Chapter 39: "You Guys Aren't Secretly Siblings Right?"

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A/N: kazutora's returned :D i missed him lol

also you shall have no smexy scenes hehe .

lol not the consistent posting ?!

"You said how I got yo address?...Don't even worry 'bout that bro." An all too familiar voice flooded the blond's ears as he rounded the corner. "Hakkai!!" He exclaimed and pushed past his fiancé to hug the long blue-haired male at the door. "Surprise!" Mitsuya laughed as he watched the interaction between his husband and his friend. "Yes it is, I thought you two were en route to Okinawa for another vacation." Baji spoke up, crossing his arms over his bare chest with a pleased smile on his face. "Yeah nope, there's like some kind of severe storm warning and I'd like to be able to adopt at least one kid before I die." Hakkai responded as he ruffled the beaming blond's hair. "We'll talk about that when we go home," The lilac-haired placed a hand on his husband's shoulder and then continued the main conversation by saying, "We heard you two moved and wanted to pop by. Also Baji you've gotta stop answering the door shirtless."

"Yeah I second that," Chifuyu put in, freeing the blue-haired from the circulation stopping hug he pulled him into. "I also agree, the next thing ya'know someone becomes interested in you and Chifuyu here will end up murdering them." Hakkai added and cooly shoved his hands into his pockets. The blond nodded a bit too forcefully and everyone heard his neck crack when his head went down a second time. "AHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK MY NECK HURTS LIKE A BITCH!! WHAT IN THE CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH FUCK I'M GOING TO FUCKING DIE DAMMIT!! MY NECK FEELS LIKE ITS BEEN BROKEN SITXY TIMES IN A DAMN ROW WHAT THE SHIT?!" He shrieked immediately after the action which made everyone jolt from the sudden raise of voice. "Calm down Chifuyu you'll be fine." Mitsuya immediately took charge because Baji was shocked by the amount of swear words that just flew out of the blond's mouth in a instant. Hakkai didn't know what to do so he just stood aside with his phone, ready to call 119 if need be.

"Mitsuya my neck hurts like hell, I think it's fucking broken." Chifuyu exaggerated as he looked dead into the lilac-haired's eyes. "No you didn't, can you move your neck?" The only ration person at the moment questioned and helped the blond lift his head and move it around. "You probably just cracked your neck after it needed to be crack for a long period of time." He concluded and placed his hands on his hips. "So its not broken?" The other three chorused and Mitsuya couldn't help but roll his eyes before confirming their question. "No its not broken." He clarified and shut the door after realizing it was wide open for the whole neighborhood to see.

"Chifuyu you've gotta stop being such a drama queen." Hakkai scolded but a look of relief painted his features. "Oh whatever Hakkai. I don't wanna hear it from someone who's pined over a certain someone for more than five years." The blond retorted and turned his head the other way with a stubborn frown upon his face. "Wow that's what we're doing now?" The blue-haired gasped in offense while Mitsuya was watching the popcorn in the microwave and Baji was pouring them glasses of Coke. "Frankly I don't think the person who hasn't had a stable relationship since high school should be talking." The taller of the two quipped and both of the older males froze before slowly looking at each other knowingly. They were both worried an argument would break out and were about to do whatever was in their power to avoid that.

"Hey, we made popcorn! Who wants some?" Mitsuya interjected and lifted up a steaming hot bag of popcorn only to yelp at the heat and shoved it back into the microwave to salvage his fingerprints. "Yeah we have Coke too, aren't you guys hungry?" Baji urged as he drummed his fingers on the table. Their efforts were futile because Hakkai and Chifuyu just stood there making eye contact which was certainly not helping the blond's neck since the blue-haired was several centimeters taller than him. The room went quiet, if you exclude Mitsuya eating popcorn in the background, and the two were still staring at each other. The blue-haired noticed the shorter male's nostrils flare and he bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing.

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