Chapter 26: My Boy Finally Discharged

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"Where are you Chifuyu? It's twenty minutes after and we've been waiting on you forever." Kazutora grumbled on the other line of the phone. Baji was finally getting discharged from the hospital and immediately wanted to go pick up their rings all the way in Kyoto. "I'm almost there, like, down the road almost there." Chifuyu specified as he whipped the car to the right, trying to get to the hospital as soon as he could. He was in charge of closing the shop today and there was a customer who came literally two minutes before closing time. "I just want to get a new toy for my precious cat Pixie." Was what the old woman said. Apparently it was an extremely hard decision for her because she took twelve minutes to find one she liked. "Not my fault customers like to show up right before I close up shop." The blonde shaded and drove through a red light. "Oh that's what happened? Was it that same old lady from the other day?" The bi-colored haired asked, understanding everything when the blonde confirmed his suspicions.

"She does that all of the time. If we're being honest, she probably has a daughter she wants to put you on with." Kazutora snorted then told the blonde to hold on so he could explain to a certain ravenette what they were talking about. "Oh yeah, she's probably trying to put 'Fuyu on with someone." Baji agreed and started the countdown for a tiktok he was making. "Bruh I know the fuck not." Kazutora snickered but joined in the video. "Umm, what the fuck is y'all hoes doin'..?" Chifuyu stared at the two in confusion as he stood in the doorway and tapped the end call button on his phone absentmindedly. "It's not what it looks like!" Was the first thing that came to Kazutora's mind. "Nah for real bruh. Like...damn. You got all that ass...and ain't finna give me none????" The blonde walked behind Baji and slapped his thick badonkadonk. "Ainno way you just gained this from walking around in the garden for a couple of months." The younger raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "What have you really been doing? Like, you always had cake but that shit grew." Chifuyu gawked at the sight before him.

"No cap that ass lookin' thick.." Kazutora bit his lip leaving Baji too stunned to speak. "They hadda brother goin to the fuckin' gym on god." Kazutora howled with laughter and fell into an armchair. "Hollon cause let's talk about your MAN TIDDIES." Chifuyu said, swiftly changing the subject. Baji raised an eyebrow, almost looking similar to The Rock. "One question, how?" The blonde asked, looking at the bi-colored haired with wide eyes. "Bruh I ALWAYS had these, how are you just noticing them?" Kazutora squinted at the blonde. "I don't know, you've gotta be shittin' me right now! I work for fourteen hours a day for a month without a break and everyone gets a sudden glow up mane. WHERE THE FUCK IS MINE!?" The blonde whined and started punching s pillow. "Chifuyu you did have a bit of a glow-up no cap. You was kinda lookin' like a bum three weeks ago." Kazutora said, no sugarcoating or none of that shit. Just gave it to him straight. "WHAT?? Bruh you didn't tell me???" The blonde sat up and frowned in disbelief. "Eh, I think you look beautiful no matter what 'Fuyu." Baji smiled and sat down beside the blonde. "Thanks~! Okay but tell me the truth, was I really lookin' like a bum before?" The younger asked, cupping the ravenette's face with his hands and forcing him to look into his eyes. "Of course not! You was lookin' a bit disoriented but not like a bum!" The oldest male claimed. "Stop lyin' to that man. You don't look like a bum no mo so ain't no need to worry 'bout that shit. Shidd...who the fuck you tryna impress anyway? Baji right here ya know?" The bi-colored haired shrugged and then flailed his arms wildly like a bird trying to take flight. "What the fuck is you doin' with yo astronomically long arms?" Chifuyu grimaced at the male on the right of him. "Is everything okay? We are still at the hospital, we can get you admitted. Or are you just a bit slow?" Baji raised an eyebrow after asking. "I just spazzed out for a second there it'll be fine." Kazutora waved it off and stood up. "Let's go check Baji out of this white on white shithole and go out to eat." The bi-colored male grinned and grabbed his stuff to go. "How'd we go from how thick somebody got to Kazutora tweaking the fuck out?" The ravenette asked as they walked out of the hallway. "Shit I dunno, but what I DO know is ima have to see that lil thang back there up close and personal, if you know what I mean." Chifuyu smiled mischievously at the older and nudged him in the side. "Ahh, I get you. We'll have to get some alone time sometime soon." Baji smirked and wrapped his arm around the blonde's waist. "Also, your ass is looking thick too, what's your workout regimen 'cause I needa try it." The ravenette whispered in the younger's ear, his hand slipping under the blonde's shirt.

"Guys stop flirting, we're in public." Kazutora scolded as signed paperwork. Chifuyu pouted at the bi-colored haired reminder. "Don't worry, we have plenty of time together." Baji smiled and kissed the younger's forehead. "Thank you, have a nice evening." The bi-colored haired said to the receptionist and then turned to the couple who were currently still flirting. "You guys make me feel so lonely, I'm going to visit Kanade. We'll all grab lunch tomorrow." Kazutora huffed and walked out of the hospital. "Sounds good! Have fun!" Chifuyu waved his roommate off before he lead the ravenette to his car. "Okay, where do you live again?" Chifuyu asked as he hopped into the driver's seat. "I don't wanna go home right now...let's go to your place!!" The ravenette suggested, a flicker of heat in his eyes. All that flirting from earlier got him in the mood and who was Chifuyu to not take responsibility for his actions? "Mm, I think my place is a mess right now. Are you sure?" The blonde questioned, he was pretty sure that he'd left the place a mess because Peke J was hungry that morning and he couldn't find food even though he literally owned a pet shop. "I don't care about a mess right now. Let's go, please?" Baji looked over at the blonde and seemed to be in utter sexual frustration.

"Hmm...Baji, have you ever had car sex?" Chifuyu asked, taking off his seatbelt and crawling into the other seat. "Eh, once or twice. Most of the time I just got head." The ravenette answered, kissing the blonde's free arm as the blonde lowered himself onto his lap and leaned the seat back. "Oh really?" The younger smirked as he slowly slid a hand under the older's shirt and leaned forward to kiss him. His hands ventured up and down the ravenette's torso. Baji pulled the blonde closer and connected their lips, kissing the other deeply and passionately. His hands traveled up the younger's back and up to his hair, tugging at it slightly. Chifuyu gasped with pleasure in the ravenette's mouth at the sudden interaction. He looked at older through half lidded eyes as he began to slide his shirt off. Baji chuckled huskily and pulled away from the kiss to pull his shirt over his head. Chifuyu began to kiss the older's jawline, slowly moving down to his neck and collarbone. He bit down on the ravenette's collarbone and sucked at his skin, kissing and licking over the area he'd just bit when he successfully made a hickey. He did the same thing on Baji's neck, the ravenette letting a low groan pass his lips as he did so. Chifuyu trailed kisses down his upper body until he reached his boxer band. Right before Chifuyu could even get the question he was about to ask out his phone rung. The caller ID was 'Kazu's ole dumbass 🤣🚩 '. Baji sat up and asked, "You gon' answer that?" Chifuyu shook his head and declined the call. Only for Kazutora to call again. "FOR FUCKS SAKE." Chifuyu shouted and answered the phone, putting in on speaker.

"What on earth could you possibly want right now Kazutora?" He asked with annoyance. "Well there's plenty of things, like money, new shoes, a good childhood, some of Smiley and Angry's ramen-" The bi-colored haired listed. "Okay shut up! Why are you calling me?" Chifuyu rephrased, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Oh! I forgot to tell you guys some valuable info because you were being lovey-dovey and making me sick." Kazutora blabbered. "Just get to the point Kazu!" The blonde groaned, Chifuyu Jr. was not calming down anytime soon on it's own and neither was Baji Jr. "Cool okay so like, Baji's doctor said, and I quote, 'I don't recommend that Baji-kun has any sexual intercourse or does anything extravagant for a week or so. Just some precautions. If anything concerning occurs please let me know.' So like yeah." Kazutora said, quoting the doctor in a funny voice and then added, "Well I'm finna have dinner with Kanade so bye!" and hung up the phone. Chifuyu and Baji sat there in absolute silence and disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me." Baji groaned and ran a hand through his long black locks. "I think he's being honest, I did see them talking in the hallway before we left." Chifuyu mumbled and let his body go limp, falling onto the ravenette's chest.

"Well that was anticlimactic." The older deadpanned and sighed. Chifuyu chuckled and agreed. "Yeah, literally." He said and dragged a hand down his face before crawling back to his seat. "Where to, boss?" The blonde asked once he was buckled in. "We're going off the grid." Baji smirked at the younger, looking like a gremlin if we're being straight up. "Oh really?" The younger male joked as he pressed the button to start the car up. "Yup, set your GPS for Kyoto, we have some rings to retrieve."


Champagne & Cigarettes // BajiFuyu //Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ