Chapter 38: " I don't want you to feel like you owe me a thing in your life . "

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A/N: poor chifuyu, he's jus a horny little being 🤷🏽‍♀️ . maybe next year bud .

shawties i got airpods for easter yesterday big dubs yessir . 😵‍💫🤞🏽

enjoy the chapter lol

"So um, normally engaged people do this under different circumstances." Chifuyu chuckled nervously as he stood in front of the door of his and Baji's new house. It was five days after the...incident. The ravenette took it upon himself to take purchase a new home altogether-he always was the erm, outgoing type when it came to his lover. Though, however he managed to secure a house for them so quickly was beyond the blond. "Yeah, but hey, we can forget those circumstances!" The older of the two smiled at the house before them. "Besides, this is a pretty nice neighborhood! Look at all the kids outside playing with each other. And there's a low crime rate here as well! The people seem friendly, I think... plus its a few blocks away from ma!" Baji began to listen a number of different things to consider. "You're right, it's not all that terrible! Besides, we have each other to settle in well." The blond smiled to himself and picked up a moving box. "Also, we don't have any furniture." He suddenly realized and the world around them went quiet. "Oh! Stay right here!" The ravenette instructed and hurried into the house.

"Um, okay??" The younger male stood outside and waited patiently for his fiancé to return. "Okay, leave the boxes outside and come look at the house!" The older told his lover as he poked his head out the front door. Chifuyu complied and followed what he said. He took off his sneakers, trading them out for slippers, and rounded the corner only to scrunch up his face in perplexity. "Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?" The blond inquired, trying to figure out when in tarnation his fiancé had all this furniture moved in. "Too many questions I refuse to answer, the real question is do you like the furniture layout?" Baji responded with yet another question. "Well yes, absolutely! It's exactly like the layout in that home design magazine I was looking at..Keisuke! You didn't!" Chifuyu gasped in realization. He went around the house to look at all the rooms. The ravenette stayed downstairs smiling to himself. He'd bought every last item from that catalog to go into their new home. He even hired people to arrange it into the exact same layout from the original.

"You really outdid yourself this time Kei." The blond laughed as he walked back downstairs. He was beaming from ear to ear which made Keisuke's heart feel whole. That man would do anything so his lover would be happy. "Do you like it?" The older questioned but the warm embrace Chifuyu enveloped him in was the answer to his question. "I love it so much, I'm so lucky to have you." The blond smiled and gave the older a chaste kiss on the lips. "How on Earth did you even arrange this? It must've cost a fortune, I could've paid half of it! How much was it, I'll give you half right now!" The younger male pulled his wallet out his jean pocket and started counting bills only for Baji to place his hands over his and guide them back to his pocket. "You don't owe me a thing, 'Fuyu." The ravenette gazed into the younger's eyes, bronze eyes meeting turquoise eyes. "I did this for you out of my never ending love I have for you. I don't want you to feel like you owe me a thing in your life." The older told the blond and kissed his forehead. When he backed up Chifuyu's eyes were welling up with tears.

"Eh? Why're you crying? Did I step on your foot or something?" Baji began to worry but the younger just laughed. "No no, these are happy tears Kei. Thank you babe." Chifuyu smiled and hugged his fiancé. "I love you." He added, looking at his lover who was embracing him in return. "I love you too." The older smiled and spun the blond around then placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "Um, although you said that this is a low crime neighborhood I feel like someone will try to steal some of my designer items and I don't fuck with that.." Chifuyu suddenly spoke up, completely killing the moment. "Right there's still boxes outside." The ravenette remembered as the two let go of each other. "Well, let's get this over with." He sighed and shrugged off his jacket. The blond rolled up his sleeves and they made their way back outside.

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