Chapter 14: Food Fight

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"You've been eating a lot lately..and more mean than usual. Are y-"

"I'm not pregnant Kazu!" Chifuyu rolled his eyes. Everyone was back home in Tokyo for a bit so they all made plans to meet up and grab lunch together. Well, everyone except Pah, Peh-yan, and Hakkai since they were all out of the country. "There's no way you aren't!" He argued back. Mikey laughed and took a sip of his now melted sundae. "Are you sure you're not Chifuyu?" Mitsuya teased. "Ah for fucks sake." Chifuyu sighed and took a bite of his lemon meringue cake. "I dunno Chifuyu, I see a bit of a baby bump there." Takemichi joked and poked Chifuyu in the stomach. Chifuyu was actually ticklish in the area Takemichi had poked him and he started laughing.

"Wait a minute. Chifuyu...are you ticklish??" Mikey asked, a smirked creeping across his face. "Huh? No! Absolutely not!" Chifuyu said, not wanting to deal with a tickle fight today. "Yes you are!" Mitsuya laughed and started wiggling his fingers towards him. "Chill bro!" Chifuyu started to stand up from the booth they were seated at. "Okay okay, sit back down." Kazutora laughed. "Hey Kazu, where's your special guest at?" Yuzuha asked while simultaneously breaking a cookie in half to share with Emma. "Yeah, what's taking em so long?" Takemichi asked. "You guys are way too eager." Chifuyu snorted at Kazutora's statement. "Anyway, they'll be here in a few." Kazutora answered. "Imagine if he got stood up." Koko snickered. "Imagine!!" Inui laughed.

"I didn't get stood up! See, there they are right now! Perfect timing." Kazutora stood up and walked over to Kanade and their brother. "Goddamn! Everyone and they momma is in here!" Baji exclaimed earning laughs from the group and some people from other tables. "Mans been in the ghetto for too long." Mitsuya joked earning a clap on the back from Mikey. "Excuse you but I actually live in an upper class neighborhood." Baji rolled his eyes and sat down followed by Kanade. "You used to live in the ghetto though. Never goes away my guy." Draken pointed out. "I mean, he ain't wrong." Kanade said. Baji huffed and leaned his head on Chifuyu's shoulder.

"I'm bored, let's start fake fighting and cause a scene." Nahoya suggested. "Food fight?" Yuzuha perked up. "Definitely." Hina smirked and picked her ice cream up, getting ready to send it flying towards Emma. "Hold on, let's make this fair! Everyone grab their dish and then we'll throw them." Takemichi said and picked up one of his cupcakes. Everyone picked their food up and got ready to throw up. "!" Mikey signaled and everyone launched their plates. Chifuyu felt noodles sliding down his face and immediately knew it was Kazutora's udon. He picked up his iced macchiato and splashed it at the bi-colored haired man. "You little shit!" Kazutora wiped the liquid off his face and threw his milk tea at the blonde. "Someone ruined my cardigan!" Emma cried, pointing at the red stain on her white cardigan.

"You'll be fine, I'll buy you a new one later." Yuzuha said, dismissing the matter. Emma complied, she couldn't really argue with a new cardigan. Yuzuha tended to spoil her like that and Mikey always fussed at Emma about it, but nothing really changed. "So how was your day beautiful?" Baji whispered to Chifuyu and launched a straw at Mitsuya. Chifuyu laughed and responded, "My day was fine, how was yours?" Baji caught a donut hole flying towards them. "Pretty boring actually, I woke up a few hours ago, had to pick Kanade up, we stopped by the store to buy something, and now here we are." Baji told the blonde and threw the donut hole he caught at his sibling. "Chill, I'm not tryna get kicked out like y'all! I actually want a snack." Kanade laughed and ate the donut hole they caught.

"Might wanna move tables then, there's a staff worker coming over here." Souya pointed at the woman walking over to their booth. "Shit..I'll meet you guys outside the fuck." Kanade said and got up with Kazutora going with them. "Hi, I'm sorry but we'll have to ask you to leave. You're disrupting our other customers." The woman said, rubbing her neck nervously. "Ah! No problem, well be on our way once we get our check." Draken spoke up before one of the troublemakers of the group did. "Ah, thank you sir. I'll be back with your check momentarily." The woman said and rushed off.

"I don't like the way she was looking at you just now. I'm going to bark at her when she comes back." Mikey declared. "Please don't, you'll get us banned." Draken told his blonde companion. "Ima do it anyway, we were probably gonna get banned anyway." Mikey rolled his eyes. The woman returned with the check in her hand and set in on the table. "Sorry again about this, it's just that we don't want our other customers to be uncomfortable and..." She trailed off, searching her brain for another reason. "It's perfectly fine, I apologize on their behalf, they're like toddlers." Mitsuya shook his head and handed the lady his debit card. "Uh, I'll be back with your card in a second." She said and once again hurried off.

"We should go to like a movie theater or something next time we're all not busy." Nahoya suggested as he stood up. "Thanks for covering the bill Taka-kun, we owe ya one." Yuzuha grinned as she and Emma got ready to go. "Yeah you do, and going to the movies sounds nice. I'll be in France for a few weeks though." Mitsuya said, thanking the employee when she returned with his card and the receipt. "Woah, France? Bring us some macaroons please, food always tastes better when it's made in their native country." Kazutora stated. "Can't argue with that." Mikey agreed." Personally I think-" Souya started only to be interrupted by his twin. "Nobody cares what you think." He snorted and smacked his brother on the head.

"Do you want to fight? We can take this outside." Souya pointed at the door they were all approaching. "Chill man, I'm just playing around." Nahoya rubbed his eyes. "You guys can fight on your own accord. Unlike you two, we actually have places to be." Chifuyu rolled his eyes and held the door open for the group. "And where exactly are 'places'?" Takemichi asked, Hina was holding his hand and had a takeout box with cookies for their kid in her other hand. "The shopping mall in Kyoto." Baji told the younger ravenette. "All the way in Kyoto?! That's like, a five hour drive!" Kazutora exclaimed in disbelief. "We're gonna take a train." Chifuyu clarified. "That's still a pretty long drive from here and back." Draken pointed out, agreeing with Kazutora. "It's none of our business, but bring us souvenirs!!" Mikey grinned at the two and then jumped on Draken's back.

"See you guys!! Have fun on your honeymoon Chifuyu and Baji! Oh, Mitsuya don't forget to send me my sweater!" Mikey waved to all of them and he and Draken were on their way. "Wait, honeymoon?" Chifuyu questioned but Mikey was too far away to hear. "Well, it's like one in the afternoon. We have to get to the restaurant, make sure things are running smoothly ya know. See you guys later!" The twins waved and off they went. Eventually all of them parted ways and Baji and Chifuyu made their way to the train station.

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