Chapter 6: Bubbler's Back!?

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Marinette POV

As our Maths teacher, Ms Mendeleiev, taught us about trigonometry, I thought about the pictures Isaac found last night. The akuma designs that Gabriel made. Questions spun around my head like the sun orbiting the Earth. 

Why did Sabrina steal those designs?

What does she want with them?

Is she working for Talon again?

Could she have played a role in Adrien and Lila breaking out of prison?

I shook my head in frustration. So many questions but no answers.  I looked outside the window and saw bubbles.

"What the-?" I muttered.

"Marinette?" Ms Mendeleiev called.

"Eh? Yes, ma'am?" I asked.

"Where you even listening?" She asked with a scowl.

The class looked at me. Alya gave me a sympathetic look while Chloe tried not to laugh.

"Well- err?" I stammered.

A scream from outside cut me of. Everyone got up from their seats and went to look outside the window. People trapped in green bubbles floated towards the Eiffel Tower.

"Green bubbles. People trapped inside. Why does that sound familiar?"Alya asked.

I looked at Nino, who shrugged. I beckoned the others to follow me.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Ms Mendeleiev called.

"Bathroom! Later!" Isaac called as he darted after us. We raced to the PE locker room, only to run into Cassie, Luka and Malik.

"Did you see what we saw?" Malik asked.

"Floating green bubbles with people trapped inside? Yeah, we saw it." Isaac replied.

"But that doesn't make any sense. I thought Bubbler was Nino." Zoe said.

"Yeah, something doesn't add up. If I'm here then who's the dude outside?" Nino asked as he jerked his thumb at the green bubbles.

"Doesn't matter. What matters now is that we stop this from getting worse." I said.

We quickly transformed and followed the bubbles to the Tower. There we saw The Bubbler.

"Well well well. Long time no see." He called, twirling his bubble sword.

"Damn, it's like looking at a mirror." Nino gasped.

"Except the reflection fights back. And hits hard." Isaac replied.

"Ok, Bubble boy! Give up or get your ass whooped! The choice is yours!" Chloe shouted, shaking her fist.

We exchanged looks and shrugged.

"And I thought Ike had anger issues." Cassie sighed.

"Hey! That hurt!" Isaac said, clutching his heart as he got shot.

"Not as much as this!" Bubbler fired red bubbles at us.

"Shelter!" Nino shouted and blocked the bubbles, gritting his teeth in effort.

"Figured as much. What's the plan?" Isaac said.

"Err." I stammered.

"Seriously, you don't have a plan!?"  Malik gasped.

"Hey, this isn't as easy as it look, ok?" I retorted.

I looked at his bubble sword and nodded.

"I bet the akuma is in his bubble sword. We'll need to take it from him." I said.

"Yeah. And fast. Those bubbles are going further and further in the air." Zoe said as she pointed at the bubbles.

Nino deactivated his power and threw his shield at Bubbler, who dodge and fired another red bubble at us. Isaac deflected it with his spider legs.  Bubbler darted towards us, dodging and countering our attacks. Cassie lashed her whip at him. Bubbler ducked under the whip and snapped a kick at her. She quickly stepped back to avoid the kick. Luka and I threw punches and kicks at Bubbler, but he dodge them with ease and knocked us back with his red bubbles. 

"Eat this!" Malik shouted and jabbed his staff at him. The two exchanged blows until Malik lost his staff and tried to snap a kick at him. Bubbler dodged the kick and fired a green bubble, trapping Malik.

"Damn it! I can't break free!" He shouted as he punched and kicked the bubble, struggling to free himself.

"Enjoy the view!" Bubbler said as the bubble floated away from us.


"Hang on, Bat Wing!" Chloe shouted as she tried to prevent the bubble from floating away by using her spinning top.

"No time to waste. Lucky Charm!" I shouted and summoned a large wrench.

"What the hell are we going to use with that? Fix the Tower?" Isaac asked.

I looked at the Eiffel Tower and smiled.

"Isaac, you're a genius.  You guys cover me. Panthire Noir, you're with me." I said.

"You got it." Luka said as he followed me. 

While the others were fighting Bubbler, Luka and I unscrewed some of the bolts holding up the Eiffel Tower. 

"I hope this works." I said.

"Hey, I trust you, Melody. Even if your ideas are unusual." Luka said with a smile.

"You get points for honesty." I said and kissed his cheek.

We heard a painful grunt from Isaac and Cassie, who slammed into the Tower and blacked out. Chloe was struggling to keep Malik from floating into the atmosphere and Alya, Nino Juleka and Zoe were fighting Bubbler.

"Lead him to the Tower." I said in to my communicator. Alya nodded and beckoned the others to the Tower. They nodded and ran to the Tower. Bubbler followed them, firing red bubbles at them.

"Almost there." I muttered. Isaac and Cassie regained consciousness and saw Bubbler.

"He's getting closer, LB!" Isaac warned.

"Wait." I said.

As soon as Bubbler was in range, I shouted.


Luka used Cataclysm to disintegrate the unscrewed I -beams of the tower, knocking them down towards Bubbler. 

"Oh cra-!" Bubbler shouted and tried to dodge, but he was buried by the I-beams. His bubble sword clattered at Zoe's feet. She picked it up and snapped it in half. No akuma came out and Bubbler disappeared.

"What the-!? Where's the akuma!?" Cassie shouted.

"Ok, this is weird." Isaac said as he looked at the broken bubble sword.

"First. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" I shouted as I tossed up the wrench, repairing the damage and freeing the civilians from their bubble prison. Malik panted for breath and hugged Chloe.

"Well, that's that." Luka sighed.

"Yeah. Let's head out before we transform." Zoe said.

We nodded and went to a nearby alleyway.

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