Chapter 15: "We're 4Lifers! You're Stuck With Me Forever

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"Hello Kyoto!!" Chifuyu shouted once they'd gotten out of the train station. "Pff, have you never been to Kyoto before?" Baji asked, pulling his hair into a ponytail. "No, not everyone is made of money like you sir." Chifuyu stated and Baji playfully scoffed. "I'm not made of money, pretty sure this is skin, muscles, and bones." Baji flexed a bicep causing Chifuyu to laugh. "Muscle? Where?" The blonde chortled. Baji gasped and pointed at his bicep. "You don't see this beautifully sculpted bicep in front of you? Do you perhaps need glasses darling?" The ravenette squinted at the younger male in front of him. "You know what, I actually am supposed to be getting prescription glasses soon. Oh my god you should get glasses, you'd look so good in them!" Chifuyu exclaimed as he envisioned the ravenette im a pair of glasses.

"The thought of it is enough to make a grown man swoon." Chifuyu joked. Baji laughed and then said, "We should get a cab to the shopping center. Don't wanna waste those two hours we spent on the bullet train to get here!" Baji suggested and Chifuyu agreed. "Maybe we could buy you some glasses." Chifuyu suggested. "We'll see about that." Baji ruffled the blonde's hair. "Is that a yes?" The younger asked. "Uhh, I dunno. Is it?" Baji responded. "I don't know either, that's why I asked. You doofuseseses." Chifuyu rolled his eyes and Baji laughed. "What the hell is a 'doofuseseses?" He asked, a hand covering his mouth as he tried to stop laughing. "It's what you are, you dinguseses." Chifuyu answered and started waddling away. "Why are you walking like that." Baji's attempt to stop laughing failed and he burst into laughter.

"Don't laugh at me and my walk. That's discriminatory." Chifuyu proclaimed. "Motherfucker how is that discriminatory?" Baji snorted and fell into step beside the blonde. "You're discriminating against me, duh." Chifuyu explained like it was the simplest thing in the world. "How am I discriminating against you??" Baji questioned, genuinely getting more confused by the second. "If you don't know, ask Siri or Google. Better yet, ask Mozzarella Firefox." Chifuyu shrugged and started skipping. "What the hell is a 'Mozzarella Firefox'?" Baji was convinced the younger blonde was dropped a few times too many as a baby. "An internet browser, obviously." Chifuyu rolled his eyes and pressed the button for the 'walk-stop' sign thingy to change. "Do you mean Microsoft Firefox?" Baji asked, watching the sign change signaling that they could walk. "I don't care what it's called, that's what you need to search what I mean on." Chifuyu told the older male. "Nobody even uses that anymore unless they're on computer." Baji told the blonde as they crossed the street. "Okay but did I ask?" The younger male asked, a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"That's fair, where do you want to go first?" Baji asked as he simultaneously hailed a cab. They both got into the backseat and Chifuyu brought up their plans from the night before. "I thought we were going ring shopping, don't tell me you forgot!" Chifuyu sniffled and turned the other way, his hand on his mouth. "I didn't forget, can you drive us to the nearest jewelers please?" Baji asked the cabbie and the driver nodded. "You didn't remember until I reminded you just now! I knew it, you don't love me anymore! Are you cheating on me with another man? Or a woman?!" Chifuyu whined dramatically as he began fake crying. Baji was quaking with laughter in his seat at the cabbie's puzzled expression. "Are you..laughing?? Is that all our six year relationship meant to you?" Chifuyu asked, close to bursting into laughter himself. Baji shook his head and tied his hair up in a messy bun.

"Oh my gosh, you need to wear that hairstyle more often. You look so good!" Chifuyu exclaimed, completely forgetting about the scene he was just making and turning the older male's face to look at him. "That's it, we have to get married by my thirtieth birthday." Chifuyu concluded and started snapping pictures of the ravenette. Baji was clearly confused at the blondes proclamation and it showed on his face. He was often told that he had a very expressive face. "We're not even official yet.." Baji pointed out to the blonde that froze between movements at this statement. Chifuyu chuckled and slowly nodded, thinking about what he should do and settled on saying, "We can fix that! We're now officially dating!" Chifuyu declared and started clapping. "Okay now that we've cleared that up, do you play video games?" Chifuyu asked, leaning his head on the now blushing ravenette's shoulder.

"Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?" Baji asked as he made eye contact with the younger man. "Do you play with a controller?" The blonde continued, obviously confusing the ravenette more and more with each word that came out of his mouth. "Well I play with a keyboard and mouse, a controller, and if it's-" Baji began to explain but Chifuyu didn't want to listen to him ramble because he'd probably forget why'd they even start having that conversation. "Nice, we'll have to stop by your place so I can write my name on your controller and keyboard." Chifuyu nodded contently at his suggestion which was more of a demand but whatever.

'I'll have to steal a few hoodies too while I'm at it. Maybe raid the fridge, oh my god his bed is probably super comfy!' The blonde smirked to himself and Baji chuckled nervously as he worried about what Chifuyu was thinking. "What're you plotting?" Baji hesitantly asked, not really wanting to know the questionable plans Chifuyu was conjuring up in his head. "Huh? Nothing!!" Chifuyu lied dragging out the last syllable of his sentence. Baji raised an eyebrow doubtfully at the blonde but didn't question him any further. "Excuse me, we've made it to the requested destination." The cabbie spoke up, clearing his throat slightly. "Ah! Thank you sir!" Baji looked up and out the window at the small corner store. "Let's buy promise rings!" Chifuyu exclaimed and hurried out of the car followed by Baji who was telling the cabbie to have a nice day as he paid him.

"You look so handsome!" Chifuyu sighed deeply at the ravenette as he exited the can. "You sound like a fanboy, but thanks." Baji chuckled. "I'm not just a fanboy though! We're 4lifers, you're stuck with me forever!"

A/N: Yo I feel like I do this almost every chapter but THANKS FOR 500+ READS LMFOAOA

Fun fact: when chifuyu said "doofuseseses and dinguseses" that's actually an inside joke me and my friends have LOL

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