Chapter 8: Double Date Discussion

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"How's work been going?" Kazutora asked Kanade who was on the other line of the phone. "It's going well! We had a sale the other day and there were so many people!! I got know a lot of people and made a few friends!" Kanade squealed. Kanade was a pretty extroverted person and made friends easily. Kazutora learned this from knowing them only a few days.

"That's nice! So, I have an idea and I want to know what you think." Kazutora started while trying to get his eyeliner symmetrical. "Oh? Does it perhaps have something to do with our ship?" Kanade asked, smirking to their self. "Why yes, you're certainly a smart one!" Kazutora confirmed. "Well of course I am! I'm gonna be the smart one in our relationship." Kanade proclaimed. "Oh really? I personally think I'm smart." Kazutora responded.

"Hehe, not as smart as me~!" Kanade sang. "Now, enlighten me about your plan!" They urged, eager to hear what Kazutora had to say. "Alright, alright. So, date's help people get to know each other better right?" Kazutora began.

"Ohh, I see what you're getting at! You wanna set those two up on a date but use it as a chance to get to know each other better while still making sure the plan goes accordingly! So, you want to go on a double date, right?" Kanade concluded. "Yes, exactly! My god, you're amazing!" Kazutora exclaimed.

"I happen to hear that often, but it sounds nice coming from you." Kanade stated, making Kazutora a bit flustered. "You certainly are a very bold and straightforward person. I like that about you." Kazutora claimed. Kanade giggled a bit before clearing their throat and getting back on the main topic.

"So, how do we go about this? Like, how are we going to get them to actually go on a date??" They asked, trying to get every detail on the plan. "Good question! Answer; I'm not sure yet! Wanna meet up and brainstorm together?" Kazutora chuckled. "Sure, I'll be there in a few hours." They laughed. "Right, forgot about the whole out of town thing." Kazutora realized. "I'll meet you at the airport?" He asked. "Sure!" Kanade responded. "See you later," Kazutora smiled but then remembered Kanade couldn't see him. "See ya!" Kanade responded and then ended the call.

naur bc this chapter short asf no wonder ion remember writing this like 5 months ago 😵‍💫 .

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