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/ chapter 31 /

"Shigure-san, I think I want to attend college." She declared, looking straight into the Dog Spirit's eyes with determine.

He blinked, stunned at her random statement and almost dropped the teacup in his hand.

Yuki, Kyo, Kisa and Tohru turned their heads away from the screen of the TV and shouted, "Eh?!" in unison.

"W-Wait, Ichika-chan, where is this coming from?! Will you be okay going to college? What if you get lost in the hallways and the bodies of college kids that you'll bump into that will knock you down to the floor and hurt you?! And what about—"

"Shigure, you're speaking as if you've experienced that. Also, that should be the least of her worries." Yuki deadpanned before turning to Ichika with a serious look. "Are you sure about this? This is a really big milestone. Have you spoken to Hatori about this?"

Ichika reluctantly shook her head. That was the thing, she was too afraid to tell Hatori, afraid of what he might say.

It might have been out of the blue coming from her, but she had been thinking about going to college ever since she saw the college students not too long ago. Yes, the college experience might be able to help her transition even better into society, but another thing that caught her eye the most were the text books those students carried in their arms. Writing notes, looking at texts, studying for their majors, doing exams. They were all aiming to head into a field of work that they want.

To have a career, something she wished to have. A purpose in her life.

She didn't want to sit aimlessly at home and grow old like that. For the longest time, she was just exisiting and that was all she knew. She was just a shell of a person, there was never really anything inside of her. She never had any dreams or desires. But then, over the course of multiple events, she met Hatori, Tohru and the others, and before she knew it she refused to stay a shell of a person.

Like Kisa's resolve, Ichika wanted to try harder. She wanted to try and try and try until she couldn't anymore. There was so many things she'd missed out on, so much experience. She was nineteen, yet had still felt like a child. She wanted to finally grow up as it was something she was repressed from for so long.

This was her resolve.

"I'm a little concerned for you, Ichika-chan. I don't know if this is a good idea. It might be too risky." Shigure stated, making her lower eyes. Was her resolve too much? She knew why Shigure and the others seemed so unsure about her decision. Up until a several months ago, she was just a girl who led a reclusive life, who knew nothing of the outside world and on top of that she had to protect the secret of her curse.

"You're being too overprotective." An orange-haired boy commented, rolling his eyes.

Ichika's eyes widened and she faced Kyo, who crossed his arm with a tint of pink in his cheeks. She didn't expect him to say that, or anything at all.

He looked away from her intense gaze. "How can she experience what she needs to if you're overprotective like that." He mumbled. Tohru nodded rapidly.

He never really made an input in anything of her matter and was always silent, yet here he was siding with her decision.

"As much as I hate to admit, the Cat is right. Everyone that's gathered here has all left the Estate for similar, yet different reasons but I believe we all couldn't experience what a 'normal' person could living there." Yuki agreed.

Shigure hummed and closed his lids in thought. He straightened his back and crossed his arms as the rooms enveloped in silence. Nervousness bubbled in the Zodiac members and Tohru, unsure of what his final answer would be.

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