Chapter 7: Meeting up with Master Fu and a call from Andy.

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Luka POV

"And that's just about it." Marinette said after explaining what happened to Master Fu.

"Hmm. This is most concerning. Normally the akuma would revert to their civilian form after their item has been destroyed. And you say that he vanished afterwards?" Master Fu said.

"Yeah." Isaac said.

Fu rubbed his chin in thought as he looked at the akuma designs. 

"Perhaps Talon might've created a miraculous that can summon akumatized villains without having to corrupt the victim." Fu said.

"You mean to say that he can just think of an akuma and summon them?" Chloe asked.

Fu nodded. We groaned in dismay.

"Well, we're royally screwed now. If Talon can summon the akumas, he can have a whole army at his beck and call." Malik sighed.

"As if we needed more problems. Now we have to keep an eye out for them. Especially a certain white cat and his sly fox." Isaac added.

Everyone murmured in agreement. 

Suddenly, Cassie's phone rang. 

"It's my brother, I'll be right back." She said and left the dojo to answer the call. 

Cassie POV

"Hey, hermano. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Cas! The police station is getting over run by those guys you call akumas! And a guy in a white cat suit is leading them!" Andy frantically. 

I could hear gunshots and shouts in the background.

"Chat Blanc!? Ok, Andy. I need you and the others to go and find a place to hide. I'm coming around." I said.

"What!? No! He's obviously looking for you. You need to-"

The call ended after an explosion.

"Andy? Andy!?" I shouted. There was no answer.

I cursed loudly and got ready to go to the police station.

"Is your brother in trouble?" A voice behind me asked. I turned around and saw Isaac.

"Yeah. I'm going to go and help him. Chat Blanc and his army of akumas are attacking the police station." I said as I transformed into Scorpio.

"I'll go with you." Isaac said.

"Us too." Chloe said as she and the others appeared behind us.

I nodded.

"Alright. Let's go." I said. 

We darted across the rooftops, making our way to the police station.

Please be safe, Andy. I thought.   

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