Chapter 19: Face yourself

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Isaac POV

After we parted ways with Gloria and Thomas, we made our way to Le Grande Paris. The constant battle between us and the akumas made us and our kwamis exhausted and we were starting to reach our limit. We sat down on the roof to catch our breath.

"I thought the paper work in the office was bad. This is much worse." Andy panted, fanning his face.

"Yeah? Before this, you were sitting behind your desk while we were running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, fighting crime." I replied, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Hey, I can pull my own weight, Zack." Andy retorted.

"I didn't say you're lazy. I'm just stating a fact." I replied.

"Guys, this isn't the time to argue. Even if Isaac was right." Marinette said, leaning on Luka for support.

"You guys are mean, you know that?" Andy said, sulking in the corner.

I chuckled and feed Arachne an energy bar, whilst handing out the others the remaining ones I had. When I checked my bag, I noticed I still had the vials that Master Fu made. The antidote for Chat Blanc's scythe. I checked how many I had left.

3 vials remaining. Master Fu only made 6 and Luka, Cassie and I took half of them. 

"What if Jackie ends up getting poisoned by Chat Blanc? And I have to chose between her and others who have been poisoned?" I muttered, staring down at the vials.

Part of me would want to cure Jackie. But part of me would want to save the others. Thoughts clouded my mind.

"Isaac?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked back and saw Cassie with a concerned look on her face.

"Sorry. I was somewhere else." I said, stuffing the vials in my bag. 

"Boss, you sure you ok?" Arachne asked.

"Yeah. Don't worry, guys. I'm fine." I said.

"You're a terrible liar." Cassie said, crossing her arms.

I sighed and told her about the vials and asked her what would happen if I had to chose between Jackie and another person. Cassie placed a hand on my cheek.

"I can't make that decision for you. You have to make that choice yourself." She said. 

"What if I make the wrong choice?" I asked.

Before she could reply, she tackled me to one side as a beam was fired in our direction. The beam struck the wall, barely missing Nicholas.

"What the hell was that!?" Nicholas cried.

We got up and saw a figure dressed as Crimson Web but in all black and a figure in a jet black cloak with a purple jumpsuit with a red broken heart on the front. He also wore black boots and a violet thief mask. On his side was a sword with a broken heart shape on the hilt.

"Who are those two?" Nicholas asked.

"Black Widow and Heartbreaker." Marinette said.

"My akumaized counterparts." I added bitterly.

Black Widow unsheathed his sword and lunged at Cassie, who blocked it with her whip. She lashed her whip at Black Widow, who side somersaulted over her and kicked her in the back. She stumbled towards the edge. Ladybug and Shadow Cat ran towards him, but we intercepted by Heartbreaker, who swung his sword at them, forcing them back. I fired a web at Heartbreaker and pulled him towards me. As he got close, I punched him square in the jaw, knocking him backwards.

"You guys go ahead! I'll deal with them!" I called.

"No! We're staying to help!" Cassie said, dodging Black Widow's webs.

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