22. Amazing

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Bokuto looked over, brows furrowing. "Since when can you drive?"

Akaashi rolled his eyes. "Since I was seventeen."

Bokuto nodded. He'd been given painkillers that morning and they were a bit too strong so he was a bit woozy, confused as to why Akaashi was driving his car. "Where we going?"

"I'm taking you back to your apartment and then going to work. Don't worry, Kuroo is there to take care of you until I get off of work. Sound good?"

Bokuto nodded slowly. "Holy fuck man the sun is so bright."

"You just woke up again. That's the sixth time you've said that."

Bokuto hummed. He put his hand on his stomach and whined. "Hungry."

"Kuroo can feed you."

Bokuto tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. "And when you get off of work we can cuddle and eat starbursts!"

"We can do that, yes." Akaashi pulled into Bokuto's parking space and got Kuroo to help him bring Bokuto upstairs. Bokuto was easy to put into bed and get comfortable. He kissed Akaashi's knuckles and fell asleep, Kuroo by his side to keep him company for the next few hours.

Those few hours were rather uneventful as Bokuto slept and woke up, only really talking when he felt necessary to do so. Kuroo got him to drink something and eat just a bit.


"Yeah man?"

"What time's Akaashi gonna be here?"

"We still got three hours."

Bokuto whined.

"Do you need something?"

"He plays with my hair when I don't feel good."

Kuroo sat next to him and got closer. "Come here big guy."

Bokuto scoot closer and put his head against Kuroo's shoulder. Kuroo ran his fingers through Bokuto's hair, laughing at the way he leaned in immediately. Didn't Bokuto hate touch?


"Mhmm." Bokuto huffed. Akaashi was so much better at this than Kuroo was but this had to do for now. He leaned his head back, going into Kuroo's touch. "I need to shower."

"You do stink a bit."

"Shut up!"

Kuroo laughed and kept playing with his hair. "Are you feeling any hungrier?"


"Not even eggs?"

"What kind?"

"Uh... scrambled?"

Bokuto perked up. "Don't put milk or cheese in them. I don't wanna use the bathroom in an hour cause you gave me dairy."

"Fair enough." Kuroo eased up. "I'll be right back."

Bokuto eased up his shirt and sighed. His bandages looked pink in the middle, likely meaning he was bleeding a bit which was normal. Akaashi had to help him change later. Sure Kuroo could do it but Bokuto hadn't liked when he was helped last time even though Akaashi was the one doing it.

"After you eat I'll help you walk around a bit before getting in bed again."

"Thanks!" Bokuto was handed his plate and he ate slowly, his loss of appetite really getting to him. He needed to eat though and Akaashi was going to be angry with him if he didn't eat just like Bokuto got frustrated when Akaashi skipped meals. Then again he was recovering from a major surgery.

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