Chapter 23

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"Baji!! I missed you so much!! Oh my god, how are you doing? I've been worried sick about you." Chifuyu rambled as he entered the hospital room of a certain ravenette. "Chifuyu! How was work? Didja make a lotta money?" The older male attempted to sit up a bit but winced from a sharp pain in his gut and therefore gave up on doing so. "I think so since people like me more that Kazutora." The blonde quipped as he glanced over at the sleeping bi-colored haired guy. "Did they take good care of you?" He asked, changing the subject like a professional conversationalist. Baji groaned at that question. "The food here tastes like unwashed ass. I request a five star meal when I get outta this medical prison." The ravenette exaggerated. Chifuyu laughed and kissed his cheek. "Well ya gotta eat the food they give you. I'll sneak some yakisoba in here and there though." The blonde whispered the last bit and flashed the older male a smile. "I wanna go home. Hospitals suck." Baji complained as he played with the fingers of the blonde, who had taken a seat beside him on the hospital bed. "Damn, this bed isn't as comfortable as I thought. Now that I think of it, this hospital isn't in great condition. How are the nurses? They didn't try to flirt with you right?" Chifuyu whipped his head towards his injured lover whilst changing the subject. "Uhh, nope! Of course not." The ravenette lied and waved a hand dismissively. "You're lying, but I mean it's understandable of them. You're super fine, buff, and your hands are hot. I mean, c'mon. Who wouldn't want you?" The blonde sighed and intertwined his fingers with the older's and smiled in slight embarrassment when the ravenette made eye contact with him and kissed his hand.

"You don't understand how much I missed you," Chifuyu sighed and slid beside the ravenette, leaning his head on his companions' shoulder. "You guys literally just saw each other yesterday." The now awake bi-colored haired male interjected as he sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily while yawning at the same time. "Nobody asked for the details Kazutora, witcho gay ass." Chifuyu rolled his eyes at his friend. "Shut up, you're literally gayer than me." Kazutora squinted his eyes and pursed his lips at the blonde. "Who?" The blonde raised an eyebrow at the bi-colored haired. "Who, what?" The latter asked, resting his elbow on his knees. "Who asked?" The younger smiled smugly at the in shock man on the couch. "Fuck you, I'm not driving you home anymore." Kazutora grumbled and stood up, grabbing his things with one hand while the other was flipping the blonde off. "Aye no, bro I need a ride home. I can't count on you to make sure Peke J isn't showing any concerning symptoms." Chifuyu sat up and threw a sock at the male headed for the door.

"All the more reason to head out. I can keep an eye on Peke Jand earn your trust, you get to spend time with your hospitalized boyfriend. It's a win-win, plus I'll bring you both breakfast in the morning." Kazutora negotiated, smirking when he saw that his plan was getting through to the blonde. "Sounds good to me! Drive safe, and take care of my baby!" Chifuyu waved goodbye to the bi-colored haired male and laid back down beside his lover whom we starting to doze off. The blonde stared at the ravenette with endearment and then kissed his cheek before snuggling with him, slowly falling into a deep slumber; the adrenaline he was running on all day finally running out and allowing him to rest.

"No, I don't wanna leave!" Chifuyu whined as he clung to his boyfriend who had just woken up. "Who's gonna keep Baji from being bored and lonely?" Chifuyu frowned and looked at the ravenette, his bottom lip protruding. He was hoping it'd be effective but Kazutora didn't budge. "You can come keep him company after work, but you know you haven't been at work for normal hours in ages since we took that trip." The bi-colored haired told the pouting blonde, his arms crossed and his foot tapping the floor. Chifuyu scrunched his face up at the bi-colored haired. "Kazutora's right 'Fuyu, you gotta bring the bread in. Especially since ya gotta pay bills." Baji nodded as he agreed with Kazutora leaving Chifuyu with practically no excuses. "Baji!! Are you saying this as my boyfriend or a business man?" Chifuyu whined as he looked the ravenette in the eyes. "Why can't it both?" The older asked as he slowly sat up and ruffled the blonde's hair which was now starting to lose some of its color. The younger sighed in defeat and then kissed the ravenette's cheek before saying, "Fine..I love you! Call the nurse if you need help, and if you get lonely message me! See ya later!" and then waved before walking out the room, Kazutora waving and following after the blonde. Leaving Baji alone in the cold, boring, and depressing hospital room with no one to talk to and nothing to do.

"Love ya too.." Baji said before falling asleep once again.

"Welcome to the bread bank, we sell bread, we sell loaves!" Kazutora exclaimed as he and Chifuyu entered Hina and Takemichi's home. "I didn't know our house was a bread bank." Takemichi snorted as he led the duo to the living room where the rest of the group were being absolute doofuses. Mikey and Nahoya were being chaotic as always. They were currently threatening the other with pillows. There was a slight chance the both of them were either drunk or high. Could be both. Who knows? Draken and Mitsuya, being the only two rational ones there, were just talking about work. Nothing out of the ordinary. Hakkai and Souya were on the floor playing Monopoly: Empire, and Nahoya was currently winning. Then there was Koko and Inui who were doing god knows what. Honestly, who the hell ever knows what those idiots are doing? Emma and Yuzuha were throwing beer cans back and forth. "Well look who finally decided to show up!" Hakkai exclaimed as he looked up the board game he was in the process of losing. "You know we have to show up fashionably late!" Chifuyu replied and Kazutora flipped his hair in an exaggerated motion. "My god you're so extra. We were waiting on you lil bastards to eat dinner and watch movies." Mikey frowned and threw a slipper at the two. "Chill, we get it. Apologies from us to y'all. Let's prepare for dinner." Chifuyu gestured outwardly in the direction where the dining room was. "Sounds good to me! What's for dinner?" Nahoya jumped off the couch and made his way to the dining room. "We can't eat yet! We have two more guests coming!" Emma exclaimed, reminding the group that very important fact. "Fuck them! They're taking their sweet precious time anyway, they must not be hungry." Nahoya attempted to convince the girls but they didn't budge. "Thats not fair to them though! We don't know why they're late and you damn gluttons will end up eating everything and leave nothing for them! They're guests so it'd be very uncourteous of us to do that." Yuzuha scolded them all, proving a valid point as she did so. "Fair enough, we'll give em ten minutes." Mitsuya agreed and relaxed on the couch. "Mane. I'm finna starve to death." Mikey face planted onto an armchair and groaned. As soon as Chifuyu took a seat the doorbell rang and Hina went to get the door.

"The fun has arrived!"

A/N: This a short ass chapter too wdf, told y'all I was in a slump at the time 

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