Chapter 18: Heroes vs Furious Fu

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Luka POV

After we freed the prisoners, we were told that Mayor Andre and the rest of the prisoners were akumatized and are patrolling the city, in search of us. Marinette asked around for her parents, but they said that they were taken away via another truck and were nowhere to be seen.

"Guess that would mean Jack is probably with them." Isaac said in a defeated tone.

"We'll find her. And the others." Cassie said.

As we ventured on the rooftops, we saw a muscular man with a black mask, light golden yellow sclerae, brilliant crimson eyes, long light grey hair (which is tied in a bun and ponytail), eyebrows, a moustache and a beard, a black suit, and a light brilliant amaranth jacket, both with golden accents (with the ones on the jacket having the form of flowers), white socks and golden soled reddish brownish-black dress shoes.  He stood in front of us and got into his stance.

"You shall not pass. My master forbids it." He said.

"We're in a hurry, pal. Stand aside." Falcon said, twirling his three section staff.

Marinette squinted her eyes and gasped as she saw the akumatized villain.

"It's Master Fu." She said.

"What!? But Master Fu's an old man. No offence." Isaac said.

"The akuma must've made him younger. And way more stronger." Cassie said.

A group of akumatized henchmen surrounded us. We drew our weapons and got into our stances.

"We'll deal with them. You deal with Furious Fu." Alix said.

"Got it." Marinette, Isaac and I replied as we rushed towards Furious Fu. Isaac flipped forward and swung his twin swords at him, but Furious Fu caught them and kicked him away. I swung my staff at him, hoping to knock him out. But he blocked my attack with Crimson's swords. He swung and jabbed the blades at me, forcing me back. Marinette swung her yo-yo staff at him, only for Furious Fu to push me into her direction, knocking us to the ground.

"TAKE THIS!" Crimson shouted and launched a web line at Furious Fu, who dodged it. Seeing his guard down, Isaac pulled the web line, launching a chimney at him. Furious Fu threw a piece of paper at Isaac and muttered a phrase, appearing in front of him. Isaac threw a wave of punches and kicks at him while Furious Fu blocked and dodged them.

"Thunderbolt!" He shouted and attached a piece of paper on Isaac's chest. A stream of red lightning launched at Isaac, knocking him into a wall.

"Isaac! You ok!?" Andy shouted after he dodged an akuma.

"Uh. I think so." He replied, coughing. His red jumpsuit was charred and his hood was down, revealing his red hair standing up.

"Not for long. Statue!" Furious Fu cried and launched a piece of paper at him. Isaac rolled out of the way, but the paper flew into an akuma, immobilising him.

"What the-?" Isaac gasped in shock.

"Careful of his paper slips. They contain powerful seals." Marinette warned.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!" Isaac replied as he dodged streams of red lightning fired at him. I ran forward and grabbed him tightly.

"Phantom Palms of the Awakened." Furious Fu said and pressed his palm on my torso. I felt a vibration knocking me away from him, causing me to crash into Ice Bear.

"Sorry." I said.

"It's fine. What happened?" She asked.

"The wise man moves mountains without touching them." Furious Fu said and pointed his hands towards us. A gigantic force pushed us off the roof. Isaac clinged onto the wall tightly while Marinette and I hung onto the ledge. Cassie lashed her whip at Chameleon, who was sent flying , and caught him.

"Can anyone shut him up before he starts speaking in idioms again!?" Thomas shouted as he pulled himself up onto the ledge.

"Phantom Palms!" Furious Fu shouted as he charged forward.  He tried to strike Marinette, but Isaac used Ensnare on his hands, binding them together. 

"Awaken this! Scorpion Sting!" Cassie roared as she lashed her whip, stunning Furious Fu. He tried to get up, but his legs were numb from the poison. I quickly rummaged in his pockets and found a pen coated in dark aura.

"Luka, destroy the pen. That's the akumatized object." Marinette called.

I nodded and crushed the pen, freeing the akuma. Marinette caught the akuma with her yo-yo and purified it. She released the butterfly. Furious Fu reverted back to his civilian form and passed out. Isaac picked him up and propped him against the wall.

"Think he'll be ok?" Andy asked.

"Let's hope so. For now, let's head over to Le Grande Paris." Isaac said.

"Why go there?" Nicholas asked.

"Because that's where they'll most likely be. Hopefully we'll find my parents there." Marinette said.

"And Jackie." Isaac added.

"You guys go ahead. I'll stay behind and keep Master Fu safe." Gloria said.

"I'll stay behind too." Thomas said.

"Ok. Good luck, you two." Isaac said.

"Back at you." Gloria said with a nod.

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