Chapter 18: "Trust Is The Foundation Of A Good Relationship"

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"Come on!! Open the door Chifuyu! I know you're not actually taking a shit in there!" Baji cried as he repeatedly knocked on the door. "Yes I am! Go away!" Chifuyu yelled back and threw a bar of soap at the door. "No you aren't!! I can literally hear you moaning in there!" Baji yelled and rattled the door handle. "That's me trying to shit! Why do you care anyway?!" Chifuyu questioned, trying to change the subject.

"Because you won't let me do it for you!" Baji whined and gave up on trying to open the door. The two were silent for a full two minutes before the blonde mumbled a, "you're weird" and opened the door. "Wait a minute, were you actually taking a shit? Goddamn it don't even smell stank, it smell rank. What'd you eat??" Baji said, the words coming out funny because he'd pinched his nostrils shut. "Shut the fuck up." Chifuyu told the older and walked past him to the bed.

"Do you want to continue or what?" He asked the older male as he hopped on the bed. The ravenette looked up and over at the younger who was laid out on the hotel bed swinging his feet back in forth and staring into the older's bronze-colored eyes. "I'm down if you are." He answered, walking over to the bed while simultaneously unbuttoning his burgundy shirt till about the middle and stopped due to the blonde locking his legs around the raventte's waist and pulling him close. "You're a bold one today, huh?" Baji chuckled before beginning to kiss the blonde's jawline and neck, leaving hickeys here and there as he did. The blonde once again found the older's hair and tugged it, earning a groan from the male on top of him.

"Could you..not do that?" Baji asked in between quick kisses. "Unt-unt, you sound very..attractive when you groan in my ear like that." The younger smirked and pulled the ravenette in closer for another kiss, Baji's tongue immediately gaining dominance. Their lips and tongues moved in sync perfectly together. The older male began to slide a hand up under the younger's shirt, rubbing a finger over his nipple. Chifuyu moaned as he broke away from the kiss and bit his lip as he covered his face.

"Don't hide your face, I want to see it." The older whispered and went back to kissing his jawline. "It's kinda embarrassing, I mean we are going at it for the first time.." Chifuyu muttered as the tips of his ears turned red. Baji hummed against his neck and then stopped kissing him to look him in the eye. "If you're uncomfortable we can stop." He told the blonde while rubbing a hand on his thigh. "No! No, that's not what I was saying!" The younger sat up and cupped the older's face with his hands. "I do want to, I'm just a bit embarrassed that's all." He explained, looking down to unbutton the ravenette's shirt. "Well then, who am I to refuse?" Baji smirked and shrugged his shirt off before pinning the younger to the bed. "Take good care of me," Chifuyu snickered as he and the older male made eye contact. "Oh don't worry, I will."

After going at it two rounds in the hotel bed, once on the literal hotel floor, and again in the shower, Chifuyu officially had lost all feeling in his legs. He described his legs as 'pure gelatin' when he tried to stand up after kneeling down to give Baji..yeah. So Baji had to help him wash, dress, and walk back to the couch since the bed wasn't in a very..uhm..sanitary state per say. "My badonkadonk hurts." Chifuyu grumbled as he curled up under a clean blanket. "Any normal human being's ass would hurt after that many rounds." Baji shrugged and grinned at the sight of complimentary hotel pajamas. "Oh my god yes! And they're satin, it's like a dream come true!" He exclaimed as he walked over to the other pair of hotel pajamas.

"What's with you and your obsession with hotel pajamas?" Chifuyu asked, his chin propped up on the palms of his hands. "These things have me smelling good for days yo! One sniff and you can tell I was definitely at a hotel!" The older explained as he danced around with the pajamas. "Interesting, you ever considered it's because you spend your free time renting hotel rooms for fun?" The blonde asked, looking at his chewed up nails and then back at the ravenette who was now reconsidering his life decisions. "Oh my god. You might be right!" The older gasped causing Chifuyu to shake his head and sigh in disappointment. "You're obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer." He concluded and rolled on his back.

Baji changed into his hotel pajama's and joined Chifuyu on the couch, quickly kissing the younger's cheek as he sat down. "Aww, you're already showing me random acts of affection! I feel special, we really are gonna get married in the future, huh?" Chifuyu sighed contently whilst having the biggest and stupidest grin on his face. "Oh my gosh you look so cute right now." Baji chortled and peppered kisses across the blondes face. All Chifuyu could do was grin even wider while turning as red as someone's period blood on the second day. "You look like you're about to combust, are you okay?" The ravenette asked, cupping the younger's face with his hands. The blonde gave him a simple thumbs up because he felt as if he actually would combust if he responded with real words.

"Do you need water?" The older asked as he waved a hand in front of his face to make sure the younger was still breathing. Chifuyu nodded stiffly and then started rocking back and forth and humming. "Are you possessed?!" Baji questioned as he scooted to the other end of the couch. "What? No." The blonde said, snapping out of his trance at the accusation. "Okay.." The ravenette said, doubt lacing his voice. "Why do you sound unsure? I'm not involved in anything demonic." Chifuyu assured as he stopped rocking back and forth. "How can you prove that?" Baji questioned, his eyebrow raised. "I dunno, just trust me on this one." Chifuyu shrugged and got up to stretch. "You know trust is the foundation of a good relationship." He added and winked at the older.

Champagne & Cigarettes // BajiFuyu //Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin