Chapter 20: Ambush

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Cassie POV

As we ventured along the rooftops, I thought about Isaac and the outcome of his fight. I could feel the tears pricking my eyes.

"Cas? You ok?" Andy asked me.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and sighed.

"Sorry, I was somewhere else." I said, pinching the silver pendent around my neck.

"I'm sure Isaac will come through. After all, he's Crimson Web." Andy said with a smile.

I nodded and returned his smile. Moments passed until we finally arrived at Le Grande Paris hotel. We peeked over the edge and saw a group of guards dragging a blonde haired girl with a tattered yellow cardigan and a torn t-shirt. A boy in a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans and grey sneakers was also dragged inside the hotel.

"Chloe and Malik? But, where are the others?" Marinette asked.

"Last time I saw them, we were fighting Chat Blanc. We got overwhelmed and then Chloe told me to save myself. I didn't want to but Chloe wasn't taking no for an answer. I had no other choice but to run." Alix said. 

"Guys, look." I said, pointing to a group of akumas.

It only took us a second to recognize the akumas.  It was Alya and the others, but they've been akumatized by none other than whoever is using the Butterfly Miraculous. I could see Marinette trembling with anger.

"They won't get away with this." She said, clenching her fists.

"Getting angry over it isn't going to help." A voice behind us purred.

We spun around and saw Chat Blanc and a group of akumas. Before we knew it, we were surrounded. We got into our stances, ready to fight.

"You're outnumbered. Surrender or be made to." Adrien ordered.

"Miraculous Holders don't surrender. You should know that." I growled.

"I figured you'd survive the explosion, but I didn't think you would return to save Paris. Most people who survived death would turn tail and run away." He said.

"Then you don't know us." Nicholas replied, pulling out his kunais.

"Enough talk. Get them." He ordered his akumas.

The akumas darted towards us. I lashed my whip at two of them, knocking them back. Alix vaulted over a wave of akumas and spun her umbrella around, knocking out some of them. Luka parried a strike from an akuma with an axe and snapped a kick at his torso, knocking him into his allies. 

"They just keep coming!" I panted as I punched on of them in the jaw.

"Keep fighting! We've come to far to give up now!" Marinette replied as she ducked under a bayonet wielding akuma.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm reaching my limit. The previous akuma fights must've worn us out." Andy said.

Andy was right. The more akumas we fought, the more exhausted we've become. It wasn't long until we were overwhelmed by the vast amount of akumas. Suddenly, a lock symbol knocked Luka to the ground. I looked back and saw a girl in a black jumpsuit launching lock symbols at us.    

If I remember correctly, the akuma was called Lady Wifi. I felt a blow to my back, causing me to fall to the ground. My whip was kicked away from me.  A girl with pale pink skin, a black mask with a pink outline. Her lower arms are pink, which contrasts to black, with a pink outline. Her upper arms and lower legs are light pinks. She wears a black sleeveless jumpsuit that covers her neck, torso, and halfway down above her ankle gloves, with a pink outline around her V-necked collar, armholes, and lower legs. On her chest is a magenta pink hexagon with a black question mark on the centre and black ballet shoes.

Before I could recover, the girl grabbed my arm. I felt as if my energy was being absorbed. I tried to to free myself from her but the girl's grip was too strong. She released my arm.

"Scorpion's sting, huh? Not a bad power." She said and jabbed her hand onto my neck. My body froze.

"W-what did you do to me?" I demanded.

"I used your power against you. Hence the name Miraculer."  The girl said with a smirk.

I looked over at Andy, who was getting pummelled by a man in a bull suit. I tried to move, but my body was still under the effects of Scorpions Sting.

"Take them away." Adrien ordered.

His henchmen picked us up and carried us to the hotel.    

Miraculous Ladybug: Rise of Chat Blanc Part 2Where stories live. Discover now