8.1 Failures of Yamauchi Haruki

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Ayanokouji POV

There was a red, swollen mark on her cheek. Someone had hit her pretty hard. When Yamauchi started to pass the girl, I grabbed him by the shoulder.


"Oh, uh...sorry. It's nothing." 

I was going to say something, but he finally noticed the girl.

 "Hey. What's the matter? Are you okay?" Yamauchi called. 

"Just leave me alone. It's nothing."

 "Doesn't look that way. Who did this to you? Should I call a teacher?" 

Considering the swelling, it was easy to see that she was in a fair amount of pain.

Yotsuba went towards her. She looked worried for that girl.

"So, what are you going to do? We just can't leave you here." 

This was not our school campus. We were surrounded by jungle on all sides. In a couple of hours, the sun would begin to set. If she were out here alone in the dark, it could be disastrous. 

"We're Class D students. Why not come to our base camp?" Yamauchi turned to Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba, and me for approval. We nodded in agreement.

 "Huh? What are you saying? There's no way I could do something like that."

"Well, I mean, wouldn't you say it's only natural to help someone in trouble?" Yotsuba countered

She seemed to not want to listen to us. She turned away and fell silent. In most situations, it would've been easy to leave her, but we couldn't leave an injured girl in a place like this. 

"I'm from Class C. In other words, I'm your enemy. You understand that, right?"

 That wasn't any reason not to help.

 "But we just can't leave you. Right?" Yotsuba tried to convince her

 "Ibuki-san, was it?" Ichika went and asked that girl named Ibuki.

"How do you — Ah, you're one of the quintuplets that my friend was talking about. Miku, was it? And, what about you, bunny ribbon?" Ibuki asked with a less hostile tone. She seems to be comfortable around Yotsuba and Ichika. (A/N: Guess that friend)

"Miku is my little sister, my name is Ichika. She is, Yotsuba. We can't leave you, if you're not coming with us, we're going to stay here until you move." Ichika turned to me, I nodded.

'As I planned.'

I sent Ichika to pursue Ibuki, so we could understand what her leader was thinking,

"Besides, the forest is all humid and muggy. The heat's really intense. Nino, you're hot, aren't you?"

 "Well, I'm actually... I'm okay. You're sweating crazy, Kiyo" 

'Well, I'm not adapted to these kinds of places'

Though standing here could be quite boring, this was a dream come true from Yamauchi's point of view. He could spend time together with Ichika, Nino, and Yotsuba until this other girl gave in. Yamauchi spent his time meaningfully, peppering both the girl and three of the quintuplets with a ton of questions. After about ten minutes, the girl lost her patience.

"Tch! Alright, I'm coming." She gave up and came with us. She looked pissed

Her behavior is somewhat similar to Nino's.

Tough on the outside, but smooth on the inside.

"You're thinking something rude, right Kiyo?" Nino said.

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