Chapter 14: Rescuing Cassie

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Isaac POV

After Alex used the Rabbit miraculous to summon a portal to Snowdon Mountain, not before saying our goodbyes to Jackie, Master Fu, The Dupain Chengs and the others, we arrived at Cardiff, the city I was born in. I looked around and sighed sadly.

"Isaac, are you alright?" Marinette asked.

I sighed and readjusted my goggles.

"Yeah. It's been a while since I stepped into my old city. I guess I felt homesick." I replied.

"I know that feeling to well, Ike." Andy replied, staring sadly at the sky.

After a while, Marinette used the horse miraculous to summon a portal to Mount Snowdon. We arrived at the entrance and hid behind a rock, watching the guards chat among themselves.

"You think the plan will work?" One of them asked.

"No doubt about it, those superheroes will be ancient history." His partner said with glee.

We exchanged looks, confused by their discussion.

"What plan?" Luka asked.

"Don't know, don't care. Let's just find my sister and kick Chat Blanc's ass." Andy replied gruffly.

We waited until the guards left and quickly, but quietly, entered their base. 

"Huh. It's a lot bigger than I imagined." I said, looking around. 

"You remember where they keep their prisoners?" Luka asked.

"Sort of. But let's be careful, we don't want to alert the guards. This way." I said and followed the path to the holding cells. Eventually, we arrived. I cursed as I saw a group of guards standing in front of the door.

"Guess we'll have to fight our way through." Luka said and pulled out his staff.

We nodded and darted towards the guards. I fired my webs at one of them, pinning him to the wall, and snapped a kick at his partner. Marinette ducked under one of the guards and gave him an uppercut to his chin. Andy used his whip gauntlet to knock the gun out off another guards hands before flipping him over his shoulder and jabbed him in the face, knocking him out. Nino tossed his shield at the remaining few guards, disarming them and Alya knocked them out with her staff. We tied up the unconscious guards and entered the holding cell via the key card I stole from one of the guards.

After 45 minutes of searching, I heard Marinette call us over the the cell she was looking into. There, we saw Cassie chained to a chair. White veins covered her arms, legs and neck. She was shivering from the pain of her wounds.

"Cataclysm." Luka said and punched the door open. I ran inside and cut the chains with my sword, freeing Cassie. 

"Cas. Hey, it's us. We're here to get you out of here." I said as I fed her the antidote Master Fu gave to us. She swallowed the green liquid. The white veins dissipated and her skin returned to her normal colour. Cassie regained consciousness.

"Isaac? But how?" She asked.

"No time to explain." Andy said and helped her up.

"Andy? You recovered from your coma! But why are you-?" Cassie began.

"We'll talk later. Right now, we need to leave." Nino said.

"Naïve as always." A voice boomed via the speaker.

"Talon!? Where are you!?" I shouted as we drew our weapons. Cassie leaned on Alya for support.

"About to leave Wales. Not before we enjoying the fireworks." Talon replied.

"Fireworks? What fireworks? It's not the 4th of July." Nino asked.

Suddenly, something clicked in my mind.

"Cassie was used as bait for his trap." I gasped.

"A shame you realised to late. Lock the exits." Talon said. 

The doors clicked shut. Luka tried to use cataclysm again on the doors but to no avail.

"Hijo de puta! Come fight us like a man, corbade!" Andy shouted, lashing his whip at the speaker.

"I don't take orders from a Hispanic deadbeat cop! Or pathetic superheroes.  Paris will soon learn why it is unwise to fight against me. Enjoy the afterlife, fools." Talon replied.

With a cold laughter, the speaker announced we had a 2 minutes to evacuate. I heard the guards laughing at us as they left the HQ.

"Great. Now what? There's no way out." Cassie said.

"Can you use the horse miraculous again, Mari?" Luka asked.

Marinette shook her head.

"Something is blocking Kaalki's power. I can't summon a portal." She said.

"Well, guys. We are screwed." I sighed.

"Maybe not. I could use Shell-ter to protect us from the blast." Nino said as he pulled out his shield.

"Yeah, but that could have a major strain on you. And the bomb has a blast strength of like 500 sticks of TNT. That could be enough to blow your arm clean off." Andy said.

"It's either that or just sit around until the bomb blows us up." Nino said.

We exchanged looks and nodded.

"Alright. Do it." I said.

"Just in case this doesn't work." Alya said and kissed Nino.

"Here goes. SHELL-TER!" Nino called and summoned the green forcefield, albeit it moved slower than usual.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I groaned.

"Just a little more." Nino said as the forcefield covered the area we were standing on.

"10 seconds till self destruct." The speaker said.

"Nino, any second now." I said urgantly.

"Almost." Nino said.












Adrien POV

We watched from the helicopter as our HQ exploded, destroying half of Mount Snowdown. I used Cat's eyes to see if they survived. I couldn't find their bodies and smiled.

"Good riddance." I said.

Lila twirled the CD that contained the footage and smirked.

"Now that they're out of the way, Paris is ours." Talon said.

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