Chapter 16: Seeing an Old Friend

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Isaac POV

I woke up and found myself lying on a bed with a bandages on my head, arms and ribs. I looked to my left and saw Arachne sleeping next to me. She woke up and tearfully hugged my cheek.

"Boss! I thought you'd never wake up!" She cried.

"I'm alright now. Where are we?" I asked.

"'Bout time you woke up."  a voice said. 

I saw a man in his early 30s with spikey black hair, grey eyes and slightly tanned skin. He wore a black t-shirt, dark blue tracksuit and black sandals. He has a faded birthmark on his cheek below his left eye.

"Nicholas?" I asked.

"Been a while, Isaac. Your friends are awake and talking to my friends." Nicholas said. He pointed to a navy blue t-shirt and grey jeans.

 "Your over clothes were damaged, so I got you new ones." He said.

"Thanks, man." I replied as I got up, only to feel a pain in my ribs.

"Careful, you've been out for a day. Thomas was lucky to find you guys." Nicholas warned me.

"I'm fine." I said with a reassuring smile as I got onto my feet. 

"Alright. Come downstairs when you're done." He said and left the room. I got changed and went downstairs to see the others.

"Glad you're awake, sleepy head." Cassie joked and pecked my cheek.

"What happened while I was asleep?" I asked.

"Well, turns out the people who saved us were former students of your master, Shu." Marinette said.

"Yeah, well. I guess I forgot to mention that they also helped me defeat Talon." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I noticed that everyone had a sad look on their faces.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Thomas, turn on the news." A woman with dark brown hair said to a boy with hazel hair and grey eyes.

Thomas switched the channel to the news, showing the picture of Ladybug and the French Miraculous Superhero Team and underneath was a text that said:


"No doubt Adrien and his crew just decided to put that in just out of spite." Nino said, rubbing the bandage on his arm.

"In that case, let's head back and show him who's boss." I said.

"He's got a whole army at his beck and call. Plus the amount of akumas he's released." Jennifer said.

I sighed and sat down next to Andrew. 

"We can't stand by and do nothing. We gotta fight back." I said.

"No one's saying that. That's why we're going with you." Thomas said, standing up.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Besides, you're going to need all the help you can get." Jennifer added.

"Thanks guys. First, I need to visit someone." I said.

Marinette and the others were confused while Nicholas, Thomas and Jennifer nodded. After I put on a black leather jacket, red t-shirt, dark blue jeans, ear cuffs and my goggles, I went to the  graveyard and arrived at the tombstones of my parents and Shu Kang. With a sigh, I sat down and closed my eyes.

After a while, I opened them and saw my parents and my master in front of me.

"Hey, Mum. Dad. Master." I said.

"Isaac. It's been a while." My dad said, ruffling my hair. My mother pecked my cheek.

"You've grown so much." She said, pinching my cheeks. I smiled but didn't reply.

"You seem down, Isaac. What's wrong?" Shu asked me.

I sighed and told them everything. About Talon returning, Adrien helping him take over Paris and then the world. Afterwards, my master stroked his beard.

"Yes. It seems that Talon has become more and more dangerous." He said.

"If so, then you're in trouble." My mum said.

"Aren't I'm already in trouble? The whole of Paris thinks we're dead. Even after I destroyed the Hawk miraculous, he's still a pain in the-." I said.

"Yeah, we get it. But still, you can't just call in quits. Head back to Paris and show them who's boss." My dad said, patting my shoulder.

I nodded.

"You got it." I said.

"Be careful, Kiddo. Talon's crafty as well as deadly." My dad said.

"I beat him twice. I can go for a third." I said with a confident smirk.

"Visit again whenever you're free." Master Shu said.

"I will." I said.

After bidding them farewell, I found myself sitting in front of their gravestones. My sight returned, but I felt dizzy.

"Ugh. Still haven't gotten used to it." I said to myself, holding my head.

"Isaac, you ok?" Marinette asked.

I looked back and saw her and the others standing at the entrance. I got up and nodded.

"Yeah. Just visiting an old friend. Anyway, is everyone ready?" I responded.

Nicholas was wearing a lime green chameleon suit with black boots and matching mask. Jennifer was wearing a white polar bear jumpsuit with a black scarf, light blue mask and light grey boots. Thomas was wearing a dark blue falcon jumpsuit with a matching hawk mask and black boots.

"Yeah. We're ready." Luka said.

"Alright. Arachne, webs out!" I called and swapped to my Crimson Web attire.    

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