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Heyya everyone!! I really am sorry for the delay of updates, I will publish a new chapter soon but first I must tell you why my absence was longer than usual.

I live in the Philippines and just a few days before Christmas, a typhoon had hit my country and especially my region. The inside of our house was drenched (we evacuated during the typhoon btw so were good).  Water was scarce and the electricity took time to be available, we experienced a literal dark Christmas and new year, but we got through it. There are many people who had gone through worse than I did, many lost their houses and many had lost their loved ones.

I was afraid for my friends and my dad's well-being due to the lack of signal for communication at that time (but they're all fine, luckily.) 

And when the electricity slowly became available around our region again, my research subject needed our research paper with a deadline. Me being one of the three of eight members who has electricity, I set my whole mind and body to finish the paper. There was no signal at the time in my town so I had to go to the city just to get to an internet cafe.

Now that everything is almost getting back to normal, our household now has internet, water and electricity. And the research paper has already been submitted, I can finally continue this fan fiction with ease.

I would love to thank you guys for enjoying this fan fiction once again, I am so happy that this got to a thousand reads and some of you has been asking for it to be continued, and I will. I really appreciate your support and I really appreciate it now you guys know and understand the situation I was in.

You be safe now, and take care <3 


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