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Ballo and Y/n are best friends

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Ballo and Y/n are best friends. Y'all have known each other since sandboxes. Anytime you needed Ballo during a tough time. All you'd have to do is call him. He'd be there in a heartbeat. Vice versa if it was the other way around. The both of you would have intimate relationships with crushes. In the end, none of them worked out. Your ex boyfriends would trip about Ballo being your best friend. For Ballo, his ex girlfriends assumed Y/n and Ballo were sneaking around. Which never ever happened.

Since then, Y/n and Ballo were big single. All you guys needed was each other. Y'all didn't have the need, to try out a new relationship. Currently, the both of you were in p.e. class. The guys played basketball. The girls were jump roping. Y/n, however, stood away from the other girls. You did flips and tricks you learned. Y/n was on the gymnastics team. It was truly your passion. Gymnastics helped you forget about your troubles. Ballo supported you and would come to your meets. He'd be the loudest one in the crowd.

Sadly, there were no meets today. Extra practice never hurt anybody though. Coach Blue blew the whistle. Signaling the students to put up the equipment. Then to go upstairs and get dressed. Something shiny on the floor caught your eye. It was Ballo's silver cross earring. You placed it in your pocket. Then went upstairs and got dressed. Before placing your p.e. shorts in your locker. Y/n placed Ballo's earring in her jeans pocket. You wiped your armpits with a wet wipe. As well as any other sweaty area. Afterwards, you reapplied your deodorant and perfume. Y/n zipped up her backpack. She made her way to the boys' locker room. Y/n bee lined it to Ballo.

Ballo: "Hey best friend. What's up?"

Y/n: "Your earring fell out."

You reached in your pocket and took out the earring.

Ballo took it and hugged you close. Nearly crushing your bones. Causing you to laugh.

Ballo: "Good looking out best friend."

Y/n: "No prob."

One of Ballo's friends Drew watched this interaction. There was a twinkle in Ballo's eyes when he spoke to Y/n. The dismissal bell rang. A lightbulb went off in Drew's head. He quickly pushed Ballo and Y/n into a locker together. Your body crashed into Ballo's. Drew closed and locked the door.

Ballo and Y/n beat on the locker door.




As Drew disappeared, you and Ballo looked at each other. Confusion written all over y'all's faces. Drew's last words played on a loop in Ballo's head. It was getting hot, so you took a black scrunchie from your pocket. Then tied your hair into a high ponytail.

Y/n: "Ballo, what are we gonna do?"

Ballo: "I have one plan. I don't know if it'll work though."

Y/n: "It's worth a try."

Ballo leaned towards you, attempting to kick the door down. To no avail, it didn't work. You sighed. Ballo folded his arms in defeat. The wheels were turning in your head. Your eyes widened in realization.

Y/n: "Ballo! I realized why Drew shoved us in this locker!"

Ballo: "Why woman? Tell me!"

You laughed.

Y/n: "He thinks we like like each other. So he shoved us in here. To admit that to each other."

Ballo looked down at you. He held your hands. You blushed like a tomato.

Ballo: "He's not wrong. I told him I wanted you all to myself. None of my relationships worked out. Cause those girls aren't you. You're the girl version of me. You're the only one I want to be with."

Y/n: "I want to be with you too!"

Ballo smiled ear to ear. Then pulled you into a bear hug. Picking you up. Y'all squeezed each other, as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You pulled back a little. Ballo held you by your butt and kissed you. The both of you felt sparks. You pulled away. Ballo rested his forehead against yours.

Y/n: "Ballo, let me try to get us out. I have an idea."

Ballo: "But I don't wanna put you down."

Ballo had his lip poked out. You laughed and kissed his lip. He smiled at you once more. Putting you down. You kicked the door, then punched it. The door fell off and Ballo picked you up. Spinning you around. You giggled and he grabbed his backpack. Running with you in his arms. He puts you in his car and drives off. Headed to his house, for a pizza and ice cream date. With his lover he was destined to be with.

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