Chapter 22: Ladybug vs Chat Blanc, Volpina and Miraculer. Crimson Web vs Talon

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Marinette POV

I woke up and found myself on the roof of Le Grande Paris in my Ladybug alter ego. I got up and saw the others strapped to a machine that is draining their energy.

"LUKA!" I called as I saw him straining from the effort of freeing himself.

"Don't bother, Mari-Trash!" Lila called in her Volpina. She, Adrien and Sabrina walked towards me.

"What is this?" I demanded.

"Talon is slowly draining the energy from your friends and their miraculous in order to recreate Paris in his own image. Once he's done, everyone will permanently in his control. No one, not even you can escape from his control." Sabrina said.

"You're insane. It'll kill them!"  I cried.

"Progress demands sacrifice. And this is also revenge for my father's death. At last." Adrien said with a smile.

I shook my head and pulled out my yo-yo. Miraculer summoned a sword and infused it with Shadow Cat's Cataclysm.

"When did you-?" I gasped.

"Took it while you were sleeping. We were planning to add you to the machine, but Adrien wants to rough you up for a bit first." Lila said while Adrien pulled out his staff/scythe.

I looked to my left and saw Jackie covered in white veins. To my shook, I realised that she tried to fight Chat Blanc but lost. 

"Don't worry, she won't live for much longer." Adrien said with a sadistic smile.

 I darted towards them and lashed out my yo-yo. Lila dodged it and struck me in the stomach with her staff. Sabrina swung her sword at me, but I managed to roll out of the way and allow Sabrina to slash off part of the roof. I quickly got back onto my feet and dodged Adrien's scythe, kicking him in the stomach for good measure.

"SCORPION STING!" Sabrina shouted as she launched a ribbon at me. I tried to dodge it, but it hit my foot. My body froze from the poison.

Lila kicked me in the stomach and summoned a few clones, who also started kicking me while I was on the ground. I coughed up blood and glared at Adrien, who slashed me with his scythe. Pain boiled in my veins as they turned white.

"As soon as we're done with you, you can finally rest. Knowing you failed to save Paris." Adrien said with a smirk.

I couldn't reply to his taunt because of the amount of pain in my body. Before one of the henchmen was about to pick me up, a web pinned him to the ground. I looked up and saw Crimson Web landing in front of me with a scowl on his face.

"Nice of you to-." Adrien said, only for Isaac to uppercut him in the jaw, reeling him backwards. Lila's clones tried to attack him, but he use Ensnare on all of them, trapping them inside a giant web.

"Mari, the vials." He said.

"Here." I said as I handed him my yo-yo. He opened it and pulled out the vial. He pulled of the cork and poured it into my mouth. The pain started to subside and the white veins started to fade.

"Thanks." I said as he helped me up.

"I checked. There's only one vial left. And Jackie's not looking to good." He said.

"Ha! That vial won't save here. She's to far gone." Adrien said, spitting the blood out of his mouth.

"Forget about me. Save your friends." Jackie croaked.

We saw Talon land in front of us, wearing Hawkmoth's attire albeit it is a silver and black suit and mask. He twirled his cane and pointed it at us.

"You can't stop me, Crimson. I am close to my goal. But, you are welcome to try." He said.

Miraculous Ladybug: Rise of Chat Blanc Part 2Where stories live. Discover now