Chapter 9: Comfort from an arachnid

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Isaac POV

After hearing her brother was stuck in a coma, Cassie fell into a sea of doubt and fear. I, for one, felt like wringing Chat Blanc by his neck and beating him to death with his own staff for causing Andrew's injuries. Cassie rarely spoke to us and has been visiting the hospital after school every day.

"So she hasn't spoken to you yet?" Chloe asked.

"No. I tried talking to her yesterday but she said she want to be alone." I said as I spared with Kagami. Our sabres clashed against each other.

 "Yeah, she seems pretty down lately. Hell, if my mother fell into a coma, I'd be depressed too." Alya said.

"God forbid that." Nino said as he rubbed her shoulder.

I thrusted my sabre at Kagami, who dodge and jabbed her sabre at my lower back, causing me to fall on my face. Everyone chuckled as Kagami helped me up.

"But for real tho. This is serious. It's a good thing that Talon can't akumatize victims or we'd have more on our plate." I said.

We heard the door open and saw Cassie. Her hair was unkempt and full of knots. She wore a baggy jacket with a grey t-shirt, black leggings and white sneakers. Her eyes lids were baggy.

"Hey guys." She said with a dreary voice.

"Geez, C.C! Did you even sleep at all?" Chloe asked as she combed Cassie's hair.

"No. Couldn't sleep. Not after getting nightmares about Andy's coma." She replied.

"No luck?" I asked.

Cassie shook her head sadly, wiping the tears from her eyes. I rubbed her head.

"You want me to come around your place after school?" I asked.

Cassie rested her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"Yeah. That would be nice." She replied.

The others gave me the thumbs up and smiled.

Time Skip after school

Warning: Lewd

After school, and a visit to the hospital, Cassie and I made our way back to her house and made our way to the bedroom. 

"I'm gonna go and have a shower." Cassie said after changing into her bathrobe.

"You want company?" I asked.

Cassie looked back and stuck out her tongue. 

"Perv." She said with her mischievous smirk and went to the bathroom.  

 "Is that a yes or a no?" I asked. Cassie ignored me.

After a few minutes, she left the bathroom and enter the bedroom.

"Your turn." She said.

"Why? I already showered after fencing." I asked.

"Because I said so. And you still reek." She replied. 

"Ok." I sighed and went to have a shower. After I finished, I changed into a pair of black shorts with a green lighting bolt on the left leg and a matching black t -shirt. Good thing I brought them before heading of to school.

I entered Cassie's bedroom and saw her listening to some music on her MP3 Player.. She was wearing a black turtleneck sweater that was 3 sizes too big for her and pair of shorts. I sat next to her. She stopped her music and leaned on my shoulder.

"Y'know. My brother and I don't always get along. He's always been a pain in the neck. And it didn't help with the fact that he became a cop. But he's always had my back, even in my lowest moments. Andy's the only family I got left. And I don't want to lose him." She murmured.

I gently played with her hair.

"I'm really sorry for your brother, Cas." I said.

"If only I were faster. If only I-." She sobbed. I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her hair and lower back. Cassie clinged onto me tightly as if she was afraid of losing me. Sahara and Arachne hugged her cheeks.

After a while, Cassie pulled away and sighed. 

"I'm sorry if I dragged you into this. I just didn't want to be alone." She said. I kissed her forehead.

"It's ok. I understand how it feels when a loved one is in a situation that is out of their control and you feel vulnerable. As if it was your fault. But it's not. Your brother wouldn't want you to sit down and feel sorry for yourself." I said.

Cassie nodded and pulled me closer to her. Her lips almost touching mine. After a while, we kissed. Cassie wrapped her arms around my neck. Her lips felt warm. We pulled away, catching our breath before kissing again. She sat on my lap and wrapped her legs around my waist.

I buried my hands into her sweater and grazed my fingers against her skin. Cassie moaned and pulled away before hugging me again. I gently kissed her neck. She shivered and held me tighter.

"No fair. You can't just kiss my neck when my guard is down." She said.

"Oh? Then how about I do this?" I asked and gently bit her neck. Cassie squealed as I gently sucked her neck. I pulled away and smiled at the hickey I left on her neck. Cassie touched her neck. She pouted and bite my ear lob.

"H-hey!" I exclaimed. She giggled and gently bit my collar bone, leaving behind a hickey.

"Consider that as payback." She said  smugly. 

Good thing she didn't lose her cheeky exterior. I thought with a smirk.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Nothing." I replied and pulled her onto the bed. Cassie still had her arms and legs wrapped around me. Her pendent gleamed in the night.

"You don't mind if I stay here for the night?" I asked as Cassie snuggled in my arms. 

"No. I was meaning to ask you." She replied, burying her face into my chest. She pressed her ear where my heart his, smiling as she heard my heart beat.

"Then yeah. I'd like to." I replied and kissed her forehead.

Cassie's smile broadened as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I did the same and fell into a dreamless, but comforting sleep.

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