Chapter 9: Cheek Kisses and Bickering

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"Rise and shine lovebirds!!" Kazutora sang as he opened the door to Chifuyu's hotel room. "They have breakfast downstairs, hurry and get ready. We have plans!" He instructed and then left. "Hold on, who is we?" Chifuyu asked as he sat up, ignoring the 'lovebirds' part. Kazutora's statement shaking off all the grogginess Chifuyu had. "Me, you, Baji-kun, and Kanade-chan! She's on the way right now. Now get up you lazy bums." Kazutora skipped away, closing the door behind him.

"It's like, eight in the morning. I wanted to sleep in a bit." Chifuyu yawned and turned to look at the sleeping man beside him. "Oi, sleeping beauty. It's time to get up according to Kazutora." Chifuyu poked Baji in the cheek. "If I'm not mistaken, I'm sure sleeping beauty was woken up by a kiss." Baji opened one eye and glanced at Chifuyu. "Too bad, you're not getting one." Chifuyu tapped Baji's lips and threw the covers off of his lower half.

"Mm, you're certainly hard to get." Baji sat up and scratched his head. "That's because I'm already hard to want." Chifuyu pointed out and stood up to stretch. "I beg to differ. You're a very likeable person." Baji claimed. "I know I'm likeable, just not wantable." Chifuyu stated matter-of-factly. "I want you. Am I just irrelevant?" Baji fake sniffled and wiped away a nonexistent tear. "Nope, at least not in this situation." Chifuyu turned away from the older man to hide his flushed face. The way Baji had said he was interested in the blonde so nonchalantly was messing with his head.

'How could he say something like that and sound so certain about it. It's hard to believe someone like him would be interested in me.. what if he isn't? What if he only wants to be fuck buddies..'

"I'm going to head to my room to get ready." Baji spoke up, waking Chifuyu from his thoughts. "Ah, okay. I should get ready too." Chifuyu ran a hand through his hair. "See you in a few." Baji planted a quick kiss onto Chifuyu's cheek and then left the room. Chifuyu stood there stunned for a full minute before lightly touching the place Baji had kissed him.

"Oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Kazutora!!" Chifuyu hurried out of his room to the kitchen where Kazutora was trying to braid his hair. "Mm? What happened?" He asked, taking his hairtie out of his mouth. "He kissed me! On the cheek! Right here!" Chifuyu pointed at the area Baji kissed him at. "You seem rather happy." Kazutora smirked. Chifuyu nodded. "Okay, you should get ready now. I think you'll like the surprise we have in store for you guys." Kazutora ruffled the blondes' hair.

Chifuyu couldn't help but wonder what Kazutora and Kanade had planned. He couldn't deny that he was a bit excited about it but he'd never admit that. "Don't take too long, we don't want to miss breakfast." Kazutora said, gently pushing Chifuyu into his room. "Got it, I'll be out in ten minutes." The blonde assured and then closed the door behind him. "Psh, ten minutes. Yeah right." Kazutora chuckled, knowing his friend was incapable of getting ready in such a little amount of time.

"You took twenty minutes to get ready Chifuyu." Kazutora poked Chifuyu in the arm as they walked down the hallway to the eatery. "No, it was only fifteen! And besides, it takes effort to look this good." Chifuyu rolled his eyes. Kazutora shook his head at the blondes' actions and looked up to find Baji eating fried eggs. "Hey, sorry we took so long. Chifuyu spent like an hour getting ready." Kazutora exaggerated as he sat down. "It was only fifteen minutes!" Chifuyu corrected once again. "Fifteen, smifteen, it was still longer than need-be." Kazutora said.

"Fuck you, you're just mad that you can't look as good as me no matter how hard you try." Chifuyu stated and Kazutora scoffed. "Excuse you but I look better than you on a daily basis without doing a thing!" He retorted. Baji sipped his tea as he watched the two bicker back and forth.

"What do you think?" Chifuyu suddenly asked the ravenette. "Huh? Me??" Baji raised his eyebrow. "Yes you, who looks better?" Chifuyu asked again. "Well, personally I think that I look the best-"

"No that's not what we asked!" Kazutora interrupted. "Are you interrupting me because I'm right?" Baji gasped. "No, you're obviously wrong. I'm the best looking person over here, duh!" Chifuyu claimed and rolled his eyes. "For the last time, no you aren't!" Kazutora huffed.

"I think that we should all finish eating so we can get going." Baji spoke up. Kazutora and Chifuyu stopped yelling at each other and looked at Baji then at the counter. "Yeah, now that mention it I'm pretty hungry." Chifuyu said as he stood up. "Same." Kazutora yawned and they both got up to get something to eat.

"Kazutora-kun!! Over here!" Kanade called out to Kazutora. "Hi Kanade-chan!" Kazutora hurried over to them. Chifuyu and Baji stood there and watched them for a few minutes before walking over to join them. "Hi oniisan and Chifuyu-kun!" Kanade grinned at the two as they approached. "Hey, how've you been?" Chifuyu asked, adjusting his earring. "Tired but good, how have you been doing?" They asked. "I've been alright, thanks for asking." Chifuyu smiled. "Alright, we've got your luggage, let's get going!" Kazutora beamed.

The four of them made their way to the car. Chifuyu got into the back seat and Kanade climbed into the passenger seat while Baji and Kazutora put Kanade's luggage into the trunk of the car.

"So, where are we going?" Chifuyu asked as Kazutora got into the driver's seat. "It's a surprise. If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore." Kazutora stated. "I can act surprised when we get there!" Chifuyu suggested. "Nope! That takes the fun out of it." Kazutora smirked. Baji slid into the back seat and shut the door. "Alright let get going! Hopefully it won't be crowded when we get there. If it is I blame Chifuyu because he kept going on with that argument." Kazutora snorted. "Fuck you, blame yourself. You're the one that started that stupid argument." Chifuyu rolled his eyes and Kanade laughed. "Okay, and off we go!"

A/N: Woah I can't believe this already has 100 read and I crossposted this here 2 days ago 😵‍💫 . Thanks for reading I appreciate the support from you guys !!

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