Chapter 3: "Can I take a nap in between?"

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"Maaan! That was a good movie!" Kazutora got up and stretched. Chifuyu nodded in agreement and looked at the digital clock on the TV stand. It was late morning yet he felt exhausted. "Did you have your daily coffee today?" Kazutora asked Chifuyu, walking into the kitchen. That's what it was. Chifuyu didn't have his daily dose of caffeine so he was exhausted out of his mind. "No, do you mind making me some?" Chifuyu asked, resting his chin on the arm on the sofa. "Yeah, no problem," Kazutora said and started boiling water. "So, I want to hear details about last night." Kazutora wiggled his eyebrows at Chifuyu. "Absolutely not. Nope. Next topic." Chifuyu said, immediately shutting Kazutora down. "Aww, you're no fun!" Kazutora whined and poured the water into their coffee maker. "Oh well. Come to think of it, Mitsuya never texted me telling me he got home safe. He was probably too drunk." Chifuyu sighed. "Mitsuya-kun was there too?" Kazutora asked, pressing the power button on the coffee maker.

"Yeah. Moving on, what are your plans for Halloween?" Chifuyu asked, dangling both of his feet off the sofa. Peke J hopped on the sofa and took his place on Chifuyu's back. "Eh, probably just giving kids candies, I just gotta remember to keep some for myself." Kazutora mused as he grabbed the mug with Chifuyu's coffee in it and placed it on the living room table. "That's boring! We should go trick-or-treating this year!" Chifuyu suggested. "Absolutely not. You will not see me in a costume, miss me with that bullshit." Kazutora turned to go back into the kitchen. "Aw come on! Besides, I already bought costumes so you can't refuse." Chifuyu shrugged and sat up to pick up his mug, gently moving Peke J from his back. "You're joking." Kazutora stared at Chifuyu. "Nope, no jokes here." Chifuyu smiled. "I'm running away." Kazutora spun on one heel and went into his room. "Kazu, nooo!" Chifuyu cried and gently yet awkwardly moved Peke J off of him to chase after Kazutora.

"Are you really gonna leave me and let me be an old lonely cat man?" Chifuyu whined. "Yep. Besides, that'll happen whether I leave or not." Kazutora stated as he pulled his hair up into a high ponytail. "Over a Halloween costume?" Chifuyu's voice cracked and Kazutora laughed. "Maybe." He raised his eyebrows and pulled his suitcase out from under his bed. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry, you can hand candies out like an old person while I go trick-or-treating." Chifuyu gave in and sighed. Kazutora smirked. "Wonderful, thank you for your cooperation. Okay now go pack your bags, we're going on a trip remember?" Kazutora laughed as he started planning outfits. "Oh, that's right! How could I forget?" Chifuyu scrambled out of Kazutora's room and hurried into his room, grabbing his suitcase a bunch of clothes from his closet. "The flight is at six o'clock by the way!" Kazutora added as he passed by Chifuyu's room to go into the bathroom to grab his toiletries. Chifuyu glanced over at his digital clock. It was eleven fifty-three, meaning they technically had plenty of time to pack.

"I know you're thinking, 'we have plenty of time to pack, I'll just do it later', but we still have to make sure someone is going to be taking care of the pets at the shop, get the petsitter for Peke situated, make sure the place is clean before we leave, oh yeah and on top of that we have to go to the shopping district because I want new shoes." Kazutora listed. Chifuyu groaned and slapped himself in order to wake up. "Can I take a nap in between?" He asked, neatly folding his clothes and placing them into his suitcase. "Bru, you trippin'. If you take a nap you're gonna end up sleeping for about four hours." Kazutora told Chifuyu as he passed by his room again. Chifuyu sucked his teeth as fell backward onto the cool wood floor. "All you gotta do is wake me up before we head to the shop." Chifuyu suggested. "Absolutely not, last time I did that you sucker punched me in the nutsack." Kazutora shuddered at the memory. "Well, in my defense...yeah I got nothin'."

"Exactly, shut yo bitch ass up." Kazutora said before he and Chifuyu burst out into laughter. They had an interesting friendship but most people didn't question it. "Nah, cause didn't you try to hit me in the balls with a hammer the other day?" Chifuyu surmised between laughs. "That's not true. Nope, never happened." Kazutora heaved, trying to catch his breath. "Why're you lyin'? I clearly remember you chasing me around the apartment shouting 'I'm getting rid of your future kids!'" Chifuyu insisted. "I swear I'm not lying bruh! I don't remember that." Kazutora wheezed. "You were probably high. See, look at you wheezing. That's why your asthmatic ass needs to stop smoking!" Chifuyu urged. "Fuck off, lemme do what I want!" Kazutora flipped off Chifuyu and Chifuyu did the same to him. "That's on you when you die from an asthma attack...Last one to finish packing has to pay for lunch later!" Chifuyu declared. "Oh, you're on!"

"Haha! Free lunches are the best!" Chifuyu sighed and took a bite from his yakisoba bun. "This is literally so fucking unfair," Kazutora grumbled. Chifuyu chuckled triumphantly. "Can we get ice cream?" Chifuyu asked as they walked out of the convenience store. "No, we have other places to be." Kazutora told him and pulled his hair into a low ponytail. "You're so mean, do you really love me?" Chifuyu sniffled. "Nah, not really." Kazutora snorted and began to swat at a bug. "Kazu, you're so mean! Aye, that's a wasp you're swatting at!" Chifuyu shouted and started running down the sidewalk. "What? Oh shit!" Kazutora took off, catching up with Chifuyu in only a matter of seconds. "You're such a dumbass, swatting at a damn wasp." Chifuyu shook his head. "Shut the fuck up, it was buzzing in my ear. You'd do the same thing." Kazutora rolled his eyes. "Can't deny that, where are we going next?" Chifuyu asked as he got into the passenger seat of their car. "The shopping district." Kazutora replied and got into the driver's side.

Champagne & Cigarettes // BajiFuyu //Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon