Chapter 17: Getting back to Paris

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Marinette POV

After I summoned a portal and arrived at Paris, we saw a bunch of flags all over Paris. The city of love was now the city of akumas. All the akumas we fought patrolled the city, shoving civilians inside cages. The cries and pleas for help rang my ears. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Oh God." I whispered.

"Talon went from petty crime lord to full blown tyrant." Nicholas, aka, Chameleon growled, clenching his fists in anger.

"No kidding." Thomas, aka, Sky Falcon replied.

I gasped as I saw Chloe thrown inside a cell along with Zoe and their parents, mine included. I even saw a battered and bruised Jackie thrown inside the cell like a sack of potatoes. I looked over at Isaac, who's was shaking in rage. Cassie placed a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him.

"Andy, you might want to sit this one out." She said.

"No way. As a police officer of Paris, and your older brother, it is my duty to protect Paris from criminals, including you. So, I'm with you until the end."  Andrew said.

"In that case. Tikki. Kaalki. Divide." I said and reverted back to Ladybug. I handed over the horse miraculous to Andrew.

"Promise you'll give it back when we're done." I said.

"I promise." Andy nodded and put on the sunglasses. Kaalki told him the phrase to use in order to transform.

"Alright. Kaalki, full gallop!" He cried and swapped into a silver grey armoured jumpsuit with matching boots, gloves and his hair was in the form of a horse's tail.

"Nice. Silver Pegasus. Reporting for duty." He said.

"GUYS!" A voice called. We saw Alix in her Bunnix attire. She had a bruise on her neck and her jumpsuit is torn.

"I thought you guys are dead." She gasped.

"You thought wrong." Isaac said with a smirk.

"And look who came crawling out of their graves." A voice called. We saw Dark Cupid, Princess Fragrance and Reflekta surrounding us, along with a bunch of akumas.

"Nice to see you guys again. I'm just itching to sock you in the jaw." Isaac said, cracking his knuckles.

"Hard to believe that you survived. But this time, you're-." Dark Cupid said, only to get cut off by Crimson's web.

"Just shut up and fight." He sighed.

"Get them!" Reflekta roared. 

The akumas ran forward towards us. I dodged one of them and kicked him in the face. Another fired a sound wave at me, but Carapace blocked it with his shield. Rena Rouge swung her staff at another akuma, knocking her out. Another akuma tried to grab her, but Bunnix knocked him out with her umbrella. Silver Pegasus, Chameleon and Ice Bear were fighting  a wave of akumas. Ice Bear summoned a stream of ice at the akumas, freezing them in place. Silver Pegasus threw his horse shoe at another wave of akumas, knocking them out.

"ENSARE!" Crimson shouted and fired a wave of webs at the akumas, pinning them down. He parried another akuma who swung his sword at him with his own and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him down. Another tried to grab him, but Scorpia used her whip to knocked them out with ease.

"Fine, we'll do it ourselves." Princess Fragrance sighed and fired her perfume gun at us, unleashing a stream of black smoke and blocking our view. 

"Giza." Isaac muttered. His eyes turned white as he looked around. 

"THERE!" He shouted. I used my yo-yo to stop Relekta from firing her beam at us. With a strong tug, I pulled her towards us. Bunnix swung her umbrella at her, knocking her to the ground. After Luka stomped on her mirror, causing her to fade away, he used his staff to block an arrow fired by Dark Cupid.

"Run back to your master and tell them we're here to kick your sorry ass back to hell!" Cassie said.

Dark Cupid growled and fired another arrow at her. She deflected it with her whip, sending it back to him and cracked his brooch. He disappeared, leaving behind his bow.

"Well, guess no one's gonna send the message. C'mon. Let's go free the prisoners." Chameleon said, jumping from the roof onto ground level.

We nodded and followed him.

Lila POV

I watched as the prisoner's cheered as they saw Ladybug and her friends and scowled. This was not meant to happen. I looked back at a man with a black mask, light golden yellow sclerae, brilliant crimson eyes, long light grey hair (which is tied in a bun and ponytail), eyebrows, a moustache and a beard, a black suit, and a light brilliant amaranth jacket, both with golden accents (with the ones on the jacket having the form of flowers), white socks and golden soled reddish brownish-black dress shoes.

"You're up, Furious Fu. Bring them to Talon." I said.

"At once." He said and left.       

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