Chapter 25: AYO ITSA FIGHT !!

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"Baji, when are they gonna discharge you?" Chifuyu pouted as he laid on the chest of his lover. "I don't know, probably in a week or so. I've been in here for like a month." The ravenette responded. "No way. They need to release you this week!" Chifuyu whined as he played with a loose thread on the older's hospital shirt. "I wish, there's somewhere I wanna take you when I get out." The ravenette ran his hands through the blonde's hair. "Really? Where?" Chifuyu perked up and looked at Baji with excited eyes and a grin on his face. "It's a surprise~! I can't tell you." The older tapped him on the nose and smiled. "Aww, no fair. You can't just tell me that and then leave me hanging." Chifuyu muttered as he poked Baji on the chest. "How's your stomach wound doing? Does it still hurt?" He asked, changing the subject when he was reminded of the reason his boyfriend ended up in the hospital. "Nah not really, I can move easier too. That goes for all of them." The older answered, moving his stomach a bit to demonstrate what he claimed. Chifuyu laughed and laid on the ravenette's chest.

"You've gotten thin, have they been feeding you?" Chifuyu frowned when he looked at his boyfriend's wrist and saw how skinny it was. "Of course they have! They just have me on a certain diet to help with my recovery." Baji smiled and caressed the blonde's cheek. "It'll be us against all the dangers in the world, forever." He suddenly said as he stared out of the window. "You promise?" Chifuyu asked as he looked up at the ravenette. The older nodded in response and then answered, "I promise." before pressing a soft kiss on the blonde's forehead. Chifuyu hummed in delight and snuggled against his boyfriend's chest once again, slowly drifting off to sleep in the older's warm hold.


"Oh my god, he's like two centimeters away just kiss him already!" Mikey hurried, ready to get pictures of this rare moment. "I'll give you thirty seconds." Nahoya whispered and the Haitani nodded. Finally Ran connected their lips, a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth. Nahoya didn't close his eyes or anything, just glared at the twin. Though his gaze went a bit soft when Ran deepened the kiss. And then it clicked. Nahoya realized that the kiss had been going on for longer than thirty seconds and decided to pull away and sock the other twin in the gut. "Damn!" Ran shouted as he doubled over in pain. "Ouchie.." Takemichi muttered and watched the two argue back and forth. "I knew he'd pull something like this." Mikey chuckled at the two and stopped recording. "Classic Nahoya." Hakkai shook his head and smiled. "You went over the time limit little bastard! You're really on thin ice right now dammit! One more slick move and I'll-" Nahoya squinted in confusion when he saw that Ran was looking at him and smirking. "Hey what's up with that weird look on your face? I'll punch you, you little fucker!" The pink haired twin growled. The braided haired male just chuckled and said, "You remind me of an angry little chihuahua." Which really pissed Nahoya off.

"I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU." He yelled and started pulling at the latters' hair. The two fell out of their seats and Nahoya started tugged at the Haitani twins' hair while he was crouched over him. "Woah woah! Break it up, break it up!" Mitsuya shouted and jumped out of his seat. Chifuyu was laughing uncontrollably as he recorded everything that was happening. Koko and Inui watched in silence as they ate dessert. Draken, Souya, and Mitsuya were trying to get Nahoya to calm down and get him off of Ran but it wasn't working because Ran kept provoking the dude. "I'll literally suffocate you with a pillow in your sleep!" The pink curly haired shouted as he kicked at the man on the ground.

"Aye, let em get up. Let em get up." Kazutora quoted as he live-streamed the whole ordeal on TikTok while Yuzuha was live on Insta. "Shidd.. I need me some fukkin' popcorn the fukk?" Chifuyu snickered as Ran reached up and started pulling the older Kawata twins' hair. Souya grabbed his brother's arms and held them over his head, though his hands still had a tight grasp on Ran's hair. "LET GO OF MY HAIR GODDAMMIT!" The older Kawata twin screamed as he started kicking at the Haitani. Rindou was trying to reason with his brother, reminding him that they had a photoshoot the next day and he couldn't show up looking all beat up. Draken dragged Ran away from Nahoya once Mitsuya got them to let go of the others' hair.

"Y'all stop recording this shit, you're gonna get Ran fired." Draken told the main three instigators standing on the sidelines. "But I need followers!" Kazutora retorted but listened when Draken glared at him. "It's fine I'll just post a video of Chifuyu slumped." The bi-colored haired shrugged not noticing the appalled look on the victimized blonde's face. "Now then, apologize to Ran, Smiley." Mitsuya told the pink haired. "For what? He's the one that broke our deal. Not my fault he's a horny little fucker." Nahoya spat and turned his head away from the man he just attacked. "He can literally press charges against you-" Hakkai tried to reason but Nahoya wasn't giving anyone the time of day. "Okay and? I can press charges on him too, he is not special." The pink haired huffed and then flipped off Ran. "I should file a restraining order against you." The older Kawata twin sneered. "Oh my god, can you two just kiss and make up already?" Mikey groaned, waking up from the tiny nap he took when the two were fighting. "Yeah I think thats a good idea. We'll have to buy you guys a get along shirt." Souya shared a look with Rindou. "Absolutely not. I might just apologize to this bitch if it means you guys don't to that." Nahoya immediately said. "Do it then." The blue haired twin urged and the older grimaced before looking at the dazed Haitani twin sitting in the chair in front of him. "Ew, you look terrible." He accidentally let the words slip from his mouth but then shrugged as if to say "I said what I said". "I'm sorry for beating the everlasting daylight out of you even though you definitely deserved it." Nahoya sighed when he finished his sentence. "It's whatever, pretty weird of you to actually apologize though." Ran quirked an eyebrow up at the pink haired. "I'LL TAKE IT THE FUCK BACK THEN." The older twin yelled in annoyance.

A/N: (So yeah that's basically what happened last chapter don't try to doxx me for cliffhanging pls i love you guys <3 moving on..)


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