Chapter 11: Scorpio vs Chat Blanc

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Cassie POV

I dodge Blanc's scythe and lashed out my whip. He caught it and tugged me towards him. As he swung his scythe, I quickly front flipped over him and landed with a roll. Chat Blanc smirked and swung his scythe at me again. I quickly dodged the blade and struck his cheek with my whip, cutting his cheek. He recoiled and then flashed a crazed smile.

"That was the same cheek your brother cut." He said and wiped the blood from his cheek. He chuckled and looked at me,

 By the way, how are his wounds healing?" He asked.

My hands shook with rage and my heartbeat quickened. All I could see is my brother lying on his hospital bed, covered in bandages.

"Don't let him wind you up, Cas!" Isaac shouted as he parried Dark Cupid's arrows.

"I heard that he's in a coma. I doubt he'll wake up from it." Chat Blanc taunted.

"Shut up." I muttered and lashed out my whip again. Chat Blanc disappeared into a blur and stood in front of me with a smirk. I threw a punch at him, but he caught my fist. In a flash, he kicked me in the stomach, causing me to crash into The Louvre's pyramid. As I recovered, I saw a white arrow fired towards me. I quickly dived out of the way, landing with a quick roll.

"Scorpion's Charge!" I shouted and summoned my chi scorpion. It darted towards Chat Blanc, who smirked and cleaved it in half with a single swing of his blade.

"Pathetic." He chuckled and darted forward. Before I could recover, his scythe struck my side. Pain burned like wildfire. The veins in my stomach turned white. I tried not to scream.

"Cassie!" Isaac cried and ran towards me. 

Before he could reach out to me, Chat Blanc stabbed his scythe into his torso. 

"IKE! NO!" I cried as he fell to the ground, clutching his chest. White veins appeared on his face. He coughed and tried to get up, but was pinned down by Black Widow and Heartbreaker.

The others surrounded Chat Blanc, their weapons drawn.

"We'll take Cassandra with us." Lila said with a smirk as Stoneheart hoisted me over his shoulder.

"Let her go!" Marinette shouted as she swung her yo-yo at Lila, who blocked it and allowed Black Widow to swing his sword at her. Marinette jumped back, the blade grazing her cheek.

"If you want her, come to Snowdon Mountain. Better hurry." Volpina said with a smirk. 

Before they noticed, I removed my scorpion bracelet and tossed it to Nino, who caught it. 

And with that, my vision faded.

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