Chapter 6

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'You have got to be kidding me.' Chifuyu thought as he stared at the man who just got onto the elevator. The man glanced over at him and smiled. 'Damn it, he saw me.' Chifuyu gave him a small smile and looked away.

"Isn't that the dude from the hotel?" Kazutora whispered in Chifuyu's ear. Chifuyu nodded slowly. "What a coincidence!" Kazutora whisper-shouted. Chifuyu sighed and began biting his fingernail. "He seems pretty interested in you, who knows maybe I found you a permanent lover," Kazutora smirked, clearly proud of himself. "Doubt it, but hey if that'll make you satisfied." Chifuyu shrugged and looked up at the floor number. They'd reached the sixteenth floor and people were shuffling off the elevator, including Baji and the blonde-haired woman with him. Chifuyu groaned and he and Kazutora got off the elevator.

"Oi, what'd you say the dude from breakfast's name was?" Kazutora asked Chifuyu as they walked to the meeting room. "Baji Keisuke, why?" Chifuyu asked turning a corner. Kazutora clasped a hand over his mouth and slowly shook his head. "That's the man we're supposed to be having our meeting with." He said. "You're kidding." Chifuyu stared at Kazutora in disbelief. "Why the fuck would I joke about something like this?" He ran a hand through his hair. Chifuyu took a deep breath and knocked on the office door. "Come in!" A woman's voice said.

"I personally think the meeting went well!" Kazutora grinned. "Yeah because you didn't get steaming hot coffee spilled on ya." Chifuyu sighed and shoved his hands in the pockets of the suit jacket he was wearing. By the way, it's not his. It's like, two sizes bigger than him. Let's just say a small incident happened and Chifuyu probably won't drink coffee for a while. "Well, hopefully we have full custody of the building now!" Kazutora shrugged, clearly trying to make Chifuyu feel better. "I'm hungry, let's go get something to eat." Chifuyu stretched his arms over his head. "Alright, what do you want to eat?" Kazutora asked, pulling out his phone. "I dunno, I'll eat anything. I'm starving." Chifuyu was starting to get cranky. "Alright, we can go get katsudon." Kazutora suggested. "Sounds good to me." Chifuyu agreed and untightened his tie. "We'll probably have to take a bus to the nearest shop." Kazutora remarked. "God damn it. Is there somewhere closer so we don't have to take public transportation?" Chifuyu sat on his haunches and groaned when Kazutora said there weren't any. "How long till the car gets here?" Chifuyu looked up at Kazutora. "Two hours," Kazutora grumbled. Chifuyu dragged a hand over his face and stood up.

"Oi, my wallet is gone." Kazutora spoke up, patting his pockets and looking around. "Huh? Did you drop it somewhere?" Chifuyu started looking around on the ground. "I think so." Kazutora squeezed the bridge of his nose and groaned. "I think I might've left it inside." He huffed. "Ahh, hopefully someone didn't steal it." Chifuyu spun on his heel and started walking towards the office. Kazutora followed close behind him. "Excuse me, has anyone found a missing wallet?" He asked the receptionist. She shook her head. "Not that I know of. I can call you in case someone does find it." She offered. "Ah alright," Kazutora nodded and gave the receptionist his phone number.

"Isn't that it?" Chifuyu nodded over to a wallet the blonde woman from earlier was carrying. Kazutora looked over to where Chifuyu had motioned to. "Oh! I think it is!" Kazutora confirmed. "Excuse us, thank you for your help." Chifuyu told the receptionist and bowed slightly before following Kazutora. "Ah! You're still here! Thank goodness, here sir you dropped this." The blonde handed Kazutora his wallet and bowed before hurrying down the hallway. "Well, she seemed to be in a hurry," Kazutora said. Chifuyu nodded and started walking out of the building.

"How about we get a snack for right now and find something to eat once we get back to the hotel?" Kazutora suggested as they walked down the sidewalk. "That works with me. I want a crepe." Chifuyu responded and pointed over at a food truck that was in fact, selling crepes. "Ohh! I want one too!" Kazutora grinned and they made their way to the food truck. 

"Piss jar?" Chifuyu questioned, reading the message Kazutora sent him.

idiot- piss jar. (21:43)

the other idiot-stop being a weirdo (21:43)


the other idiot- LITERALLY HOW (21:44)


the other idiot- BECAUSE THATS WHAT YOU ARE TF (21:45)

idiot- ok no food for you (21:45)

the other idiot- NO I'M SORRY, PLEASE BUY ME FOOD (21:45)

idiot- then stop calling me a weirdo >:( (21:45)

the other idiot- okok, I'm sorry I wont do it again (21:46)

idiot- ok, I gtg order (21:46)

the other idiot- alright, don't mess my order up pls (21:47)

idiot- we'll see (21:48)

the other idiot- i'm being serious little bitch (21:48)

the other idiot- I'll break into your phone and embarrass your ass (21:48)

idiot- okay I wont fuck your order up damn (21:49)

idiot- alright see ya in a few (21:50)

"I'm starving, where the fuck is he?" Chifuyu groaned as he flailed around on his hotel bed. He'd already texted Kazutora asking where he was but got no response. He didn't even read the message. "I wonder if he got into a fight." Chifuyu thought to himself and sat up. "I'm going to starve to death by the time he gets here." Chifuyu exaggerated. He was about to call him again when the door opened and Kazutora stood in the doorway biting his lip and squinting his eyes.

"Stop it you look stupid. What took you so long, you son of a bitch?" Chifuyu asked as he got off the bed and held the door open. "I ran into someone and we talked for a bit. I also invited him to have dinner with us." Kazutora explained, setting the bag of food trays onto the counter. "Why weren't you responding to my messages or answered my calls?" Chifuyu asked while peeking out the door. "Where's the person you invited?" He raised an eyebrow. "My phone is dead. As for our guest, they said they were going to grab something from their room and be up in a few." Kazutora responded, opening the food trays to see which food was in each tray. "I got you yakisoba, this katsudon is mine, and there's another tray of yakisoba in here for our dear guest." Kazutora told Chifuyu. Chifuyu perked up and he looked over at the food trays.

"Oh yeah, have you messaged that store clerk yet?" Chifuyu asked Kazutora as he tied his hair up into a small bun. "Yeah, we talked a bit while they were on lunch break. " Kazutora said and tied his hair up. Chifuyu nodded and fell backward onto his bed. "Why're you still wearing your suit? Go change into something more comfortable." Kazutora told him. Chifuyu groaned and sat up then turned around to search his suitcase for a more casual outfit. He settled on a pair of navy blue sweatpants shorts and a white tee. "Oi, what's taking your friend so long? I'm hungry." Chifuyu questioned as he walked into the bathroom. "I dunno, go find him." Kazutora joked. "Go find him yourself," Chifuyu said back and closed the bathroom door. He quickly changed and then went back into the kitchen where Kazutora was sitting talking to their guest.

"Oh that didn't take long! Chifuyu this is our guest, Baji-kun."

Champagne & Cigarettes // BajiFuyu //Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang