily with Nayeon all but crushing Jeongyeon into the cushions below. This was exactly what Nayeon needed to relieve the chaotic feeling in her body. Jeongyeon's touch, Jeongyeon's taste. She groaned when Jeongyeon leaned up to deepen the kiss. It was obvious where these burning kisses were leading and Nayeon was happy to follow.

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