Chapter 10: "I Asked If You Wanted To Go On A Date!"

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kazutora pulled into the parking lot of a rustic coffee shop in a pretty rural area. "did you really have the nerve to take us to a coffee shop after yesterday?" chifuyu asked in disbelief. "oh no, we're not going to the coffee shop, i already had coffee today. look over there." kazutora pointed in the direction of a haunted house a few feet away. "oh no. you didn't." chifuyu's face paled. "i did." kazutora smirked.

"i refuse to get out of the car." chifuyu said and rebuckled his seatbelt. "come on, it's not that bad. you can hold my hand if you get scared." baji joked but chifuyu took it seriously. "deal, no backsies." chifuyu said and unbuckled his seatbelt. "wait i was-" baji started. "nope, you weren't joking, get out of the car." chifuyu demanded, slightly pushing baji out of the car. "okay okay." baji sighed and got out of the car, closing the door once Chifuyu got out. "can i have a kiss in exchange for holding my hand?" baji asked, leaning down a bit to be at eye level with chifuyu. "mm, okay that's fair." chifuyu agreed and stood on his toes to give baji a quick kiss.

"okay lovebirds, can we get going before a line forms?" kazutora teased. chifuyu laughed and they all started walking towards the haunted house. "chifuyu, you're not actually scared right?" kanade asked. "hell yeah i am!" chifuyu exclaimed. "chifuyu never did well with ghosts and clowns and stuff." kazutora chuckled. "are you sure you don't wanna find something else to do?" kanade questioned, now getting worried. "nah, i get to hold his hands so it's all cool." chifuyu smiled mischievously. "alright then!" kanade smiled.

kazutora showed the security guard their tickets that he'd bought on his phone and they all entered the haunted house. chifuyu started screaming the second they stepped foot in the house. "shut the hell up, nothing even happened yet!" kazutora hissed. chifuyu stopped screaming and started laughing instead. "oops!" he snorted. kazutora sighed and they continued inside the house. "if any of these bitches touch me on my momma i'm punching them." baji said right before a zombie placed a hand on his shoulder. "oh shit!" chifuyu yelled and ducked down before baji could accidentally punch him instead of the zombie.

"you two are going to get us kicked out." kanade laughed. "i'm saying. we're barely a few minutes in and chifuyu's about to piss himself." kazutora taunted. "bitch, no i'm not. my bladder is perfectly under control." chifuyu rolled his eyes. "uh huh, sure." kazutora said doubtfully. "i'm being serious!" chifuyu said. "okay," kazutora responded. a skeleton reached out and touched chifuyu's shoulder, causing him to start shrieking.

"chill, it was just a skeleton." baji soothed, gently sliding his hand over chifuyu's and holding it. chifuyu calmed down immediately and looked up at baji. the ravenette smiled softly at the blonde and chifuyu blushed. "heh, you look so cute." baji chuckled. "shut up.." chifuyu muttered as he hid his face. "hey, where'd kanade and kazutora go?" baji asked. "what? they're gone?" chifuyu questioned and looked up. sure enough, kanade and kazutora had gone off somewhere. "did they take a wrong turn or something? did we take a wrong turn?!" chifuyu started panicking. "okay first of all, you need to calm down. i'm sure they're fine, they're probably nearby. i don't think we took any wrong turns, but if we did it shouldn't be that hard to get back to where we're supposed to be." baji ruffled chifuyu's hair. "alright, maybe we should try calling them?" chifuyu suggested. "i don't have service, we are kind of in the middle of nowhere." baji pointed out. "i don't have any service either..maybe we should continue walking and try to find them." chifuyu said. "okay, stay close to me though. we don't need you getting lost too." baji chuckled and chifuyu laughed nervously. "if i get lost you better find me. i may just throw a tantrum." chifuyu joked. baji laughed and led chifuyu down a long corridor before chifuyu started screaming again.

"what is it this time-" baji started and looked back to see a clown running towards them at full speed. "oh hell no!" baji and chifuyu started running down the hallways of the haunted house. "my legs hurt." chifuyu announced as the clown inched closer and closer. "what?? oh for fucks sake." baji turned down another hallway before catching sight of the exit. "think you can make it to the exit?" baji asked the blonde but before he knew it, chifuyu let go of his hand and took off sprinting towards the exit. "um, wait for me!" baji called out and took off after the blonde.

"i'm never going to a haunted house again." chifuyu panted. "i think that's a good idea. people's ears aren't safe with you in there." baji joked. "i will literally scream right now do not test me." chifuyu said. baji laughed and stood upright. "should we go see if kazutora and kanade are in the car?" baji asked, motioning towards the car kazutora rented when they picked kanade up from the airport. "yeah, if they're not in there we may just have to file a missing person report." chifuyu yawned and popped his knuckles. "hey, where'd your earring go?" baji asked, inching closer to chifuyu's face. "ehh, it's gone??" chifuyu asked and reached up to touch his ear where the earring was supposed to be. "oh shit, did i drop it in the haunted house?!" chifuyu exclaimed.

"i can go ask if anyone saw it." baji offered. "no need, i'll just get a new pair." chifuyu sighed and got into the car. "they're not in here." chifuyu said. "damn it, we can't go back in there without a different ticket." baji said and climbed in after him. they sat in silence for a bit before baji broke it. "you look pretty today." baji spoke up. "what, do i not look pretty any other day?" chifuyu pouted. "that's not what i meant-" baji started but chifuyu cut him off by laughing. "i was just joking with you. thank you, you don't look bad either." chifuyu chuckled and started playing with a ring on baji's finger. "you have such nice fingers," chifuyu said and started wiggling baji's ring finger. baji laughed and said "thanks, i get that often." chifuyu continued playing with baji's hands until they heard a knock on the car window.

"who is it?" chifuyu asked and baji snorted. "open the damn door man! it's raining!" kazutora shouted. "no! we're having a moment fuck off!" chifuyu flipped kazutora off and turned back to baji's hand. "hey, baji-kun?" chifuyu asked in a low voice. "hm?" baji hummed in response. "do you wanna go somewhere with me? like, on a date?" chifuyu muttered. "huh, i didn't hear what you said." baji leaned closer to the blonde. "i asked if you wanted to go on a date!" chifuyu spoke up, his face flushed a light pink. "oh? sure!" baji started grinning. "where and when do you want to go?" baji asked. "uhh, i dunno. maybe a festival or something this weekend." chifuyu shrugged. "sounds good to me." baji blushed a bit.

"i guess we should like, unlock the car now." chifuyu laughed. "oh right." baji chuckled and pressed the unlock button on the car keys. "why'd it take you two so long to unlock the car door??" kazutora shook his hair out and reached his hand out for baji to return the car keys to him. "were you guys having car sex? you both look a mess." kanade snickered and snapped a picture. "huh- no we weren't having sex!" baji exclaimed and started blushing hard. chifuyu crawled into a ball, his face even more flushed from embarrassment. "uh huh, like we believe that." kazutora snickered.

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