Chapter 21: Pet Shop Pranks

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"Yo, do you think you can help me out with something?" The ravenette asked on the other line of the phone call. Kazutora could hear him taking in shallow breaths and there was sounds of glass shattering around him. "Boi wuddafuk is happening around you man?" Kazutora asked, turning out of the parking lot. Chifuyu was staring at him really intensely. "Who's that?" He finally asked, leaning against the car door and clasping his hands on his lap. "Is that Chifuyu? Don't tell him it's be, I don't want him to worry about me later." Baji suddenly said, heaving in short struggling breaths. "What? Okay," Kazutora rolled his eyes and then answered the blonde. "It's my cousin, he called to discuss visiting plans." The bi-colored haired lied. He didn't even have his cousin's number. "I didn't know you had a cousin...lemme talk to em!" The blonde exclaimed and reached for the latters' phone. "No!" The older exclaimed, earning a shocked then suspicious look from the blonde. "I mean, I'd rather you not. My cousin's a bit of a flirt, I don't want your boyfriend to get any wrong ideas." Kazutora was obviously a terrible liar and it showed. Chifuyu was getting more and more suspicious by the second, but he didn't push any further. In fact, he was pretty confident that he'd figured out who the older was talking to. "Fine then. At least tell Baji I said hello." The blonde shrugged and pulled out his phone where he saw on live news that someone opened fire at the ravenette's company. Around sixteen minutes ago.

"I'm jumpin' outta the damn car 'cause how the FUCK did you know who I'm on the phone with." Kazutora looked at the blonde with pure bewilderment. "I'm just smart like that man. I saw what happened at his office on Apple News, put two and two together, and came to the conclusion that you're on the phone with Baji because he wouldn't call me because he doesn't want me to worry about him so he called you instead because you were the first person to come to mind. Or maybe the first person in his call log, I dunno. Anyway, he called you to make sure that I don't try to drive over to his job and act like a distraught mother in search of her child." Chifuyu concluded, turning his phone off and leaning his head against the car window.  "Ainnoway man. Well that plan went up your ass and 'round the corner? Anyway, is that actually why you called?" The bi-colored haired male asked the ravenette who confirmed what the blonde said. "Yeah, that pretty much sums it all up." Was what he answered with.

"That's fucking stupid crazy how you knew're a psycho." Kazutora accused, eyeing the blonde suspiciously. "Sure I am, anyway you can go do whatever Baji needs ya for, I'll take care of the shop since I miss it so much." Chifuyu suggested, trying to negotiate though Kazutora knew he was going to owe the blonde something later on. "Git it, I'll drop you off and head over." The bi-colored haired agreed and then put the phone on speaker phone. "Hi babe! I miss you, how are you doin'?" Chifuyu exclaimed as soon as the older set the phone down so he could focus on driving.

'They just saw each other this morning...' Kazutora thought and shook his head, turning the corner where their pet shop was. "'Fuyu! I miss you too, it feels as id you've been gone forever! I'm currently trying to keep a glass shard from getting my leg infected, how are you?" The ravenette said, smoothly moving on from what he'd accidentally revealed to the blonde. "Excuse me, what?" Chifuyu blinked rapidly after hearing what his new lover had told him. "Turn the car around. Now." Chifuyu glared at the bi-colored haired male threateningly. "Man, I'm finna whip this hoe." Kazutora joked and turned into the parking lot of their shop. "Get out." He said to the blonde. "Ah- but-" The younger stammered. "NOW." The older interrupted, nudging the male in the passenger seat towards the car door. Chifuyu rolled his eyes, sighed, and got out of the car. He went to the back seat to retrieve Peke J, flipped Kazutora off, and then went to unlock the shop and begin cleaning up and opening the shop. The older had already started to drive off to go and assist the ravenette who was still on the phone with him groaning in pain. The bi-colored haired looked down at his phone when it made a text notification sound. It was a text from Chifuyu saying: "Please make sure he gets proper medical attention please and thank you :) !" Kazutora chuckled and turned his attention to the road.


The blonde paced back and forth, sweeping areas he'd already swept, rewiping windows absentmindedly. Basically just trying to pass time. Kazutora would be shocked when he returned to a perfectly pristine shop. Chifuyu could see his reflection in the floor tiles. Even the animal cages where fresh and he organized the cubbies of toys for them, stocked the shelves of food, toys, clothes, litter boxes, puppy pads, and plenty of other merchandise. "I think I could open shop now..." Chifuyu muttered to himself and went to put away the window cleaner and broom with the dustpan attached. He unlocked the door and turned on the open sign then sighed as he took a seat behind the counter. Minutes passed, and minutes turned to hours. At least, that's what it felt like to Chifuyu as he waited for his first customer in a long period of time, though it wasn't even that long since he last worked a shift. He just loves the shop so much that it feels like he hasn't been there in ages though he was legitimately there around two or three days ago...the way people function is quite interesting. Finally, the doorbell rang alerting the blonde that a customer had finally arrived.

"Hello! Welcome, how can I help you today?" Chifuyu looked up from where he was picking at a chip on the counter from when Mikey had accidentally dropped the entire thing on both his and Draken's feet which resulted in a stream of cuss words coming from the both of them as the yelled out in pain on the ground. Mikey's index and middle toe ended up broken and he was babied by Draken for the entire duration it took for his toes to heal. "You're kind of cute, you single?" The customer leaned over the counter, pink hair covered his eyes with a smile spread across his face. Chifuyu looked up in disgust until he realized it was the Kawata twins standing before him. All three of them burst into laughter and it took a bit for them to settle down before the blonde said, "I was really about to say something so unprofessional oh my god." which made the younger twin snort. "This was all my wonderful idea. We saw the shop was opened and decided to play a prank on you. Your reaction was priceless!" The pink haired doubled over with laughter. "Sorry bout him, he's a bit delusional like always." Souya apologized, poking at his brother with his foot. "No worries, this was actually the highlight of my day." The blonde laughed, waving a hand dismissively at the blue hairs worries. "Okay but listen to this shit," Nahoya slammed a hand onto the counter after he caught his breath. "How about this doofus over here is dating a Haitani twin!"

A/N: So there's a lot of spelling mistakes in ds but im too lazy to go through and edit them so like... HOPE YOU USED CONTEXT CLUES 💀💞

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