Chapter 2: "Do you mind if I kiss you?"

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"What?" Chifuyu stared at Baji in disbelief. "Nothing! It was a joke, spare me please!" Baji put his hands together and begged. "You're going to lose the ability to have children at this rate," Chifuyu said as he crossed the road. Baji followed close behind him, his hands in his pockets looking for something to fidget with. "I'm going to go buy some pain relievers, need anything?" Chifuyu asked before he went into the store. Baji shook his head and looked out at the bustling street. "Okay, I won't take long." Chifuyu told him and went inside the store. He came back not even four minutes later with a bottle of pain relievers and a box of cigarettes. "We need to go check out of the hotel," Chifuyu said as he and Baji crossed the street once again. "Yeah, I gotta get my stuff." Baji took his hands out of his pockets and cracked his knuckles. "I left my jacket in the room." Chifuyu groaned as they got on the elevator and pressed the button for the fourteenth floor.

"Why's the light flickering?" Baji pointed out, looking up at the elevator light. "Classic horror movie scenario. We're going to die." Chifuyu said, casually leaning against the wall. "Don't say that!" Baji said, covering Chifuyu's mouth. Chifuyu licked Baji's hand and Baji quickly pulled his hand away. "Woah, you have some nice hands." Chifuyu said. "Do you have a hand fetish or something?" Baji quirked an eyebrow up at Chifuyu. "Yes, what about it?" Chifuyu glared at Baji. "Nothing. It's just-" Baji stopped talking when the elevator jolted to a halt and the lights went out. "What in the fuckity fuck fuck?" Chifuyu cursed, standing up straight and pulling out his phone to use the flashlight. "How much percentage do ya have?" Baji asked, looking over Chifuyu's shoulder. "Only eighteen percent. That's not going to last long though." Chifuyu groaned and started pressing buttons on the elevator pad. "Hey, don't do that. You might break the thing." Baji said, pulling Chifuyu's hand away from the number pad.

'Just my fucking luck.'

Chifuyu huffed and leaned against the wall once again. "How long do you think it'll take for the power to come back?" Chifuyu asked Baji. "Ehh, probably a few minutes." Baji scratched his head. Chifuyu sighed and sat down, pulling Baji's shirt to tell him to sit down as well. Baji understood this and sat down beside Chifuyu. "I'm going to take a nap, wake me up in fifteen minutes." Chifuyu droned, leaning his head on Baji's shoulder. "Uh, okay." Baji responded, thankful for the darkness because his face was flushed a rosy pink color.

"Hey, Chifuyu. Wake up." Baji gently attempted to wake Chifuyu up. "Shut up, give me five more minutes," Chifuyu grumbled as he put a finger on Baji's lips to make him stop talking. Baji opened his mouth to talk but Chifuyu pinched it shut. "Shush. Five. More. Minutes." Chifuyu demanded and closed his eyes.  Baji wanted to complain but couldn't exactly do that with Chifuyu pinching his mouth shut. Chifuyu's phone eventually died and the small amount of light they had was gone. Baji looked at his smartwatch. No signal. The power was probably out in all the buildings in that area. Chifuyu woke up around ten minutes to find Baji hitting his head against the wall. "Woah woah woah, what the hell are you doing?" Chifuyu slid his hand between Baji's head and the wall. "Losing sanity," Baji responded. Chifuyu facepalmed and stood up to stretch. "Hey, did I do anything embarrassing last night?" Baji asked. "Mmm, the only embarrassing thing I remember you doing was rapping along to a few songs on my Spotify playlist while I was trying to go to sleep." Chifuyu hummed. "Oh yeah, and you were overly excited about the pajamas they had. I'm pretty sure the fact that you were naked slipped your mind. You ended up getting the floor wet." Chifuyu grumbled. "I don't remember any of this." Baji mumbled, rubbing his forehead.

"Oh! You also wanted to fuck-" Chifuyu added. Baji started choking and Chifuyu had to pat his back until he stopped. "Pause. I did what?!" Baji yelled once he'd stopped choking. "Okay lemme explain what happened in detail." Chifuyu took a deep breath. "Wait no, that's not necessary." Baji interrupted. Chifuyu laughed and pushed a stray strand of hair out of his face. "I noticed you staring at me on the train last night." Baji said, a smirk creeping across his face. "Huh?" Chifuyu's voice went up several octaves. "Of course, who wouldn't stare at a person with the same amount of beauty as to me?" Baji sighed contently. "I don't know what you're talking about." Chifuyu lied, standing up. Baji stood up and chuckled. "Oh, you don't?" Baji hummed. The lights flickered back on, revealing Chifuyu's red face because, of course, the universe is against him in every situation. "Ooh, so you do know what I'm talking about." Baji smirked and caressed Chifuyu's cheek. Chifuyu's eyes widened and he gripped the bar behind him for support. Baji stared into Chifuyu's eyes, leaning closer to him until their noses brushed. "Do you mind if I kiss you?" Baji whispered. Before Chifuyu could respond the elevator doors opened and Baji had already moved to a different corner of the elevator.

'This isn't even our floor damn it.'

"Good morning ma'am, sir!" A lady stepped into the elevator. Baji's reaction to the woman's greeting was definitely meme worthy. He was distraught and his jaw had dropped. "What-" Baji started. "Good morning, ma'am!" Chifuyu grinned, trying to stifle his laugh. Baji had a scowl on his face and he was biting his nail. The elevator reached the fourteenth floor and Baji stormed out. "Sorry about him, he's not in the best mood. Have a nice day!" Chifuyu bowed and hurried to catch up with Baji. "Hey miss~!" Chifuyu teased as he closed the hotel room door. "Shut up before I choke you." Baji threatened. Chifuyu glanced at Baji's hands and covered his mouth as he looked away. "Oh no, please don't choke me with your extremely sexy hands sir." Chifuyu said sarcastically as he walked into the bathroom. "What is wrong with you?" Baji  questioned as he grabbed his phone. "The correct question is, what isn't wrong with me?" Chifuyu said as he looked around for his suit jacket. "Are you looking for your jacket 'cause it's right here." Baji said, holding up Chifuyu's jacket. "Oh shit, thanks." Chifuyu said and walked over to Baji to take his jacket. Baji lifted the jacket higher and stuck his tongue out. "If you want it you gotta catch me." Baji said and ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. "What- hey!" Chifuyu turned the knob but couldn't get the door to budge. "Are you seriously leaning on the door right now?" Chifuyu grumbled as he pushed against the door. "Perhaps." Baji snickered, and moved away from the door, allowing Chifuyu to fall.

"You son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you!" Chifuyu sprung up and ran towards Baji. Baji laughed and sprinted past Chifuyu. "I would like to live a long life please and thank you." Baji said as he climbed up on the bed. "I'm about to shorten your lifespan." Chifuyu declared and threw a chair at him. "WOAH! Okay, wait. Let's be rational about this-" Baji jumped off the bed and handed Chifuyu his jacket, earning a kick in the balls. "OW! Holy shit my poor future children!" Baji cried as he dropped to his knees. "What was that for!?" Baji whined. "You made me fall! Again!" Chifuyu huffed and grabbed his keys. "Oh my god I can't feel my dick." Baji whined dramatically. "You better call a doctor about that. I'm going home to my dear Peke J." Chifuyu gave Baji a slight nod and left the room, purposely leaving the pain relievers and cigarettes on the bedside table.

"Peke!" Chifuyu ran inside his apartment and put slippers on. Peke J was relaxing in Kazutora's lap and Kazutora was asleep on the sofa. "No surprise there. Kazu, wake up!" Chifuyu pinched Kazutora's nose and he sat up immediately. "Where were you?" Kazutora yawned and gently pet Peke J between the ears. "I was at a party Takemichi invited me to. It was late when I left so I stayed at a hotel overnight." Chifuyu explained. Kazutora nodded and picked up the TV remote. "There's a bowl in the fridge for you." Kazutora told Chifuyu as he looked for a movie to watch. "Wanna watch a K-drama?" He asked, stifling a yawn. "Sure." Chfuyu agreed as he reheated his food. "Okay, don't fall asleep like last time." Kazutora shot Chifuyu a glare. "Haha, I won't." Chifuyu smiled.

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