Chapter 21: Akumas wave

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Isaac POV

I swung from web to web as I made my way to Le Grande Paris, hoping to catch up with the others. After swing from my next web line, I landed on the roof and continued on foot, leaping over gaps and jumping from building to building until I finally arrived at the hotel.

"No sign of them. Where are they?" I muttered.

Suddenly, I heard a voice in my earpiece.

"Hello, Isaac." The voice purred.

"Talon!? Where are my friends!?" I demanded.

"Safe for now. But, if you want to rescue them, you'll have to fight your way through." He said.

"You harm a hair on them, I'll-!" I growled.

"You are in no position to make threats. Enter the hotel if you wish to save them." He said and hung up.

I jumped from the roof and landed in front of the entrance, seeing a wave of akumas in front of me, including Marinette's parents and some of my classmates.

"News just in. Arachnid gets blown away!" Stormy Weather shouted as she launched a gust of wind at me. 

I fired my webs at the door and held onto them as hard as I could. Using my own momentum, I launched myself at Stormy Weather, kicking her in the stomach. As I landed onto the ground, Qilin used her telekinesis to launch a wave of chairs at me. I pulled out my swords and sliced the chairs with quick precision. She tried to snap a kick at me, but I quickly backflipped away from her and fired my web at her foot. Before she could react, I tugged my web line, causing her to fall to the ground and black out from the impact of her head hitting the ground.

"I hope Marinette doesn't bite my head for this." I muttered as I dodged Weredad's claws. I threw my sword at him, but he deflected it and charged at me. Sheathing my other sword, I fired waves of webs at him, causing him to slow down.

"Time for me to break some bread." I said and snapped a kick at his head, knocking him out.

Waves of akumas rushed towards me. I punched, kicked, dodged and counterattacked my way through them, each battle leaving me more and more exhausted.

"You look tired, Crimson. Maybe if you lay down your miraculous, we'll let you live." One of the akumas taunted while the others jeered at me.

"Not tired. Just hurt." I replied as I fired my webs at a table and threw it at the akumas, knocking a few of them back. 

 One of the akumas grabbed my sword, which was imbedded on a wall, and tried to attack me from behind. I drew my own sword and parried the attack, leaving him open. Turning my sword to the hilt, I rammed it at his gut, knocking the wind out of him. He coughed and fell to the ground, clutching his stomach. I looked back at the akumas, who charged towards me. I managed to take down a few, but one of them grabbed me and threw me at a wall. I felt my ribs crack as landed.

"By the power invested in me, you will-." Malediktator shouted, only for me to fire my web at his mouth.

"By the power invested in me, you will shut the hell up!" I retorted as I painfully got back up to my feet.

While Malediktator tried to remove the web wrapped around his mouth, the rest of the akumas rushed towards me. Before they could finish me of, a stream of ice froze them in place. 

"Phew, looks like we got here on time." Gloria panted as she landed next to me. Thomas flew down to our level. Master Fu arrived holding a nunchaku.

"Thanks ,you two. Any word from Nicholas?" I responded.

"Last thing I heard is that they're heading to the roof." Thomas said.

"I'm heading there now." I said.

"We'll keep them busy." Gloria said, patting my shoulder.

"Good luck." I said and ran up the stairs, heading towards the roof. 

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