Epilogue: Time to heal

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Marinette POV

1 month has passed ever since we defeated Talon and his army. Talon ultimately died due to his wounds. Adrien and Lila where sentenced for life imprisonment without bail along with Mayura/ Nathalie. We helped repair Master Fu's home but couldn't salvage the ingredients for the antidote. 

We mourned Nicholas' death and while Gloria and Thomas didn't blame Isaac, it didn't improve his mood nor ease the pain in his heart. He took some time alone. Even during school, I saw him alone in the library, not talking to anyone. I heard that Ivan, Rose, Mylene and Kim were released and eventually left Paris. Afterwards, nothing.

"Doubt we'll see them again." Chloe said.

"Yeah." I replied, leaning on Luka.

"Hey, guys." Isaac said.

He wore a dark red zip up hoodie with a black spider logo on the back, black t-shirt, dark blue jeans and red and white sneakers. He no longer wore his eyepatch and the scar on his eye was faded. His hair grew slightly longer and was streaked red. Around his neck was his piolet goggles and a gold pendent shaped like a heart.

"You ok, little spider?" Cassie asked.

"No. But I will be. Eventually." He replied with a sigh.

"We just need some time to heal, right?" Juleka asked.

We nodded in agreement.

"How's Jackie?" I asked.

"Sore, but still kicking. Said she'll be back to work in 3 weeks time." Isaac replied.

"Hey, guys. We'd better go. We got Physics with Ms Mendeleiev." Zoe said.

"Noooo. I don't wanna go!" Chloe moaned.

"Tough, My Queen. We gotta go." Malik said.

"Fine." Chloe sighed.

Juleka's right. After everything we went through. We needed some time to heal.

And be ready for what happens next. 

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